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English-German translation for: Dime
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Dictionary English German: Dime

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NOUN   a dime | dimes
VERB  to dime | dimed | dimed ... 
SYNO   dime | dime bag
NOUN   der Dime | die Dimes
curr. dime [Am.] [Can.]
Zehncentstück {n} [Dollar]
curr. dime [Am.] [Can.]
Groschen {m} [ugs.] [Zehnpfennigstück in der BRD bis 2001]
curr. dime [Am.] [Can.]Dime {m}
curr. dime [Am.] [Can.]10-Cent-Stück {n} [Dollar]
2 Words: Others
dime-store {adj} [Am.] [also fig.]Billig- [auch fig.]
2 Words: Verbs
to dime sb. (out) [Am.] [sl.]jdn. verraten
2 Words: Nouns
drugs dime bag [Am.] [sl.][im Drogenhandel üblicher kleiner Beutel, in dem sich gewöhnlich Marihuana im Wert von 10 $ befindet]
sports dime defense [Am.] [American football][zwei zusätzliche Rückraumverteidiger im American Football]
lit. publ. dime novelHeftroman {m}
publ. dime novel [Am.]billiger Roman {m}
lit. publ. dime novel [Am.] [dated]Groschenroman {m}
lit. Unverified dime novel [Am.] [dated]Hintertreppenroman {m} [geh.] [pej.]
dime novelistGroschenautor {m}
dime store [Am.] [dated]99-Pfennig-Laden {m} [veraltend] [Billigladen, auch 55-Cent-Laden, 99-Cent-Laden, "McGeiz-Laden"]
travel TrVocab. dime tour [Am.] [coll.](informelle) Führung {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to nickel and dime sb. [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]jdm. das Geld aus der Tasche ziehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [in vielen kleinen Beträgen]
3 Words: Nouns
five-and-dime [Am.] [coll.]Billigwarenhaus {n}
comics Number One Dime [Disney]Glückstaler {m}
4 Words: Others
on the public's dime {adv} [Am.] [idiom]auf Staatskosten
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to drop a dime on sb. [Am.] [coll.]jdn. verpfeifen [ugs.]
to drop a dime on sb. [Am.] [coll.] [dated] [idiom] [betray, e.g. by spending a dime to call the police]jdn. verraten
idiom to drop a dime on sb. [coll.]jdn. (bei der Polizei) verpfeifen [ugs.] [verraten]
to stop on a dime [Am.] [idiom]in Sekundenschnelle zum Stehen kommen
4 Words: Nouns
dime-a-dance girl [taxi dancer] [Am.] [coll.] [dated]Amüsiermädchen {n} [auch Amüsierdame]
jobs nickel-and-dime job [Am.] [coll.]Billigjob {m} [ugs.]
5+ Words: Others
... are a dime a dozen. [Am.] [idiom]... gibt es wie Sand am Meer. [Redewendung]
idiom sth. is a dime a thousand [Am.]etw. gibt es wie Sand am Meer
They are a dime a dozen. [Am.] [coll.] [fig.]Man bekommt sie nachgeworfen. [Redewendung] [ugs. übertreibend für Dinge, die spottbillig sind]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be a dime a dozen [Am.] [fig.] [be common and / or of very little value]nichts Besonderes sein [etwas Alltägliches sein]
to be a dime a dozen [Am.] [fig.] [be common and / or of very little value]nichts Besondres sein [etwas Alltägliches sein]
to be a dime a dozen [fig.] [coll.]Dutzendware sein [fig.] [abwertend]
idiom to bleed every dime out of sb.jdm. den letzten Cent aus der Tasche ziehen
to nickel and dime sth. to deathetw. zu Tode sparen [Projekt]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Chasing the Dime [Michael Connelly]Unbekannt verzogen
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A 2017-08-31: http://www.dict.cc/?s=dime-store&failed_kw=Dimestore
A 2017-06-22: dict.cc LINK: http://www.dict.cc/?s=dime+a+dozen
Q 2017-06-22: to be a dime a dozen
Q 2017-06-22: Hat Polarjud recht, wenn er sagt, daß "to be a dime and dozen" auf alle Fä...
A 2014-05-04: nickel and dime :-))
A 2011-06-29: In AE, ..., I could care less if she would drop a dime on me.
Q 2009-01-05: dime-store novel
A 2008-08-15: Claudia, thanks for the tip on the 68ers. The dime has fallen, finally. :-)
A 2008-03-17: five-and-dime
Q 2008-03-17: five-and-dime
A 2006-11-01: sixpence was bigger than a dime is
A 2006-11-01: so... is a sixpence bigger or smaller than a dime?
Q 2006-07-06: 5 and dime
Q 2005-05-04: wrongful death & dime

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