| English | German | |
| mus. D sharp major <D♯ major> | Dis-Dur {n} <Dis, D♯> | |
Partial Matches |
| mus. D sharp minor <D♯ minor> | dis-Moll {n} <dis, Dism, D♯m> | |
| mus. D sharp <D♯> | Dis {n} <D♯> | |
| mus. D major <D> | D-Dur {n} <D> | |
| curr. hist. shield Louis d'or / d'Or | Schild-Louis d'or / d'Or {m} | |
| law certified true copy | für die Richtigkeit {f} der Abschrift <F.d.R.d.A., fdRdA> [Vollständigkeits- und Richtigkeitsvermerk] | |
| psych. dissociative identity disorder <DID> | dissoziative Identitätsstörung {f} <DIS> | |
| educ. German-Italian studies | deutsch-italienische Studien {pl} <DIS> | |
| diameter <d, D, ⌀, DIA, dia> | Durchmesser {m} <d, D, ⌀, DIA> | |
| electr. D-type flip-flop <D-FF> | D-Flipflop {n} <D-FF> | |
| mus. D minor <d, Dm> | d-Moll {n} <d, Dm> | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent in aviator's branch of the Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Flieger <G.d.Fl., GdFl., Gen.d.Fl.> | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the engineer corps of German Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Pioniere <G.d.Pi., GdPi., Gen.d.Pi.> | |
| German Institution of Arbitration <DIS> | Deutsche Institution {f} für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e. V. <DIS> | |
| med. incision and drainage <I&D, IND, I and D> | Inzision und Drainage <I&D, I und D> | |
| sports NBA Development League <NBA D League, D-League> [obs.] [from 2005 until 2017] | NBA Development League {f} <NBA D League, D-League> [veraltet] [von 2005 bis 2017] | |
| econ. design and development <D&D> | Design und Entwicklung <D & E, D&E> | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the mountain corps of the German Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Gebirgstruppen <G.d.Geb.Tr., GdGebTr., Gen.d.Geb.Tr.> | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the signal corps of German Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Nachrichtentruppen <G.d.Na.Tr., GdNaTr., Ge..d.Na.Tr.> | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the German Wehrmacht's armored corps] | General {m} der Panzertruppe <G.d.Pz.tr., GdPztr., Gen.d.Pz.Tr.> | |
| math. d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) > | d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) > | |
| mus. major | Dur {n} | |
| electr. data flip-flop <D-FF, D-flipflop, D-flip-flop> | Daten-Flipflop {n} <D-FF, D-Flipflop> | |
| optics 3-D glasses {pl} | Drei-D-Brille {f} <3-D-Brille> | |
| optics 3-D specs {pl} [coll.] | Drei-D-Brille {f} <3-D-Brille> | |
| mus. B flat major | B-Dur {n} | |
| mus. in a major key {adv} | in Dur | |
| mus. A flat major | As-Dur {n} | |
| mus. C flat major | Ces-Dur {n} | |
| mus. D flat major | Des-Dur {n} | |
| mus. major triad | Dur-Dreiklang {m} | |
| mus. major scale | Dur-Tonleiter {f} | |
| mus. E flat major | Es-Dur {n} | |
| mus. F flat major | Fes-Dur {n} | |
| mus. G flat major | Ges-Dur {n} | |
| mus. B sharp major | His-Dur {n} | |
| mus. A major scale | A-Dur-Tonleiter {f} | |
| mus. in the key of C {adv} | in C-Dur | |
| mus. A flat major scale | As-Dur-Tonleiter {f} | |
| mus. C major scale | C-Dur-Tonleiter {f} | |
| mus. major-minor tonality | Dur-Moll-Tonalität {f} | |
| mus. piece in a major key | Stück {n} in Dur | |
| mus. major and minor triads | Dur- und Moll-Dreiklänge {pl} | |
| mus. piece in G major | Stück {n} in G-Dur | |
| lit. F Career in C Major and Other Stories [James M. Cain] | Karriere in C-Dur | |
| mus. The key modulated from major to minor. | Die Tonart wechselte von Dur nach Moll. | |
| phys. down quark <d quark, d> | Down-Quark {n} <d-Quark, d> | |
| unit deci- {prefix} <d> [10 ^ -1] | Dezi- <d> | |
| mineral. d'ansite [Na21MgCl3(SO4)10] | D'Ansit {m} | |
| phys. unit debye <D> | Debye {n} <D> | |
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