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English-German translation for: Dispersion
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Dictionary English German: Dispersion

Translation 1 - 60 of 60


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NOUN   a dispersion | dispersions
SYNO   dispersion | distribution | scattering ... 
NOUN   die Dispersion | die Dispersionen
SYNO   Dispersion [fachspr.] | Lichtbrechung ... 
Verteilung {f}
Streuung {f}
chem. phys. dispersal
Dispersion {f}
chem. phys. dispersion
Dispersion {f}
pol. dispersion [Foucault]
Zerstreuung {f}
Feinverteilung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
phys. anomalous dispersionanomale Dispersion {f}
optics phys. chromatic dispersionchromatische Dispersion {f}
print dispersion coatingDispersionslack {m}
ecol. meteo. dispersion conditionsAusbreitungsbedingungen {pl}
optics phys. dispersion curveDispersionskurve {f}
math. stat. dispersion indexDispersionsindex {m}
chem. dispersion mediumDispersionsmittel {n}
ecol. engin. dispersion modelAusbreitungsmodell {n}
constr. dispersion paintBinderfarbe {f}
dispersion paintDispersion {f}
constr. dispersion paintDispersionsfarbe {f}
dispersion parameterStreuungsparameter {m}
dispersion rangeDispersionsbereich {m}
phys. dispersion relationDispersionsrelation {f}
phys. dispersion spectrumDispersionsspektrum {n}
print dispersion varnishDispersionslack {m}
agr. ecol. dust dispersionStaubaufwirbelung {f}
agr. ecol. dust dispersionStaubausbreitung {f}
phys. energy dispersionEnergiedispersion {f}
audio electr. frequency dispersionFrequenzdispersion {f}
phys. heat dispersionWärmeausbreitung {f}
tech. material dispersionMaterialdispersion {f}
phys. normal dispersionnormale Dispersion {f}
ecol. odor dispersion [Am.]Geruchsausbreitung {f}
phys. particle dispersionPartikelstreuung {f}
phys. phonon dispersionPhononendispersion {f}
ecol. pollutant dispersionSchadstoffausbreitung {f}
polymer dispersionPolymerdispersion {f}
comm. price dispersion [variation in prices across sellers of the same item]Preisdispersion {f} [unterschiedliche Produktpreise bei verschiedenen Anbietern]
chem. geol. primary dispersionPrimärdispersion {f}
optics phys. residual dispersionRestdispersion {f}
chem. geol. secondary dispersionSekundärdispersion {f}
signal dispersionSignalausbreitung {f}
sound dispersionSchalldispersion {f}
velocity dispersionGeschwindigkeitsdispersion {f}
astron. phys. velocity dispersionGeschwindigkeitsstreuung {f}
water dispersionWasserabführung {f} [durch Reifen-Laufflächenprofil]
water dispersionWasserverdrängung {f} [bei Reifen durch das Laufflächenprofil]
3 Words: Nouns
chem. (London) dispersion forces {pl} <LD forces, LDF>London-Dispersion {f}
cone of dispersionStrahlungskegel {m}
ecol. dispersion of odour [Br.]Geruchsausbreitung {f}
constr. excess pigment dispersionPigmentüberschuss {m}
phys. law of dispersionDispersionsgesetz {n}
chem. London dispersion forces <LD forces, LDF>London-Kräfte {pl}
stat. measure of dispersionDispersionsmaß {n}
stat. measure of dispersionStreumaß {n}
stat. measure of dispersionStreuungsmaß {n}
stat. measures of dispersionStreuungsmaße {pl}
audio nominal dispersion (angle)Abstrahlwinkel {m}
chem. phys. optical rotary dispersion <ORD> [rare] [optical rotatory dispersion]optische Rotationsdispersion {f} <ORD>
chem. phys. optical rotatory dispersion <ORD>optische Rotationsdispersion {f} <ORD>
med. pigment dispersion syndromePigmentdispersionssyndrom {n} [Augenheilkunde]
range of dispersionStreuwert {m}
4 Words: Nouns
phys. magneto-spatial dispersion phenomenonmagneto-räumliches Dispersionsphänomen {n}
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A 2011-12-03: ? dispersion graph
A 2008-07-27: ? a good dispersion
A 2006-07-29: http://www.brighton-webs.co.uk/Statistics/dispersion.asp
A 2004-03-01: to disperse / dispersion?

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