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English-German translation for: Do-it-yourself
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Dictionary English German: Do it yourself

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ADJ   do-it-yourself | - | -
NOUN   do-it-yourself | -
med. do-it-yourself birth <DIY birth> [coll.] [unassisted childbirth]Do-it-yourself-Geburt {f} [ugs.] [selten für: Alleingeburt]
do-it-yourself funeral <DIY funeral>Do-it-yourself-Bestattung {f}
do-it-yourself <DIY>Do-it-yourself {n}
do-it-yourself {adj} <DIY>Heimwerker-
do it yourself <DIY>Heimwerken {n}
do-it-yourself installationSelbsteinbau {m}
comm. do-it-yourself storeBaumarkt {m}
Do it yourself.Tu es selbst.
do-it-yourself <DIY> enthusiastHeimwerker {m}
do-it-yourself <DIY> products {pl}Heimwerkerbedarf {m}
do-it-yourself projectSelbstbau-Projekt {n}
Do it yourself!Machs doch selber! [ugs.]
do it yourself <DIY> industrySelbstbaubranche {f} [selten]
do-it-yourself {adj} [attr.]zum Selbermachen [ugs.] [nachgestellt]
comm. do-it-yourself store <DIY store>Heimwerkermarkt {m}
do-it-yourselfer [female]Do-it-yourselferin {f}
How do you keep (yourself) in shape?Wie hältst du dich fit?
Partial Matches
See it for yourself!Schauen Sie es sich an!
See it for yourself!Schauen Sie selbst! [formelle Anrede]
See it for yourself!Machen Sie sich selbst ein Bild.
You owe it to yourself.Das bist du dir schuldig.
How do you keep (yourself) in shape?Wie halten Sie sich fit? [formelle Anrede]
It's up to you to do it.Es liegt an Ihnen, es zu tun.
What do you have to say for yourself?Was hast du zu deiner Verteidigung zu sagen?
It makes you laugh yourself silly. [coll.]Es ist zum Kranklachen. [ugs.]
lit. F Plot It Yourself / Murder in Style [UK title] [Rex Stout]Das Plagiat
It's too late to do anything about it.Das lässt sich nicht mehr ändern.
idiom You brought it all on yourself.Du hast dir das alles selbst zuzuschreiben.
mus. F Why do you trouble yourself, my heart?Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz? [J. S. Bach, BWV 138]
You can keep it yourself.Danke für Backobst. [ugs.] [Das ist nichts für mich.]
without having to take care of it yourself {adv}ohne sich selbst darum kümmern zu müssen
You brought it all on yourself. [idiom]Du hast dir das alles selbst eingebrockt. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
mus. F Why do you want to distress yourself [also: Why are you distressed]Was willst du dich betrüben [J. S. Bach, BWV 107]
do-it-yourselferBastler {m}
Do it!Mach's! [ugs.]
Do without it!Verzichte darauf!
to do it again [Br.]wiederholen
to do it over [Am.]wiederholen
do-it-yourselfer [coll.]Heimwerker {m}
do-it-yourselfer [female]Bastlerin {f}
do-it-yourselfers [coll.]Heimwerker {pl}
Don't do it!Tus nicht!
ditto {adv} <do.>item <it.> [veraltet] [desgleichen, ebenso]
Don't do it!Mach das nicht!
Do it without delay.Tu es sofort.
You can do it!Du schaffst es!
to do it on the fly [coll.]improvisieren
idiom Do you get it?Blickst du da durch?
Do you get it? [coll.]Hast du verstanden?
Do you like it? [formal]Gefällt es Ihnen?
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Search time: 0.177 sec

Q 2012-11-27: Technische Do it yourself übersetzung
A 2009-05-12: Do it yourself! I'm not your errand boy!
A 2009-05-12: another variant: "Do it yourself, I'm not your errand boy!"
A 2009-05-12: I agree with Fudge - Do it yourself!
A 2009-05-12: Do it yourself! I'm not your lacky.
A 2008-03-12: C, you are making me quite angry here. this is nearly the same text. go do...
A 2007-03-31: you can do it yourself
A 2007-03-26: Some changes (did you do it yourself?)
A 2007-03-24: lol....I also gave up proof reading....its quicker to do it yourself...
A 2005-03-17: Do it yourself electrical wiring tutorial...

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