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English-German translation for: Do-it-yourselferin
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Dictionary English German: Do it yourselferin

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NOUN   die Do-it-yourselferin | die Do-it-yourselferinnen
do-it-yourselfer [female]Do-it-yourselferin {f}
Partial Matches
med. do-it-yourself birth <DIY birth> [coll.] [unassisted childbirth]Do-it-yourself-Geburt {f} [ugs.] [selten für: Alleingeburt]
It's up to you to do it.Es liegt an Ihnen, es zu tun.
It's too late to do anything about it.Das lässt sich nicht mehr ändern.
do-it-yourself funeral <DIY funeral>Do-it-yourself-Bestattung {f}
do-it-yourself <DIY>Do-it-yourself {n}
do-it-yourselferBastler {m}
Do it!Mach's! [ugs.]
Do without it!Verzichte darauf!
do-it-yourself {adj} <DIY>Heimwerker-
to do it again [Br.]wiederholen
to do it over [Am.]wiederholen
do it yourself <DIY>Heimwerken {n}
do-it-yourselfer [coll.]Heimwerker {m}
do-it-yourselfer [female]Bastlerin {f}
do-it-yourselfers [coll.]Heimwerker {pl}
do-it-yourself installationSelbsteinbau {m}
comm. do-it-yourself storeBaumarkt {m}
Do it yourself.Tu es selbst.
Don't do it!Tus nicht!
do-it-yourself <DIY> enthusiastHeimwerker {m}
do-it-yourself <DIY> products {pl}Heimwerkerbedarf {m}
do-it-yourself projectSelbstbau-Projekt {n}
ditto {adv} <do.>item <it.> [veraltet] [desgleichen, ebenso]
Do it yourself!Machs doch selber! [ugs.]
Don't do it!Mach das nicht!
Do it without delay.Tu es sofort.
You can do it!Du schaffst es!
do it yourself <DIY> industrySelbstbaubranche {f} [selten]
to do it on the fly [coll.]improvisieren
do-it-yourself {adj} [attr.]zum Selbermachen [ugs.] [nachgestellt]
idiom Do you get it?Blickst du da durch?
Do you get it? [coll.]Hast du verstanden?
Do you like it? [formal]Gefällt es Ihnen?
Do you like it? [formal]Mögen Sie es?
I can do it.Ich werde das schaffen.
Let me do it.Lass mich das machen.
Need he do it?Muss er es tun?
Go ahead and do it.Nur zu. [ugs.]
film F Do Fish Do It?Fickende Fische [Almut Getto]
idiom It will do tomorrow.Es hat Zeit bis morgen.
Let's do it again.Auf ein Neues. [Redewendung]
quote We can do it.Wir schaffen das. [Angela Merkel]
Am I to do it?Soll ich es tun?
Can you do without it?Schaffst du es ohne?
Do it for my sake.Tu es mir zuliebe.
It is / has to do with ...Es geht um ...
publ. how-to-do-it book (on)Ratgeber {m} (über) [Buch]
lit. F Did He Do It?War er es? [Stefan Zweig]
lit. F They Do It with Mirrors [Agatha Christie]Fata Morgana
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