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English-German translation for: Doing
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Dictionary English German: Doing

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NOUN   a doing | doings
VERB  to do | did | done ... 
doing {pres-p}
Tun {n}
sb.'s doing
jds. Werk {n}
2 Words: Others
by doing sth.indem jd. etw. tut
doing againwieder tuend
doing damageschadend
doing gymnasticsturnend
doing handicraftsbastelnd
doing without {adj}entbehrend
Nothing doing!Ausgeschlossen!
Nothing doing!Nichts zu machen!
idiom Nothing doing! [coll.]Pustekuchen! [ugs.] [Es hat nicht geklappt]
Nothing doing! [coll.]Kannste vergessen! [ugs.] [Das kannst du vergessen!, Ausgeschlossen!]
Nothing doing! [coll.]Nichts da!
idiom Nothing doing! [coll.]Da spielt sich (bei mir) nichts ab! [ugs.]
Nothing doing. [coll.]Das kannst du knicken. [ugs.] [Vergiss es! Das kommt nicht in Frage.]
Nothing doing. [idiom]Das kannst du vergessen. [Redewendung]
sb. won't [was not] doing sth. [dialect]jd. hat etw.Akk. nicht getan
What's doing? [coll.]Was geht ab? [ugs.]
worth doing {adj} [postpos.]lohnend
2 Words: Verbs
to abandon doing sth.von etw.Dat. abkommen [etw. aufgeben, seinlassen]
to abandon doing sth.von etw.Dat. ablassen
to advocate doing sth.dafür plädieren, etw. zu tun [geh.]
to begin doing sth.mit etw.Dat. anfangen [anfangen, etw. zu tun]
to begin doing sth.sich daran machen, etw. zu tun
to begrudge doing sth.etw. ungern tun
to begrudge doing sth.etw. widerwillig tun
to catch sb. doing sth.jdn. beim ... [substantiviertes Verb] erwischen
to catch sb. doing sth.jdm. draufkommen, dass er etw. tut [ugs.]
to catch sb. doing sth.jdn. dabei ertappen, etw. zu tun
to catch sb. doing sth.jdn. dabei erwischen, dass er/sie etw. tut
to catch sb. doing sth.jdn. dabei erwischen, wie er/sie etw. tut
to cease doing sth.mit etw.Dat. aufhören
to cease doing sth.(damit) aufhören, etw. zu tun
to consider doing sth.erwägen, etw. zu tun
to consider doing sth.daran denken, etw. zu tun [erwägen, beabsichtigen]
to consider doing sth.sichDat. überlegen, etw. zu tun
to consider doing sth.in Betracht ziehen, etw. zu tun
to contemplate doing sth.etw.Akk. in Erwägung ziehen
to contemplate doing sth.daran denken, etw. zu tun [erwägen, beabsichtigen]
to contemplate doing sth. [intend doing sth.]beabsichtigen, etw. zu tun
to continue doing sth.etw. fürder tun [veraltet bzw. hum.]
to continue doing sth.etw. fürderhin tun [veraltet]
to continue doing sth.mit etw.Dat. fortfahren [weitermachen]
to continue doing sth.fortfahren, etw. zu tun
to continue doing sth.mit einer Tätigkeit fortfahren
to cop sb. doing sth. [sl.]jdn. bei etw. erwischen
to decline doing sth.es ablehnen, etw. zu tun
to defer doing sth.etw. aufschieben
to delay doing sth.etw.Akk. verschieben [zeitlich]
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Q 2024-05-25: to not dream of doing sth.
A 2023-06-16: In general, I would always avoid undelete if at all possible. All you're d...
A 2023-06-08: Children books often depict animals doing human things.
Q 2023-02-20: What is the repetition of "dem" doing in the dash clause?
A 2021-02-27: Does not +access to art+ imply doing away with organizational hurdles rath...
Q 2021-02-24: a human doing
A 2021-01-17: I'm to choose between (doing X or Y)
Q 2020-12-30: able doing
Q 2020-12-10: catch me never doing something
Q 2020-06-03: "doing whip-its in the walk-in"
A 2020-05-23: agree with school weariness ( = tired ore bored because you have been doin...
Q 2019-05-31: What is dar doing?
A 2018-10-10: "we may" means here: in case we want to do s.th. nothing prevents us from ...
A 2018-10-02: romy, when doing so do not forget to put it in the forum, too.
A 2018-06-03: @Polarjud: You won't see Wenz doing that -- Ever.
A 2018-04-20: I'd say: Aushilfe (as a temporary substitute) - stand-in , Aushilfe (do...
A 2018-03-08: why are you doing ....
A 2017-12-19: Doing away with mini packages
Q 2017-11-21: Your experience doing the Monash JD
A 2017-05-14: Doing it that was seems a useful idea.

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