| English | German | |
– | |
| med. doctor of medicine | Doktor {m} der Medizin | |
| med. Doctor of Medicine | Doktor {m} der Medizin <Dr. med.> | |
| med. medicinae doctor <MD> | Doktor {m} der Medizin <Dr. med.> | |
Partial Matches |
| audio med. doctor of audiology <AuD, AUD, Au. D., Au.D.> | Doktor {m} der Audiologie | |
| acad. lit. Doctor of Letters | Doktor {m} der Literaturwissenschaften | |
| educ. lit. Doctor of Literature <DLit> | Doktor {m} der Literaturwissenschaften | |
| acad. law doctor of laws | Doktor {m} der Rechtswissenschaft | |
| law doctor of laws | Doktor {m} der Rechtswissenschaften | |
| doctor of economics | Doktor {m} der Wirtschaftswissenschaften | |
| philos. Doctor of Philosophy <DPhil, PhD, DPh, D.Phil., Ph.D., D.Ph.> | Doktor {m} der Philosophie <Dr. phil.> | |
| law Doctor of Jurisprudence <J.D.> | Doktor {m} der Rechte <Dr. jur.> | |
| law Doctor of Laws <LLD> | Doktor {m} der Rechte <Dr. jur.> | |
| law legum doctor <LL D> | Doktor {m} der Rechte <Dr. jur.> | |
| educ. He has a PhD in English. | Er ist Doktor der Anglistik. | |
| dent. Doctor of Dental Science <DDS> [Am.] [Doctor medicine dentalis] | Doktor {m} der Zahnheilkunde <Dr. med. dent.> | |
| lit. RadioTV F All Creatures Great and Small [books: James Herriot] | Der Doktor und das liebe Vieh | |
| the nice doctor | der Onkel Doktor {m} [Kindersprache] [Arzt] [auch hum.] | |
| educ. for. Doctor of Forest Science | Doktor {m} der Forstwirtschaften <Dr. (rer.) forest.> [(rerum) forestalium] | |
| lit. VetMed. F The Koi Doctor - Your guide to keeping healthy koi [Maarten Lammens] | Der Koi Doktor - Der Leitfaden für gesunde Koihaltung | |
| educ. Bachelor of Medicine <BM> | Bakkalaureus {m} der Medizin | |
| hist. med. pharm. history of medicine | Geschichte {f} der Medizin | |
| educ. med. medical student | Student {m} der Medizin | |
| educ. med. student of medicine | Student {m} der Medizin | |
| educ. med. student of medicine [female] | Studentin {f} der Medizin | |
| med. philosophy of medicine | Theorie {f} der Medizin | |
| acad. educ. Doctor of Science <DSc, ScD> | Doktor {m} der Naturwissenschaften [doctor rerum naturalium] <Dr. rer. nat.> | |
| acad. educ. doctor of natural sciences <DSc, ScD> | Doktor {m} der Naturwissenschaften [Doctor scientiae naturalis] <Dr. sc. nat.> | |
| educ. Doctor of Divinity <DD> | Doktor {m} der Theologie <Dr. theol., früher häufig nur: D.> | |
| med. in Western medical practice {adv} | in der westlichen Medizin | |
| advances in medicine | Fortschritte {pl} in der Medizin | |
| med. QM quality assurance in medicine | Qualitätssicherung {f} in der Medizin | |
| med. medical ultrasonics [treated as sg.] | Ultraschall {m} in der Medizin | |
| med. candidate in medicine | Kandidat {m} der Medizin <cand. med.> | |
| med. systematized nomenclature of medicine <SNOMED> | systematisierte Nomenklatur {f} der Medizin <SNOMED> | |
| MedTech. intelligent medical image search | intelligente Bildsuche {f} in der Medizin | |
| jobs med. to work in the health / healthcare profession | in der Medizin arbeiten [ugs.] [in Gesundheitsberufen] | |
| med. international classification of procedures in medicine <ICPM> | internationale Klassifikation {f} der Behandlungsmethoden in der Medizin | |
| lit. F Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor [Huangdi Neijing] | Der Klassiker des Gelben Kaisers zur Inneren Medizin | |
| med. philosophy of medicine | Philosophie {f} der Medizin [seltener für: Medizintheorie, Theorie der Medizin] | |
| med. QM German Agency for Quality in Medicine <AQUMED, AQuMed/ÄZQ> | Ärztliches Zentrum {n} für Qualität in der Medizin <ÄZQ> [Deutschland] | |
| acad. med. Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery <MBBS> [esp. Br.] | Bachelor in Medizin und der Chirurgie [Bachelor in Medizin und Chirurgie] | |
| doctoral | Doktor {m} | |
| med. Doctor <Dr.> | Doktor {m} <Dr.> | |
| educ. honorary degree | Doktor {m} ehrenhalber | |
| film F Doctor at Sea [Ralph Thomas] | Doktor Ahoi! | |
| film F Doctor Dolittle [Richard Fleischer] | Doktor Dolittle | |
| lit. F Doctor Copernicus [John Banville] | Doktor Kopernikus | |
| film lit. F Doctor Zhivago [novel: Boris Pasternak, film: David Lean] | Doktor Schiwago | |
| film F Doctor X [Michael Curtiz] | Doktor X | |
| med. doc [coll.] [short for: doctor] [physician] | Doktor {m} [ugs.] [Arzt] | |
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