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English-German translation for: Doom
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Dictionary English German: Doom

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NOUN1   a doom | dooms
NOUN2   doom | -
VERB  to doom | doomed | doomed ... 
SYNO   to condemn | to doom | to sentence ... 
to doom sb.
jdn. verdammen
to doom sb./sth.
jdn./etw. verurteilen [verdammen, weihen]
to doom sb.jdn. dem Untergang weihen
Untergang {m}
Verderben {n}
Todesurteil {n} [fig.]
Verhängnis {n}
Verdammung {f}
law doom [archaic] [judgement]
Urteilsspruch {m}
doomböses Geschick {n}
doomböses Schicksal {n}
doomschlimmes Ende {n}
doomschlimmes Schicksal {n}
2 Words: Others
doom-laden {adj}verhängnisvoll
2 Words: Nouns
doom loopTeufelskreis {m}
hist. law doom seat [obs.] [place of judgement in medieval times] [rare]Richterstuhl {m}
doom-mongerSchwarzmaler {m} [fig.]
doom-mongering [fig.]Schwarzmalerei {f} [ugs.]
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to spell doom for sb.jds. Schicksal besiegeln
idiom to spell doom for sb./sth.für jdn./etw. den Untergang bedeuten
3 Words: Nouns
relig. day of doomTag {m} des Jüngsten Gerichts
doom and gloomSchwarzmalerei {f} [ugs.]
feeling of doomUntergangsstimmung {f}
merchant of doomSchwarzseher {m} [Pessimist]
prophecy of doomKassandraruf {m} [geh.]
idiom prophecy of doomUnkenruf {m} [fig.]
prophet of doomUnheilsprophet {m}
prophet of doomUnheilsverkünder {m}
prophet of doomUnkenrufer {m}
prophet of doomUntergangsprophet {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to prophesy doom (and destruction)menetekeln
to prophesy doom (and destruction)unken [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
doom and gloom scenarioUntergangsszenario {n}
gloom and doom scenarioUntergangsszenario {n}
med. sensation of impending doomVernichtungsgefühl {n}
med. sense of impending doomVernichtungsgefühl {n}
5+ Words: Others
relig. at the crack of doom [obs.] [idiom]beim Jüngsten Gericht [Redewendung]
in defiance of all prophecies of doom {adv}allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz
It's not all doom and gloom. [coll.]Es ist nicht alles Schwarzmalerei. [ugs.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to paint a picture of gloom and doom [idiom]Schwarzmalerei betreiben [ugs.]
to send sb. to his / her doom [idiom]jdn. ans Messer liefern [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
med. excruciating pain with a feeling of impending doombedrohlicher Schmerz {m} mit Vernichtungsgefühl
med. excruciating pain with feeling of impending doomVernichtungsschmerz {m} [Schmerz mit Vernichtungsgefühl]
prophet of doom and gloomSchwarzmaler {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Doom [Andrzej Bartkowiak]DoomDer Film
film F Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [Steven Spielberg]Indiana Jones und der Tempel des Todes
lit. F The Little Vampire in the Vale of DoomDer kleine Vampir im Jammertal [Angela Sommer-Bodenburg]
film lit. F Mount Doom [fictional mountain in J. R. R. Tolkien's work]Schicksalsberg {m}
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A 2022-07-12: his coming / arrival / etc. spells (impending) evil / doom / gloom
Q 2021-09-29: doom
A 2016-04-22: A Thai Domesday Book? Beware of gloom and doom in the offing!
A 2010-08-28: to become sb's doom?
Q 2009-09-23: gloom and doom - Schwarzmalerei?
A 2009-05-05: I'd use "message of doom." A message so terrible that you feel imminent pe...
A 2009-03-25: doom, doom! http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4HPIA_enUS308US308&q=...
A 2008-10-22: under sentence of doom / destruction
Q 2008-09-28: A sprinkled in English using German words. It means something like: "dread...
Q 2008-04-16: Given that a cow has four belly chambers to our one,cattle really do count...
A 2007-10-24: doom on you :-)
A 2006-09-03: ruled by the doom
A 2005-12-13: crack of doom > Jüngste Gericht, der Jüngste Tag usw. (vgl. das Doomsday Book)
A 2005-09-23: "prophecies of doom" fits to a tee
A 2005-09-22: despite all the Cassandras / despite all prophecies of doom'
A 2004-12-03: doom...
Q 2004-12-03: impending doom feelings

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