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English-German translation for: Dr.
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Dictionary English German: Dr

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SYNO   Dr. | doctor | MD | doc | medico ... 
SYNO   Doktor | Doktorgrad | Doktortitel ... 
material phys. drag-reducing {adj} <DR>reibungsreduzierend
med. Doctor <Dr.>
Doktor {m} <Dr.>
psych. derealization <DR>
Derealisation {f}
psych. derealization <DR>
Derealisierung {f}
Drive <Dr.>
Straße {f} <Str.>
med. tear of the perineumDammriss {m} <DR>
comp. data recovery <DR>Datenwiederherstellung {f}
comp. data restore <DR>Datenwiederherstellung {f}
automot. QM stat. design record <DR>Designaufzeichnung {f}
MedTech. direct radiography <DR>Direktradiografie <DR> {f}
MedTech. direct radiography <DR> [EUR 17538]Direktradiographie {f} <DR> [EUR 17538]
econ. market. distribution rate <DR>Distributionsgrad {m} <DG>
econ. market. distribution rate <DR>Distributionsquote {f}
econ. market. distribution rate <DR>Distributionsrate {f}
educ. Doctor of Engineering <D.Eng, D.Engr., Dr.Eng., Eng.D>Doktoringenieur {m} <Dr.-Ing.>
double ring <dr>Doppelring {m} [Häkeln]
anat. dorsal margin <DM>Dorsalrand {m} <DR>
MedTech. dose rate <DR>Dosisleistung {f} <DL>
unit dram <dr, dr., ʒ>Dram {n} [Maßeinheit in Großbritannien u. Nordamerika]
VetMed. toleration reflex [pigs, cows]Duldungsreflex {m} <DR>
acad. honorary doctorEhrendoktor {m} <Dr. h. c.>
acad. honorary degree [doctoral degree]Ehrendoktorat {m} <Dr. h. c.>
econ. MedTech. QM design review <DR>Entwicklungsüberprüfung {f}
unit fluid drachm <fl dr, ƒ 3, or fʒ> [also: fluidrachm]Flüssigdrachme {f}
naut. dead reckoning <DR>Koppelung {f}
disaster recovery <DR>Notfallwiederherstellung {f} [Informationstechnik]
2 Words: Nouns
MedTech. digital radiography <DR>digitale Radiografie {f} <DR>
MedTech. digital radiography <DR>digitale Radiographie {f} <DR>
disaster recovery <DR>Disaster Recovery {n} <DR> [Informationstechnik]
cloth. Doc Martens [coll.] [Dr. Martens®, Doctor Martens, Docs, DMs] [British footwear brand]Dr. Martens® {pl} [auch: Docs, Doc Martens; Schuhe]
educ. [person with multiple doctor titles]Dr. mult. [multiplex] [Doktor mit mehreren Doktortiteln]
Dr. Dryasdust [hum.] [a boring historian]Dr. Staubtrocken {m} [hum.] [selten] [ein öder Historiker]
unit fluid dram <fl dr, ƒ 3, fʒ> [also: fluid drachm, fluidram or fluidrachm]flüssiges Dram {n} [auch: Flüssigdrachme]
tech. textil. Dr. Sinner's CircleSinner'scher Kreis {m}
3 Words: Nouns
med. Dr. Strangelove syndromeAlien-Hand-Syndrom {n} <AHS>
geogr. Democratic Republic of the Congo <DRC, .cd> [Congo-Kinshasa] [formerly Zaire]Demokratische Republik {f} Kongo <DR Kongo> [Kongo-Kinshasa, Congo-Léopoldville] [früher Zaire]
law Doctor of Canon and Civil Law <JUD, IUD, DUJ, DUI, DJU, DIU, UJD, UID, JUDr., Dr.iur.utr.> [juris / iuris utriusque doctor, doctor utriusque juris, doctor juris utriusque]Doktor {m} beider Rechte <Dr. iur. utr., auch Dr. jur. utr., Dr. j. u.>
educ. for. Doctor of Forest ScienceDoktor {m} der Forstwirtschaften <Dr. (rer.) forest.> [(rerum) forestalium]
med. medicinae doctor <MD>Doktor {m} der Medizin <Dr. med.>
med. Doctor of MedicineDoktor {m} der Medizin <Dr. med.>
acad. educ. Doctor of Science <DSc, ScD>Doktor {m} der Naturwissenschaften [doctor rerum naturalium] <Dr. rer. nat.>
acad. educ. doctor of natural sciences <DSc, ScD>Doktor {m} der Naturwissenschaften [Doctor scientiae naturalis] <Dr. sc. nat.>
philos. Doctor of Philosophy <DPhil, PhD, DPh, D.Phil., Ph.D., D.Ph.>Doktor {m} der Philosophie <Dr. phil.>
law legum doctor <LL D>Doktor {m} der Rechte <Dr. jur.>
law Doctor of Jurisprudence <J.D.>Doktor {m} der Rechte <Dr. jur.>
law Doctor of Laws <LLD>Doktor {m} der Rechte <Dr. jur.>
educ. Doctor of Divinity <DD>Doktor {m} der Theologie <Dr. theol., früher häufig nur: D.>
dent. Doctor of Dental Science <DDS> [Am.] [Doctor medicine dentalis]Doktor {m} der Zahnheilkunde <Dr. med. dent.>
law juris civilis doctor <JCD>Doktor {m} des Zivilrechts <Dr. jur.>
law Doctor of Civil Law <DCL>Doktor {m} des Zivilrechts <Dr. jur.>
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