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English-German translation for: Dreams
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Dictionary English German: Dreams

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NOUN   a dream | dreams
VERB  to dream | dreamed/dreamt | dreamed/dreamt ... 
sb. dreams
jd. träumt
sb. dreams [fantasizes]jd. phantasiert
Träume {pl}
2 Words: Others
Happy dreams!Träum was Schönes!
sb. dreams away sth.jd. verträumt etw.
Sweet dreams!Träum schön!
Sweet dreams!Träum was Schönes!
2 Words: Verbs
to cosset dreamsTräume hegen und pflegen
to dash sb.'s dreamsjds. Träume zunichte machen
2 Words: Nouns
adventurous dreamsAbenteuerträume {pl}
bad dreamsAlbträume {pl}
bad dreamsAlpträume {pl}
bad dreamsböse Träume {pl}
children's dreamsKinderträume {pl}
feverish dreamsFieberträume {pl}
pipe dreams [coll.]Hirngespinste {pl}
shattered dreamsgeplatzte Träume {pl}
soaring dreamshochfliegende Träume {pl}
sweet dreamssüße Träume {pl}
teen dreamsTeenieträume {pl}
teen dreamsTeenyträume {pl}
thalassic dreamsMeeresträume {pl}
vacation dreamsFerienträume {pl}
vacation dreams [esp. Am.]Urlaubsträume {pl}
waking dreamsTagträume {pl}
waking dreamsWachträume {pl}
youthful dreamsjugendliche Träume {pl}
3 Words: Others
beyond sb.'s wildest dreams {adv}jenseits jds. wildesten Träume
beyond sb.'s wildest dreams {adv}jenseits jds. kühnster Träume / Vorstellungen
proverb Dreams are lies.Träume sind Schäume.
idiom Dreams come true.Träume werden wahr.
lost in dreams {adj} [postpos.]traumverloren
lost in dreams {adj} [postpos.]traumversunken
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to chase one's dreamsseinen Träumen nachjagen
idiom to linger over dreamsin Träumen verharren
to live out dreamsTräume ausleben
3 Words: Nouns
publ. book of dreamsTraumbuch {n}
theory of dreamsTraumtheorie {f}
world of dreamsTraumwelt {f}
4 Words: Others
beyond my wildest dreams {adv}jenseits meiner kühnsten Träume / Vorstellungen
proverb Dreams are but shadows.Träume sind Schäume.
His dreams came true.Seine Träume erfüllten sich.
4 Words: Verbs
to act out one's dreams [fig.]seine Träume in die Tat umsetzen [fig.]
to be beyond sb.'s wildest dreamsjds. kühnste Träume übertreffen
idiom to go for one's dreamsseine Träume verfolgen
4 Words: Nouns
dreams {pl} of the future [fig.]Zukunftsmusik {f}
dreams of the futureZukunftsträume {pl}
island of one's dreamsTrauminsel {f}
job of one's dreamsTraumberuf {m}
woman of one's dreamsTraumfrau {f} [ugs.]
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Q 2015-01-06: Ssssh…sweet dreams
A 2014-11-17: Dreams
Q 2014-06-10: Wohnträume = Living dreams?
A 2013-11-18: No. America doesn't achieve your dreams, you do.
A 2013-02-20: The real life is our dreams' source
Q 2012-09-27: Never lose sight of your dreams
A 2012-09-23: Have the courage to make your dreams come true
A 2012-09-23: Have the courage to realize your dreams
A 2012-09-22: "Have the courage to turn your dreams into reality" would be a more accura...
A 2012-09-14: looking for dreams / identifying desires
A 2012-09-14: Search for dreams?
Q 2012-09-01: 1986 world cup France vs Italy-Platini wrecks Italian dreams
Q 2012-08-07: to squelch (their kids') dreams
Q 2012-06-27: on their dreams and on themselves
Q 2012-04-11: Easy German - Dreams and Wishes
Q 2012-03-18: big/small dreams, big/small life
Q 2011-06-22: A girl was entitled to her dreams.
A 2011-05-18: Everything forgotten cries out for help in dreams (not a Redewendung)
A 2011-05-18: dreams, potential and other things not realized, yet.
Q 2011-02-23: "have i on my dreams to suffocate"

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