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English-German translation for: Duration
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Dictionary English German: Duration

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NOUN   a duration | durations
SYNO   duration | length | continuance ... 
NOUN   die Duration | die Durationen
Dauer {f}
duration [of a contract, a patent, a scholarship, etc.]
Laufzeit {f} [eines Vertrages, eines Patents, eines Stipendiums etc.]
Zeitdauer {f}
durationzeitlicher Umfang {m}
fin. duration [measure of sensitivity]Duration {f} [Sensitivitätskennzahl]
2 Words: Others
short-duration {adj}kurzzeitig
2 Words: Nouns
mus. (sound) durationTondauer {f}
electr. tech. acceleration durationBeschleunigungszeit {f}
account durationKontolaufzeit {f}
accumulated durationakkumulierte Dauer {f}
activity durationAktivitätsdauer {f}
activity durationfür die Handlung benötigte Zeit {f}
average durationDurchschnittsdauer {f}
average durationdurchschnittliche Laufzeit {f}
electr. tech. braking durationBremszeit {f}
character durationZeichendauer {f}
compile durationKompilierzeit {f}
law contract durationVertragsdauer {f}
contract durationVertragslänge {f} [ugs.] [Vertragslaufzeit]
contract durationVertragslaufzeit {f}
law contractual durationVertragsdauer {f}
math. phys. cycle durationPeriodendauer {f}
cycle durationZyklusdauer {f}
display durationAnzeigedauer {f}
dive durationTauchdauer {f}
fin. duration calculationDurationsberechnung {f}
fin. duration conceptDurationskonzept {n}
duration curveDauerlinie {f}
fin. duration formulaDurationsformel {f}
duration limitsGrenzen {pl} der Gültigkeit
duration riskLaufzeitrisiko {n}
effective durationEinwirkdauer {f}
ecol. exposure durationExpositionsdauer {f}
fall durationFalldauer {f}
electr. MedTech. field durationHalbbilddauer {f}
fixed durationfeste Laufzeit {f}
photo. tech. flash durationBlitzdauer {f}
flight durationFlugdauer {f}
aviat. flight durationFlugzeit {f}
hydro. tech. flow durationDurchflussdauer {f}
phys. impulse durationImpulsdauer {f}
biol. incubation durationInkubationsdauer {f}
comm. initial duration [of a contract]Erstlaufzeit {f} [eines Vertrages]
limited durationbegrenzte Dauer {f}
loading durationBelastungsdauer {f}
long durationlange Dauer {f}
maximum durationHöchstdauer {f}
mean durationmittlere Laufzeit {f}
message durationNachrichtendauer {f}
minimum durationMindestdauer {f}
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A 2022-04-04: duration of surgery visit / time in .... - time out .....
A 2015-09-25: Duration
A 2015-01-07: load (duration) profile
A 2014-06-12: short-duration response to a treatment
Q 2014-06-12: short response duration (Medizin/Pharma)
A 2011-05-03: The thematic priorities mentioned above provide a framework. Owing to the ...
A 2011-01-01: prescribed duration of studies
Q 2010-06-18: Due to the very short duration of action of remifentanil, the potential f...
Q 2010-03-16: duration of corporation (context: legal) - Lässt sich sagen Dauer der Gese...
A 2009-05-31: Vision is a general idea of a desirable / desired state of affairs with a ...
A 2009-05-28: during the duration of the contract >>> during the contract duration
Q 2009-05-28: without his or her consent during *the* ? contract duration
A 2009-05-11: Jangling is very much like jingling, so it will have some resonance, albei...
A 2009-02-11: test duration or holding time
A 2008-11-22: The duration of anthropogenic +interference in+ the environment
A 2008-10-13: *Preis*gültigkeit 2009 = *prices* valid for the duration of 2009
A 2008-09-24: are not to be enforced for the whole duration (of the contract/project)
A 2008-09-11: limited in scope(???) / content(???), location and duration
A 2008-06-16: the period of time it takes, the duration
A 2008-06-08: type and duration of the treatment

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