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| electronic business | E-Business {n} | |
| e-business | E-Business {n} | |
| comm. Internet business email address | Geschäfts-E-Mail-Adresse {f} | |
Partial Matches |
| material tech. unit E-modulus <E> | E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] | |
| errors excepted <E.E., e.e.> | Irrtümer vorbehalten | |
| material tech. unit Young's modulus <E> | E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] | |
| material tech. elastic modulus <E> | E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] | |
| material tech. unit modulus of elasticity <E> [less commonly: Y] | E-Modul {m} <E> [kurz für: Elastizitätsmodul] [Materialkennwert aus der Werkstofftechnik] | |
| Error and omission excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE> | Irrtum und Auslassung vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione] | |
| Errors and omissions excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE> | Irrtümer und Auslassungen vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione] | |
| mus. E major <E> | E-Dur {n} <E> | |
| mus. E sharp <E♯> | Eis {n} <E♯> [Ton] | |
| mus. E flat <E♭> | Es {n} <E♭> [Ton] | |
| mus. E minor <e, Em> | e-Moll {n} <e, Em> | |
| mus. E sharp minor <E♯ minor> | eis-Moll {n} <eis, Eism, E♯m> | |
| mus. E flat minor <E♭ minor> | es-Moll {n} <es, Esm, E♭m> | |
| for example {adv} <e.g.> | zum Exempel [veraltend] <z. E.> | |
| econ. registered sole trader | eingetragener Kaufmann {m} <e.K.> <e.Kfm.> | |
| E as in Easy [Am.] | E wie / für Emil | |
| comp. pol. e-participation [also: eParticipation, e-Participation] | E-Partizipation {f} | |
| mus. low E string [guitar] | tiefe E-Saite {f} [Gitarre] | |
| idiom E for Edward [Br.] | E wie / für Emil | |
| first edition <FE, F/E, 1E, 1/e> | Erstausgabe {f} <EA> | |
| neol. to e-meet [meet via e-mail] | per E-Mail kennenlernen | |
| comp. Internet e-mail decryption [also: email decryption] | Entschlüsselung {f} von E-Mails | |
| list of blocked e-mail senders | Sperrliste {f} für E-Mails | |
| econ. registered merchant [female] | eingetragene Kauffrau {f} <e. K., e. Kffr., e. Kfr.> | |
| Internet to e-mail / email sth. to sb. | jdm. etw. e-mailen / emailen | |
| comm. errors and omissions excepted <E. & O. E.> | Irrtümer und Auslassungen vorbehalten | |
| ling. mus. print e [letter, musical note] | e {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | |
| ling. mus. print E [letter, musical note] | E {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | |
| ecol. e-waste [electronic waste] | E-Müll {m} [Elektronikschrott] | |
| comp. pol. e-parliament | E-Parlament {n} [auch: E-Parliament] | |
| MedTech. effective dose equivalent <E> | effektive Äquivalentdosis {f} <E> | |
| Internet glut of e-mails | E-Mail-Schwemme {f} | |
| curr. econ. fin. e-money [short for: electronic money] | E-Geld {n} [kurz für: elektronisches Geld] | |
| e-passport [short for: electronic passport] | E-Pass {m} [kurz für: elektronischer Pass] | |
| bike e-bike [short for: electric bicycle] | E-Fahrrad {n} [kurz für: elektrisches Fahrrad, Elektrofahrrad] | |
| med. tumbling E [ophthalmological chart] | E-Haken {m} [Sehzeichen in Form eines großen lateinischen E] | |
| bike e-bike [short for: electric bicycle] | E-Rad {n} [kurz für: elektrisches Fahrrad, Elektrofahrrad] | |
| material tech. unit modulus of elasticity <E> | Elastizitätsmodul {m} <E> | |
| material tech. unit Young's modulus <E> | Elastizitätsmodul {m} <E> | |
| geol. phys. unit eotvos <E> [Eotvos unit] | Eötvös {n} <E> | |
| Internet Send an e-mail. | E-maile! | |
| Internet to e-mail sb. | jdm. e-mailen | |
| bike e-bike cyclist [female] | E-Bikefahrerin {f} | |
| MedTech. effective dose <E> | effektive Dosis {f} <E> | |
| to e-mail | einen E-Brief schreiben | |
| e-fit / E-fit (picture) [after: Electronic Facial Identification Technique] [esp. Br.] | digitales Fahndungsfoto {n} | |
| educ. energy and natural resources <ENR, E&NR> | Energie und Rohstoffe <E&R> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung] | |
English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others.
More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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