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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: EEG-synchronous
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Dictionary English German: EEG synchronous

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med. MedTech. EEG-synchronous {adj}EEG-synchron
Partial Matches
ecol. pol. EEG reallocation charge [renewable energies]EEG-Umlage {f} [erneuerbare Energien]
med. flat (line) EEG [isoelectric EEG]Null-Linien-EEG {n}
MedTech. long-term video-EEG monitoringvideoüberwachte EEG-Langzeitaufzeichnung {f}
[German] EEG differential cost {sg}EEG-Differenzkosten {pl}
jobs MedTech. electroencephalographic <EEG> technician [female]EEG-Assistentin {f}
jobs MedTech. EEG assistant [female]EEG-Assistentin {f}
jobs MedTech. electroencephalographic <EEG> nurseEEG-Schwester {f}
jobs MedTech. electroencephalographic <EEG> technicianEEG-Assistent {m}
jobs MedTech. electroencephalographic <EEG> technicianEEG-Techniker {m}
med. EEG seizure patternEEG-Anfallsmuster {n}
med. isoelectric electroencephalogram <isoelectric EEG>Nulllinien-Elektroenzephalogramm {n} <Null-Linien-EEG> [auch: Null-Linien-Elektroenzephalogramm]
MedTech. electroencephalogram <EEG>Elektroenzephalogramm {n} <EEG>
MedTech. electroencephalograph <EEG>Elektroenzephalograph {m} <EEG>
MedTech. electroencephalography <EEG>Elektroenzephalografie {f} <EEG>
MedTech. electroencephalography <EEG>Elektroenzephalographie {f} <EEG>
jobs MedTech. EEG technologistEEG-Techniker {m}
psych. EEG feedbackEEG-Feedback {n} [Neurofeedback; Feedback der hirnelektrischen Aktivität]
MedTech. sleep deprivation electroencephalogram <sleep deprivation EEG>Schlafentzugs-Elektroenzephalogramm {n} <Schlafentzugs-EEG>
psych. EEG biofeedbackEEG-Biofeedback {n} [neurofeedback]
MedTech. video EEGVideo-EEG {n}
med. electroencephalogram <EEG>Hirnstrombild {n} [Elektroenzephalogramm]
med. electroencephalogram <EEG>Hirnstromkurve {f} [Elektroenzephalogramm]
med. MedTech. electroencephalography <EEG>Hirnstrommessung {m} [Elektroenzephalographie]
econ. experience exchange group <EEG>Erfahrungsaustauschkreis {m} <EK>
synchronous {adj}gleichlaufend
synchronous {adj}gleichzeitig
synchronous {adj}synchron
synchronous {adj}taktgesteuert
synchronous {adj}taktsynchron
law Renewable Energies ActErneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz {n} <EEG>
synchronous {adj}im Gleichlauf
comp. byte-synchronous {adj}bytesynchron
clock-synchronous {adj}taktsynchron
needs-synchronous {adj}bedarfssynchron
electr. synchronous capacitorPhasenschieber {m}
synchronous computerSynchronrechner {m}
electr. engin. synchronous generatorSynchrongenerator {m}
synchronous idleSynchronisierung {f}
synchronous machineSynchronmaschine {f}
electr. synchronous motorSynchronmotor {m}
astronau synchronous orbitSynchronbahn {f}
synchronous processingSynchronbetrieb {m}
tech. synchronous runningSynchronlauf {m}
tech. synchronous shaftSynchronwelle {f}
tech. synchronous speedSynchrondrehzahl {f}
MedTech. synchronous techniqueSynchrontechnik {f}
electr. tech. synchronous transmissionSynchronverfahren {n}
synchronous versionSynchronausführung {f}
synchronous workingSynchronbetrieb {m}
asynchronous-synchronous {adj}asynchron-synchron
MedTech. synchronous techniquesynchrone Technik {f}
synchronous transmissionsynchrone Übertragung {f}
synchronous data collectionSynchrondatenerfassung {f}
electr. engin. synchronous generated voltagePolradspannung {f}
electr. engin. synchronous internal voltagePolradspannung {f}
law [renewable energy law in Germany]Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz {n} <EEG>
electr. tech. synchronous data transmission <SDT>Synchronverfahren {n}
med. spike-and-wave pattern [electroencephalogram]EEG-Muster {n} [Zacke-Welle-Komplex]
astron. sun-synchronous orbit <SSO>sonnensynchrone Umlaufbahn {f}
sub-synchronous converter cascadeuntersynchrone Kaskade {f}
comp. binary synchronous communication <BISYNC>binäre synchrone Kommunikation {f}
electr. synchronous serial interface <SSI>synchron-serielle Schnittstelle {f}
comp. telecom. synchronous data link control <SDLC>synchrone Datenübertragungssteuerung {f}
comp. double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory <DDR-SDRAM>[Schreib-Lese-Speicher mit doppelter Datenübertragungsrate]
comp. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy <SDH>Synchrone Digitale Hierarchie {f} <SDH>
comp. electr. universal synchronous receiver/transmitter <USRT>USRT {m} [kurz für: Universal Synchronous Receiver/Transmitter]
astron. sun-synchronous orbit <SSO>Sonnensynchronorbit {m} <SSO>
electr. telecom. synchronous multiplexer <SMX>synchroner Multiplexer {m}
astron. synchronous rotationgebundene Rotation {f}
telecom. RadioTV synchronous demodulator <sync demodulator>Synchron-Demodulator {m}
astron. sun-synchronous orbit <SSO>sonnensynchroner Orbit {m} <SSO>
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