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English-German translation for: EG
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Dictionary English German: EG

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NOUN   das EG | die EGs
SYNO   EG | Europäische Gemeinschaft | eG ... 
geogr. Egypt <.eg>
Ägypten {n}
engin. naut. deadweight <DWT>
Eigengewicht {n} <EG>
admin. parental allowance <PA>Elterngeld {n} <EG>
QM steering board <SB>Entscheidungsgremium {n} <EG>
archi. RealEst. first floor [Am.] [Can.]Erdgeschoss {n} <EG>
archi. RealEst. ground floor <GF>Erdgeschoss {n} <EG>
archi. RealEst. ground storey [Br.]Erdgeschoss {n} <EG>
ground floor [Br.]Erdgeschoß {n} <Erdg.; EG> [alt] [österr. und südd. weiterhin gültig]
tech. limit of detection <LoD, LOD, lod>Erfassungsgrenze {f} <EG>
chem. ethylene glycol <EG> [C2H6O2]Ethylenglykol {n} <EG> [auch: Ethylenglycol]
med. QM level of evidence <LOE, LoE>Evidenzgrad {m} <EG>
tech. equipment group <EG>Gerätegruppe {f}
audio electr. envelope generator <EG>Hüllkurvengenerator {m}
2 Words: Nouns
evil grin <EG>boshaftes Grinsen {n}
econ. EU MedTech. EC design-examination certificateEG-Auslegungsprüfbescheinigung {f}
econ. EU tech. EC type-examination certificateEG-Baumusterbescheinigung {f}
EU QM EC type-examination certificateEG-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung {f}
EU EC type-approvalEG-Betriebserlaubnis {f}
law EC Merger Regulation <ECMR>EG-Fusionskontrollverordnung {f} <FKVO>
EC certificate of conformityEG-Konformitätsaussage {f}
members of the Common MarketEG-Mitglieder {pl}
EU EC standardEG-Norm {f}
EU EU directiveEG-Richtlinie {f}
automot. EU Community type approval [short] [European Community type approval certificate]EG-Typengenehmigung {f}
automot. EU EEC type approval (certificate)EG-Typgenehmigung {f}
automot. EU certificate of conformity <COC>EG-Übereinstimmungsbescheinigung {f}
EU pol. EC TreatyEG-Vertrag {m}
comm. law registered cooperative (society)eingetragene Genossenschaft {f} <eG, e.G.>
med. VetMed. eosinophilic granuloma <EG>eosinophiles Granulom {n} <EG>
hist. European Community <EC>Europäische Gemeinschaft {f} <EG>
mus. relig. [Lutheran hymn book for Germany, Alsace-Lorraine, and Austria since 1993/1996]Evangelisches Gesangbuch {n} <EG>
3 Words: Nouns
ecol. EU EU-Eco regulation [short title]EG-Öko-Verordnung {f} [Kurztitel]
4 Words: Nouns
EU EC Eco-Audit OrdinanceEG-Öko-Audit-Verordnung {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
econ. EU law acceleration directives 2003/54/EC and 2003/55/EC [gas]Beschleunigungsrichtlinien {pl} 2003/54/EG und 2003/55/EG [Gas]
law Regulation (EC) No. 40/94 on the Community trade markVerordnung {f} (EG) Nr. 40/94 über die Gemeinschaftsmarke
hist. Treaty on the Foundation of the European CommunityVertrag {m} zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft <EG-Vertrag; EGV, EG>
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A 2024-12-02: Sorry, meant to say always in the nominative eg Der Mann wurde angesprochen.
A 2019-03-31: ... der sich im EG +oder im 1. OG / 1. Stock+ befindet ...
A 2018-10-30: EG Europäische Gemeinschaft
Q 2015-11-09: Make up the numbers (eg. at a party)
A 2013-09-09: Or is your question about whether adjectives are comparable or can only be...
A 2012-11-16: came from behind - eg Sweden vs England
A 2012-05-07: Collate means to collect and combine (eg. information),
A 2011-12-19: @ alex-k - eg/for example in a sentence:
A 2011-10-20: EWG → EG → EU
A 2011-09-23: In English, circa is only usually used with years, eg: c. 100BC.
A 2011-07-22: Erdgeschoss / erstes Obergeschoss / zweites Obergeschoss usw. \ EG / 1. OG...
A 2011-07-22: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Erdgeschoss ein 1. EG gibt's nicht ....
Q 2011-07-22: I EG Erstes Ergdgeschoss?
A 2011-06-13: MT / SLC could have said he'd rather decline two drinks than one German no...
A 2011-06-09: Bear left/right without turn, eg. after 200m, bear left.
A 2011-06-07: dalianabhan (EG) braucht +welche & Plural im Akkusativ+ (18:36), Bacca!
A 2011-05-01: (1) given the sympathies of NN for (2) taking advantage of EG
A 2011-03-08: Is the institution the medical institution itself (eg. hospital)
Q 2010-08-07: EG-Erwerb
A 2010-07-27: Make is the company, eg. Ferrari, Maserati. Is that Marke?

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• EG
egal auf welche Art
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