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Dictionary English German: EL

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NOUN   el | els
SYNO   ALT | EL | altitude | elevation ... 
NOUN   der El | die Elim
gastr. unit tablespoon <tbsp., T.>
Esslöffel {m} <EL>
tablespoons <tbs.>
Esslöffel {pl} <EL>
rail El [Chicago's elevated train] [Am.] [coll.]
[Chicagoer Stadtbahn {f}]
chem. electroluminescence <EL>
Elektrolumineszenz {f} <EL>
bibl. geogr. Bethel [Gen. 28:19]Bet-El {n} [Gen. 28,19; kath., z. B. Einheitsübersetzung]
relig. El [ancient Near Eastern deity]El {m} [altorientalische Gottheit]
geogr. El'adElad {n}
med. erythroleukaemia <EL> [Br.]Erythroleukämie {f} <EL>
med. erythroleukemia <EL> [Am.]Erythroleukämie {f} <EL>
2 Words: Others
el cheapo {adj} [sl.]Billig-
2 Words: Nouns
Al QaedaEl Kaida {f} [Rsv.]
Al QaidaEl Kaida {f} [Rsv.]
archaeo. ethn. Argaric Culture [also: Argaric culture]El-Argar-Kultur {f}
rail Chicago Elevated <Chicago El, Chicago L, El, L>Chicago-Hochbahn {f} [Hoch- und U-Bahn von Chicago, USA]
geogr. pol. El Aaiún [capital of Western Sahara]El Aaiún {n}
geogr. El Alamein [northern Egypt]El-Alamein {n}
geogr. El ArishAl-Arisch {n}
geogr. El ArishEl-Arish {n}
El DoradoEldorado {n}
El DoradoGoldland {n}
El DoradosEldorados {pl}
meteo. El NiñoEl Niño {m}
geogr. El PasoEl Paso {n}
geogr. El Salvador <.sv>El Salvador {n}
bibl. El Shaddai [God Almighty]El Shaddai {m} [Gott, der Allmächtige]
electr. electroluminescent wire <EL wire, El wire>Elektrolumineszenzdraht {m} <EL-Draht, El-Draht>
electr. electroluminescent wire <EL wire>Leuchtkabel {n} [EL-Kabel]
electr. electroluminescent wire <EL wire>Leuchtschlauch {m} [EL-Kabel]
electr. electroluminescent wire <EL wire>Leuchtschnur {f} [EL-Kabel]
acad. ling. empirical linguistics {pl} <EL> [treated as sg.]empirische Sprachwissenschaft {f}
med. encephalitis lethargica <EL>europäische Schlafkrankheit {f} [Enzephalitis lethargica]
med. eosinophilic leukaemia <EL> [Br.]eosinophile Leukämie {f} <EL>
med. eosinophilic leukemia <EL> [Am.]eosinophile Leukämie {f} <EL>
meteo. equilibrium level <EL>Niveau {n} des neutralen Auftriebs
med. QM evidence level <EL>Evidenzgrad {m}
fin. quick ratio [acid test ratio]Einzugsliquidität {f} <EL>
curr. Salvadoran colón <SVC> [El Salvador: replaced by the US dollar in 2001]El-Salvador-Colón {m} <SVC>
3 Words: Others
of El Salvador {adj} [postpos.]salvadorianisch
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. Bab-el-MandebBab al-Mandab {m}
chem. domestic fuel oilHeizöl {n} EL <HEL>
geogr. El Dorado State [nickname] [California]der Goldene Staat {m} [Spitzname] [Kalifornien]
curr. El Salvador colón <SVC> [replaced by the US dollar in 2001]El-Salvador-Colón {m} <SVC>
bibl. El-Elohe-Israel [El, God of Israel (Genesis 33:20)]El {m}, Gott Israels [Zürcher-Bibel]
bibl. El-Elohe-Israel [El, God of Israel (Genesis 33:20)]Gott ist der Gott Israels [Name Gottes] [Luther-Bibel 1984]
pol. Mariy El RepublicRepublik {f} Marij El
gastr. ras el hanout [ رأس الحانوت, ]Ras el-Hanout {f}
geogr. Sharm el-SheikhScharm El-Scheich {n}
geogr. Shubra El-KheimaSchubra al-Chaima {n}
4 Words: Nouns
ecol. meteo. El Niño (Southern Oscillation) <ENSO>El-Niño-Südliche-Oszillation {f} <ENSO> [auch: El Niño]
needs-based minimum benefitsErgänzungsleistungen {pl} [schweiz.] <EL>
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A 2017-01-18: Puristen? Vor allem die Griechen: αυτοκίνητο https://glosbe.com/en/el/au...
A 2015-10-14: +Leaving Before The Rain Comes: Clear vision in cloudy times.+ (El tiempo ...
A 2015-01-31: El Nino
Q 2014-10-16: el-desko
A 2014-07-14: Vendrá el momento en que Argentina vencerá a Alemania. ¡Veamos cómo evoluc...
A 2013-05-08: No está claro que ayuda está buscando. Además, se metió en el foro incorre...
A 2012-08-26: proveer el futuro por cosas pensamientos
Q 2012-08-17: El.-/Gebervers. kurzge.
A 2012-02-09: pick-up, vi , el. (e.g. relay, selenoid) : anziehen vi
A 2011-06-27: Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheik are resorts where you can go diving -
A 2010-11-22: Yes, I understood it as +pages that were written when BW and EL were drunk,+
A 2010-11-12: I am in favor of a sideways approach, of the kind suggested by EL and Wandle:
A 2010-04-30: Sehr gelungen, EL und mwk
A 2010-04-21: EL hat Recht http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/swoonsome
A 2010-03-10: Typo: Tolkien (but El Alamein)
A 2009-12-16: Wenn du im Nachbarland die dreifache Einkommensteuer zu zahlen und drei Ja...
A 2009-11-17: Neat - framework - thanks to all of you - especially EL :-)
A 2009-11-12: Vielen Dank, EL!
A 2009-11-11: EL's LINK provides more authentic usage: PROPOSITION 1: For any sets A, B,...
Q 2009-10-16: From 'El Paso Times' ...

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