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English-German translation for: ENSO-Phänomen
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Dictionary English German: ENSO Phänomen

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NOUN   das ENSO-Phänomen | die ENSO-Phänomene
ecol. meteo. El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon <ENSO phenomenon> [also: El Niño/Southern Oscillation phenomenon]ENSO-Phänomen {n}
Partial Matches
ecol. meteo. El Niño (Southern Oscillation) <ENSO>El-Niño-Südliche-Oszillation {f} <ENSO> [auch: El Niño]
med. lupus erythematosus cell phenomenon <LE cell phenomenon>Lupus-erythematodes-Zell-Phänomen {n} <LE-Zell-Phänomen>
med. lupus erythematosus phenomenon <LE phenomenon>Lupus-erythematodes-Phänomen {n} <LE-Phänomen>
phenomenonPhänomen {n}
sociol. syndrome [fig.]Phänomen {n}
blip [fig.]kurzzeitiges Phänomen {n}
med. oscillopsiaBrückner-Phänomen {n} [Oszillopsie]
med. MedTech. confetti phenomenonKonfetti-Phänomen {n}
phys. electrical phenomenonelektrisches Phänomen {n}
phys. electronic phenomenonelektronisches Phänomen {n}
human phenomenonmenschliches Phänomen {n}
obscure phenomenonunerklärliches Phänomen {n}
spiritual phenomenongeistiges Phänomen {n}
spiritual phenomenonspirituelles Phänomen {n}
math. Gibbs phenomenonGibbssches Phänomen {n} [alt]
med. Nikolsky's phenomenonNikolski-Phänomen {n}
med. oculocephalic reflex / responsePuppenkopf-Phänomen {n}
med. isomorphic response [Koebner phenomenon]Köbner-Phänomen {n}
med. Panum's phenomenonPanumsches Phänomen {n} [Optometrie]
sociol. small world phenomenonKleine-Welt-Phänomen {n}
electronic voice phenomenon <EVP>(Phänomen {n} der) Tonbandstimmen
ling. Unverified tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon <TOT phenomenon>Tip-of-the-Tongue-Phänomen {n} <TOT-Phänomen>
med. doll's eyes phenomenon [oculocephalic response]Puppenkopf-Phänomen {n}
med. doll's head phenomenonPuppenkopf-Phänomen {n} [auch: Puppenkopfphänomen]
phys. electronic voice phenomenon <EVP>elektronisches Stimmen-Phänomen {n} <ESP>
a frequently observed phenomenonein häufig beobachtetes Phänomen {n}
a phenomenon often observedein häufig beobachtetes Phänomen {n}
psych. sociol. six degrees of separation [theory]Kleine-Welt-Phänomen {n}
a frequently observed phenomenonein häufig zu beobachtendes Phänomen {n}
a phenomenon often observedein häufig zu beobachtendes Phänomen {n}
med. Koebner's phenomenon [also: Koebner phenomen, Köbner phenomenon]Köbner-Phänomen {n}
phenom [esp. Am.] [coll.] [short for: "phenomenon"]Phänomen {n} [geh.] [außergewöhnlicher Mensch]
med. barber chair phenomenon [coll.] [Lhermitte's sign]Lhermitte'sches Phänomen {n} [Lhermitte-Zeichen]
med. Uhthoff's sign [Uhthoff's phenomenon]Uhthoff'sches Phänomen {n}
med. Dalrymple's sign [also: Dalrymple sign]Dalrymple-Phänomen {n}
med. Lhermitte's phenomenonLhermitte'sches Phänomen {n} [Lhermitte-Zeichen]
med. Nikolski's sign [also: Nikolski sign]Nikolski-Phänomen {n}
audio med. Tullio phenomenon [also: Tullio's phenomen]Tullio-Phänomen {n}
med. Uhthoff's phenomenon [also: Uhthoff phenomenon]Uhthoff-Phänomen {n}
med. Lust's (fibularis) phenomenonLust-Phänomen {n} [Lustsches Zeichen]
med. Branham's signNicoladoni-Israel-Branham-Phänomen {n}
med. Bielschowsky's head tilt testBielschowsky-Kopfneige-Phänomen {n} <BKP> [auch: Bielschowsky-Kopfneigephänomen]
med. Raynaud's phenomenon of occupational origintraumatisches Raynaud-Phänomen {n} [vibrationsbedingtes vasospastisches Syndrom]
zool. Dehnel's phenomenonDehnel-Phänomen {n}
math. Gibbs phenomenonGibbs'sches Phänomen {n}
Kohnstamm's phenomenonKohnstamm-Phänomen {n}
med. The Hum [e.g. the "Bristol Hum" or the "Taos Hum"]Brummton-Phänomen {n}
med. Hill's phenomenon [also: Hill phenomenon]Hill'sches Phänomen {n} [Hill-Zeichen]
med. giving-way phenomenonGiving-way-Phänomen {n} [instabilitätsbedingtes Wegknicken / Weggleiten eines Gelenks]
med. dip phenomenonDip-Phänomen {n}
med. Gallavardin phenomenonGallavardin-Phänomen {n}
psych. groupthink phenomenonGroupthink-Phänomen {n}
med. psych. impostor phenomenonImpostor-Phänomen {n}
Lazarus phenomenonLazarus-Phänomen {n}
chem. Leidenfrost phenomenonLeidenfrost-Phänomen {n}
spec. rebound phenomenonRebound-Phänomen {n}
med. sludge phenomenonSludge-Phänomen {n}
med. Cushing's phenomenon [also: Cushing phenomenon] [Cushing reflex]Cushing-Phänomen {n}
med. Hill's phenomenon [also: Hill phenomenon]Hill-Phänomen {n} [Hill-Zeichen]
optics Bezold-Brücke shiftBezold-Brücke-Phänomen {n} [Bezold-Brücke-Verschiebung]
med. subclavian steal phenomenon <SSP>Subclavian-Steal-Phänomen {n}
med. blue toe phenomenonBlue-toe-Phänomen {n}
med. dip-plateau phenomenonDip-Plateau-Phänomen {n}
Will-Rogers phenomenonWill-Rogers-Phänomen {n}
med. [Uhthoff's phenomenon, Uhthoff's syndrome, Uhthoff's sign, Uhthoff's symptom; sometimes incorrectly spelled Uthoff's / Uthoff phenomenon, etc.] Uthoff-Phänomen {n} [FALSCH für: Uhthoff-Phänomen; nach Wilhelm Uhthoff, dt. Ophthalmologe]
optics tech. Bezold-Brücke phenomenon [IEC 60050]Bezold-Brücke-Phänomen {n} [IEC 60050]
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