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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: ER-negative
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Dictionary English German: ER negative

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biochem. estrogen receptor-negative {adj} [Am.] <ER-negative, ER->östrogenrezeptornegativ <ER-negativ, ER->
biochem. oestrogen receptor-negative {adj} [Br.] <ER-negative, ER->östrogenrezeptornegativ <ER-negativ, ER->
biochem. estrogen receptor-negative {adj} [Am.] <ER-positive, ER+>östrogenrezeptorpositiv <ER-positiv, ER+>
to answer sth. in the negativeeine negative Antwort erteilen
Partial Matches
the negative side (of things)das Negative {n}
psych. negative triad [Beck's cognitive triad]negative Triade {f} [kognitive Triade (nach Beck)]
a negative attitude towards sb./sth.eine negative Einstellung {f} gegen jdn./etw.
answer in the negativenegative Antwort {f}
chem. electr. MedTech. negative electrode [cathode]negative Elektrode {f} [Kathode]
to have negative effectsnegative Auswirkungen haben
to reinforce negative stereotypesnegative Klischees bestärken
med. false negative resultfalsch negative Diagnose {f}
negative yield curvenegative Ertragskurve {f}
math. stat. negative exponential distributionnegative Exponentialverteilung {f}
negative trade balancenegative Handelsbilanz {f}
negative action [activity]negative Handlung {f}
constr. negative skin frictionnegative Mantelreibung {f}
negative feedback [review]negative Rückmeldung {f}
math. negative integernegative ganze Zahl {f}
med. MedTech. alternating positive-negative pressure breathing <APNB>alternierend positiv-negative Druckbeatmung {f} <APNB, APN-Beatmung>
to put a negative / positive spin on sth.von etw. eine negative / positive Darstellung geben
negative viewsnegative Ansichten {pl}
negative answernegative Antwort {f}
negative replynegative Antwort {f}
negative effectnegative Auswirkung {f}
negative effectsnegative Auswirkungen {pl}
phys. negative accelerationnegative Beschleunigung {f}
negative affirmationnegative Bestätigung {f}
negative appraisalnegative Einschätzung {f}
negative sentimentsnegative Einstellungen {pl}
negative consequencesnegative Folgen {pl}
tech. negative leveragenegative Hebelwirkung {f}
ling. negative connotationnegative Konnotation {f}
stat. negative correlationnegative Korrelation {f}
negative criticismnegative Kritik {f}
math. tech. negative curvaturenegative Krümmung {f}
phys. negative chargenegative Ladung {f}
negative logicnegative Logik {f}
negative measuresnegative Maßnahmen {pl}
negative opinionnegative Meinung {f}
negative acknowledgenegative Quittung {f}
negative feedbacknegative Rückkopplung {f}
negative acknowledgementnegative Rückmeldung {f}
biol. negative selectionnegative Selektion {f}
negative spreadnegative Streuung {f}
negative amortizationnegative Tilgung {f}
negative virtuenegative Tugend {f}
negative effectnegative Wirkung {f}
math. negative numbernegative Zahl {f}
negative carrynegative Zinsinkongruenz {f}
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A 2014-03-12: Inversion: After negative adverbial expressions
A 2013-05-13: It's rather negative,
A 2010-01-03: Im US Slang ist der negative Sinn von +mean+ ironisch ins Positive gekehrt
A 2009-11-06: schön wäre es ja, wenn Waschzettel passen würde - der negative Beiklang kö...
A 2008-11-19: though, beware: "Binsenweisheit" is rather negative...
A 2008-02-13: Tut mir leid, aber ich hab da leider negative Erfahrungen gemacht. I'll gi...

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