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English-German translation for: EV-positive betting
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Dictionary English German: EV positive betting

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pharm. estradiol valerate <EV> [Am.] [C23H32O3]Estradiolvalerat {n} <EV>
pharm. oestradiol valerate <EV> [Br.] [C23H32O3]Estradiolvalerat {n} <EV>
phys. unit electron volt <eV>Elektronenvolt {n} <eV>
phys. unit electron volt <eV>Elektronvolt {n} <eV>
automot. (GMC) Hummer EV [battery electric full-size vehicle from General Motors](GMC) Hummer EV {m} [Elektrofahrzeug]
to meet with a positive responseauf positive Resonanz stoßen
psych. positive behavior support [Am.] <PBS>positive Verhaltensunterstützung {f} <PVU>
psych. positive behavioral support [Am.] <PBS>positive Verhaltensunterstützung {f} <PVU>
psych. positive behaviour support [Br.] <PBS>positive Verhaltensunterstützung {f} <PVU>
psych. positive behavioural support [Br.] <PBS>positive Verhaltensunterstützung {f} <PVU>
to adopt a positive attitudeeine positive Haltung annehmen
to acquire a positive attitudesichDat. eine positive Einstellung aneignen
idiom to deliver / give a positive summary ofeine positive Bilanz [+Gen.] ziehen
to get a positive response from sb.bei jdm. auf positive Resonanz stoßen
to get positive resultspositive Resultate erzielen
to leave positive markspositive Spuren hinterlassen
med. false positive resultfalsch positive Diagnose {f}
psych. unconditional positive regardbedingungslose positive Zuwendung {f}
tech. positive acknowledgement <ACK>positive Rückmeldung {f}
tech. positive acknowledgment <ACK>positive Rückmeldung {f}
math. positive integerpositive ganze Zahl {f}
electr. positive gate voltagepositive Steuerspannung {f}
tech. positive material identificationpositive Materialerkennung {f}
positive yield curvepositive Ertragskurve {f}
Internet positive feedback {sg} [e.g. on eBay]positive Bewertungen {pl} [z. B. auf eBay]
to put a negative / positive spin on sth.von etw. eine negative / positive Darstellung geben
positive acknowledgmentpositive Quittung {f}
positive acknowledgmentpositive Rückmeldung {f}
positive appraisalpositive Einschätzung {f}
electr. positive busbarpositive Sammelschiene {f}
phys. positive chargepositive Ladung {f}
stat. positive correlationpositive Korrelation {f}
pol. sociol. positive discriminationpositive Diskriminierung {f}
positive economicspositive Nationalökonomie {f}
econ. positive economicspositive Volkswirtschaftslehre {f}
positive effectpositive Auswirkung {f}
positive effectpositive Wirkung {f}
positive effectspositive Auswirkungen {pl}
electr. positive electrodepositive Elektrode {f}
electr. psych. positive feedbackpositive Rückkopplung {f}
positive gappositive Lücke {f}
positive matchpositive Übereinstimmung {f}
psych. positive psychologyPositive Psychologie {f}
psych. positive reinforcementpositive Bestärkung {f}
positive replypositive Antwort {f}
biol. positive selectionpositive Selektion {f}
positive statementpositive Erklärung {f}
positive trendpositive Entwicklung {f}
med. MedTech. biphasic positive airway pressure <BiPAP>zweiphasische positive Atem-Druckunterstützung {f} <BiPAP>
to be received with positive / negative criticismpositive / negative Kritik bekommen
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