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English-German translation for: Each
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Dictionary English German: Each

Translation 1 - 50 of 426  >>

English German
PRON   each | each | -
SYNO   apiece | each | for each one ... 
each {pron} [referring to a masculine noun]
jeder [individualisierend: jeder einzelne]
each {pron} [referring to a feminine noun]
jede [individualisierend: jede einzelne]
each {pron} [referring to a neuter noun]
jedes [individualisierend: jedes einzelne]
each {adv} <ea.>
je [jeweils]
each {adv}
jeweils [jeder Einzelne]
each {adj}
jegliche [nachdrücklich für "jede"]
each {adj}
jeglicher [nachdrücklich für "jeder"]
each {adj}
jegliches [nachdrücklich für "jedes"]
each {adv} [per head]je Kopf
each {adv} [per person]pro Nase [ugs.] [pro Person]
each {adv} [per person]pro Person
each {adv} [per piece]pro Stück
2 Words: Others
each (one)ein jeglicher [substantivisch] [veraltet]
each day {adv}tagtäglich
each day {adv}jeden Tag
each one {pron}jeder
each one {pron}ein jeder
each other {pron}einander
each other {adv}gegenseitig
each other {pron}sich [einander]
each time {adv}jedesmal [alt]
each time {adj}jedesmalig [veraltet]
each timejeweils
each time {adv}jedes Mal
each weekend {adv}an jedem Wochenende
each year {adv}jährlich
for each {adv} [female]für jede
for each {adv} [male]für jeden
for each {adv} [neuter]für jedes
of each {pron}jedesGen.
one ... eachjeweils ein ...
2 Words: Nouns
each individualjeder Einzelne {m}
3 Words: Others
[they] are each identified[sie] sind jeweils gekennzeichnet
about each other {adv}übereinander [reden etc.]
about each other {adv}umeinander
against each other {adv}aneinander
against each other {adv}gegeneinander
among each other {adv}untereinander
around each other {adv}umeinander
at $1 each {adv}für 1 $ pro Stück
at $1 each {adv}je Stück für 1 $
at each hour {adv}zu jeder Stunde
at each instant {adv}zu jedem Zeitpunkt
at each step {adv}bei jedem Schritt
at each step {adv}bei jeder Stufe
at each time {adv}jedesmal [alt]
at each time {adv}jedes Mal
before each other {adv}voreinander
consulting each othersich beratend
each and any {pron}jedwede
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Q 2025-01-11: 'We could be each others spark A guy like me is a fuse '
A 2024-12-22: they wrote "descriptions of each other"
A 2022-10-09: Devoted / Devotion to Each Other oder: Caring for Each Other, In Loving Care
Q 2022-05-21: inclusion/ each
A 2022-04-14: The requirement is identifiability of each sport.
A 2021-12-24: 2 across – two separately cut labels on each horizontal row
A 2021-09-07: a flock / flight of doves and a murder of crows were passing through each other
A 2021-06-02: "to liken themselves to each other"?
A 2021-02-12: the members did not like each other, they were antagonistic to each other
A 2019-10-09: vermutlich: im Vergleich untereinander (among each other)
Q 2019-03-24: He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17.27
A 2019-01-11: The thing is that leavers and remainers keep blaming each other +ad nausea...
A 2019-01-09: They got intimate with each other that night, but they didn't tell anyone.
A 2018-09-18: each other + mutually
A 2018-09-17: Among the South German / Austrian nobility, close relatives and friends us...
Q 2018-07-26: Did you speak with each other?
A 2017-12-20: Later on, the catalogue was incorporated in two software projects which we...
A 2017-09-29: Halfpenny each.
A 2017-09-26: A character is prefixed to each of the 26 chapters corresponding to a lett...
A 2017-09-26: ... is put / placed at the beginning of each of the 26 chapters

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