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Dictionary English German: Eagle

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NOUN   an eagle | eagles
VERB  to eagle | eagled | eagled ... 
SYNO   to double birdie | to eagle ... 
NOUN   das Eagle | die Eagles
eagle {adj} [attr.] [e.g. capital, chick, feather, species]
Adler- [z. B. Kapitell, Junges, Feder, Art]
sports to eagle [golf]zwei unter Par einlochen
orn. T
Adler {m}
sports eagle [golf]
Eagle {n} [zwei unter Par]
orn. T
curr. eagle [U.S. coin]Eagle {m} [US-amerikanische Goldmünze]
2 Words: Others
eagle-beaked {adj}hakennasig
eagle-eyed {adj}adleräugig
eagle-eyed {adj}scharfsichtig
eagle-eyed {adj} [attr.] [fig.]mit Adleraugen [fig.] [nachgestellt] [mit scharfem, durchdringend blickendem Auge]
2 Words: Verbs
to spread-eagleden Adler machen [ugs.] [ostd.]
to spread-eagle sb./sth. [also spelled spreadeagle] [stretch out spread-eagled]jdn./etw. mit gespreizten Gliedern fixieren
2 Words: Nouns
orn. adolescent eagleJungadler {m}
hist. blood eagle [Viking ritual method of execution]Blutaar {m} [Hinrichtungsritual bei den Wikingern]
hist. blood eagle [Viking ritual method of execution]Blutadler {m} [Hinrichtungsritual bei den Wikingern]
herald. czarist eagleZarenadler {m}
hist. double eagleDoppeladler {m}
hist. double eagledoppelköpfiger Adler {m}
curr. hist. double eagle [Am.][alte amerikanische Goldmünze mit einem Wert von 20 Dollar]
sports double eagle [Am.] [Golf: three strokes under par]Albatros {m} [Golf: drei Schläge unter Par]
sports double eagle [Am.] [golf]Albatros {m}
archi. eagle capitalAdlerkapitell {n}
orn. eagle chickAdlerjunges {n}
eagle clawAdlerkralle {f}
eagle eyeFalkenauge {n} [fig.]
eagle eye [also fig.]Adlerauge {n} [auch fig.]
orn. relig. eagle featherAdlerfeder {f}
orn. eagle fledgling [also: eagle fledgeling]Adlerjunges {n}
hunting orn. eagle huntress [hunting with eagles]Adlerjägerin {f} [Jagd mit Adler]
art relig. eagle lecternAdlerpult {n}
astron. Eagle Nebula [IC 4703]Adlernebel {m} [IC 4703]
orn. eagle parentsAdlereltern {pl}
eagle pose [garudasana]Adlerstellung {f} [Yoga]
Eagle Scout [Am.][höchster Rang bei den Boy Scouts of America (Pfadfindern)]
orn. eagle speciesAdlerart {f}
mineral. eagle stoneAdlerstein {m}
hist. mus. spec. eagle stopAdlerzug {m}
ethn. hist. eagle warrior [Cuauhtli]Adlerkrieger {m} [Cuauhtli]
hist. Eagle-dalmatic [part of the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire]Adlerdalmatika {f} [auch: Adlerdalmatica] [Teil der Reichskleinodien]
eagle-eyesArgusaugen {pl}
orn. relig. eagle's featherAdlerfeder {f}
orn. eagle's nestAdlerhorst {m}
orn. eagle's nestAdlernest {n}
geogr. hist. Eagle's Nest [building used by Hitler for official receptions]Kehlsteinhaus {n}
eagle's screechAdlerschrei {m}
med. Eagle's solutionEagle-Lösung {f} [Labormedizin]
orn. eagle's wingAdlerflügel {m}
herald. federal eagleBundesadler {m}
orn. female eagleAdlerweibchen {n}
curr. hist. half eagle [Am.]Fünfdollargoldstück {n}
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A 2020-01-11: I don't think the eagle is generally known as the king of the skies/air in...
A 2015-01-17: I'm not a legal eagle
A 2014-08-16: The eagle is on the wing. ?
A 2014-08-15: The eagle has taken flight, the eagle is aloft
A 2014-08-14: The eagle has taken off
Q 2014-08-14: The opposite of "The eagle has landed"
Q 2013-07-02: white stork / golden eagle ?
A 2012-08-07: Not a legal eagle.
A 2011-08-12: They don't call me eagle eyes for nothing, you know ;-))
A 2011-06-17: Eagle-eyes-Joanne :)
A 2011-04-27: Eagle and mole
A 2010-12-21: go spread-eagle
A 2010-04-11: osprey-eagle
A 2010-04-01: He is a dog and fallen for Bluegrass music. His favourite song is "When I ...
A 2009-10-13: As a headline, I'd write "Eagle-Eyed"
Q 2009-10-13: Are You Eagle-Eyed?
A 2008-12-31: Eagle Eye and "my own house"
A 2008-12-01: http://www.google.de/search?q=Reich%27s+Eagle&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=o...
A 2008-06-11: Slocombe, the Cat and the Eagle http://slocombe.freeservers.com/...
A 2007-12-23: Idiom does seem to exist in nautical English http://www.fredsplace.org/im...

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• eagle
eagle capital
eagle chick
eagle claw
Eagle Eye
eagle feather

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