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English-German translation for: Ear
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Dictionary English German: Ear

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NOUN   an ear | ears
SYNO   capitulum | ear | spike | auricle ... 
ear {adj} [attr.] [e.g. clip, lobe, malformation, muffs, scoop, tag]
Ohr- [z. B. Clip, Läppchen, Fehlbildung, Wärmer, Löffel, Marke]
ear {adj} [attr.] [e.g. complaint, drops, flap, hospital, infection, specialist]Ohren- [z. B. Leiden, Tropfen, Schützer, Klinik, Entzündung, Arzt]
anat. ear
Ohr {n}
bot. ear [fruiting spike of a cereal]
Ähre {f} [Getreideähre]
bot. ear [seed-bearing head of a cereal grass, e.g. maize]
Kolben {m} [walzenförmiger Blüten- oder Fruchtstand]
Gehör {n}
hunting zool. ear [esp. deer, hare, chamois]
Lauscher {m} [Jägersprache] [auch hum.] [Ohr]
earOhrwaschel {n} [ugs.] [österr.] [bayer.]
earWaschel {n} [ugs.] [österr.] [bayer.] [Ohrwaschel, Ohr]
hunting zool. ear [esp. deer, hare, chamois]Loser {m} [Lauscher, Ohr]
hunting zool. ear [esp. deer, hare, chamois]Luser {m} [Lauscher, Ohr]
2 Words: Others
by ear {adv}nach Gehör
ear-deafening {adj}ohrenbetäubend [Lärm]
audio ear-enclosing {adj} [circumaural]ohrumschließend
ear-minded {adj}auditiv [vorwiegend mit Gehörsinn begabt]
ear-piercing {adj}ohrenbetäubend
ear-piercing {adj} [deafening] [idiom]durch Mark und Bein gehend [Lärm] [Redewendung]
ear-shaped {adj}ohrförmig
ear-shattering {adj}ohrenbetäubend
ear-splitting {adj}markerschütternd
ear-splitting {adj}ohrenbetäubend
2 Words: Verbs
to bend sb.'s ear [coll.] [idiom]jdm. ein / das Ohr abkauen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to box sb.'s earjdn. ohrfeigen
to box sb.'s earjdm. eine kleben [ugs.]
idiom to have sb.'s earein offenes Ohr bei jdm. finden [bei jdm. in einflussreicher Position]
2 Words: Nouns
anat. (ear) ossicleGehörknöchelchen {n}
VetMed. zool. (ear) scutulum [rare] [scrutiform cartilage of the ear]Dreiecksknorpel {m} [Ohr]
(ear) studOhrring {m}
(ear) studOhrstecker {m}
accurate earscharfes Gehör {n}
acute eargutes Gehör {n}
med. adobe ear [rare] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear]Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa]
audio MedTech. artificial earkünstliches Ohr {n}
med. aviator's earAerootitis {f} [Barotrauma]
med. bat ear [Apostasis otum]Segelohr {n}
bear's-earBärenohr {n}
audio better earbesseres Ohr {n}
med. boxer's ear [coll.] [aural haematoma]Boxerohr {n} [ugs.] [Bluterguss am Ohr, Othämatom]
button ear [in dogs]Knopfohr {n} [bei Hunden]
med. VetMed. cauliflower earBlumenkohlohr {n}
med. cauliflower ear [coll.] [aural haematoma]Ringerohr {n} [ugs.] [Bluterguss am Ohr, Othämatom]
med. Dhobie ear [rare] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear]Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa]
med. diver's ear [Otitis externa (diffusa)]Taucherohr {n}
dog-ear [folded page corner]Eselsohr {n} [ugs.] [umgeknickte Ecke einer Buchseite]
med. ear acupunctureOhrakupunktur {f}
MedTech. ear bandageOhrbinde {f} [selten] [Ohrenbinde]
MedTech. ear bandageOhrenbinde {f}
med. ear bandageOhrenverband {m}
med. ear bleedingOhrenbluten {n}
med. ear bleedingOhrenblutung {f}
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A 2018-04-22: "Forehead" is not "ear".
A 2018-02-25: An "in-ear monitor" is used for in-ear monitoring.
A 2018-02-25: earplug [for in-ear monitoring] Ohrhörer {m} [Earplug für In-Ear-Monitoring]
Q 2017-11-07: You won't believe this - Donald Trump found in a dog's ear
A 2014-11-27: set on * ear
Q 2014-11-27: Set … on its ear
A 2014-10-13: I don't seem to hear it when I press the hearing button. Might be my ear then...
A 2014-07-08: You can smell how silly it is to put your ear on a heated hob
A 2014-05-08: Pull back/up on ear
Q 2014-05-08: Pull back and up on the ear...
A 2014-01-05: ? ear twist
A 2013-12-07: But if the made a point, how would he want to play it by ear? What was the...
A 2013-08-28: I have a tin ear for BE, but isn't "Love" as an attention-getter slightly ...
Q 2013-02-26: Übersetzung über Reinraumartikel (Liefertermin heute 11:30 Uhr) "Ear-loope...
A 2013-02-22: it is very diffcult to ear that different ;)
A 2012-11-08: pig's ear
Q 2011-08-09: responsive ear
A 2011-07-20: The southern ear :-)
A 2011-06-21: You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
A 2011-06-01: The past tense is correct to my ear.

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