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Dictionary English German: Early

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ADJ   early | earlier | earliest
SYNO   early | early on | betimes | former ... 
early {adj} {adv}
early {adj} {adv}
early {adj} {adv}
zeitig [veraltet, noch regional]
early {adj} {adv}
early {adj}
baldig [attr.] [früh, zeitig]
early {adj} {adv}
early {adj} [incipient]
early {adv}
zeitlich [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [zeitig, früh]
early {adj} {adv}tiedig [plattd.] [zeitig, frühzeitig, früh, rechtzeitig]
early {adv}am Anfang
early {adj} [belonging to a period far back in time]alt [früh]
2 Words: Others
Come early!Komm zeitig!
med. zool. early adult {adj} [development stage]frühadult [Entwicklungsstadium]
hist. early American {adj}altamerikanisch
early Baroque {adj}frühbarock
hist. early bourgeois {adj}frühbürgerlich
geol. Early Cambrian {adj}frühkambrisch
econ. hist. early capitalist {adj} [attr.]frühkapitalistisch
geol. Early Carboniferous {adj} [also: early Carboniferous]frühkarbonisch
archaeo. hist. early Celtic {adj}frühkeltisch
early childhood {adj} [attr.]frühkindlich
hist. relig. early Christian {adj}altchristlich
hist. relig. early Christian {adj}altkirchlich
hist. relig. Early Christian {adj}frühchristlich
hist. relig. early Christian {adj}urchristlich
hist. relig. early church {adj}altkirchlich
hist. lit. mus. early classical {adj}frühklassisch
hist. early colonial {adj}frühkolonial
geol. Early Cretaceous {adj} [also: early Cretaceous]frühkreidezeitlich
geol. Early Cretaceous {adj} [also: early Cretaceous]frühkretazisch
geol. Early Devonian {adj} [also: early Devonian]frühdevonisch
geol. early diagenetic {adj}frühdiagenetisch
med. early diastolicin der frühen Diastole [nachgestellt]
early doors {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [esp. in sport: at an early stage]im Frühstadium
archaeo. hist. Early Dynastic {adj}frühdynastisch
early enough {adj} {adv}rechtzeitig
bot. early flowering {adj}frühblühend
bot. early flowering {adj}früh blühend
med. early functional {adj}frühfunktionell
ethn. hist. early Germanic {adj}frühgermanisch
archi. early Gothic {adj}frühgotisch
hist. early Greek {adj}frühgriechisch
archaeo. hist. Early Helladic {adj} <E.H.>frühhelladisch
hist. early historic {adj} [also: early-historic]frühgeschichtlich
archaeo. hist. early hominid {adj}frühmenschlich
early inam Anfang von
hist. early industrial {adj}frühindustriell
relig. early Islamic {adj}frühislamisch
hist. relig. early Jewish {adj}frühjüdisch
geol. Early Jurassic {adj}frühjurassisch
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A 2023-07-25: To me, it seems reasonable to understand preparations for and early manife...
Q 2020-11-23: Vorschusslorbeeren ~ early laurels
A 2020-06-07: I'm going to call it a day early / earlier today
A 2019-01-15: "early aughts"
A 2019-01-10: Unless the late bird gets the late worm. .... The late worm IS the one tha...
A 2018-11-03: "The early bird gets the worm"
Q 2018-10-03: early office evenings
A 2017-07-17: 1459 is a bit early for Freemasonry in Germany
A 2016-12-29: In the early crudest manner,
Q 2016-11-21: I think it's too early/ I denke, dass es zu früh ist
Q 2016-04-26: Wippe (early type of harbor crane)
A 2015-06-18: I like +confirm+ - one of Michael's suggestions from very early on :-)
A 2015-06-12: early arrival .... ??
A 2015-05-28: Does +Early to bed and early to rise+ make this querist wise? Or was this ...
Q 2015-05-27: early launch period
A 2015-05-20: Or else: Tenders his resignation as early as 1830 (aged 38 years).
Q 2015-04-26: US speakers, is it: Easter holidays or Easter vacation started early
A 2015-04-12: American popular music from the 50's and early 60's is so beautiful! It mu...
A 2015-03-15: Early Onset Clinton Fatigue
A 2015-03-08: AE "this early ..."

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