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Dictionary English German: Earth

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ADJ   earth | - | -
NOUN1   earth | -
NOUN2   Earth | -
VERB  to earth | earthed | earthed ... 
SYNO   Earth | earth | globe | world ... 
earth {adj} [attr.]
electr. to earth [Br.]
Erde {f} [Welt, Erdreich, elektr.]
astron. Earth <⊕, ♁>
Erde {f} <⊕, ♁>
Welt {f}
Erdboden {m}
electr. earth
Masse {f}
earth [soil]
Erdreich {n}
Erdung {f}
geogr. earthTerra {f}
zool. earth [of fox, badger etc.]Bau {m}
astron. the Moon <☾> [Earth's only natural satellite]der Mond {m} <☾> [der einzige natürliche Satellit der Erde]
2 Words: Others
beyond Earth {adv}jenseits der Erde
earth brown {adj}erdbraun
astron. earth-based {adj} [also: Earth-based]erdbasiert
earth-born {adj}erdgeboren [geh.]
earth-bound {adj}fantasielos
earth-colored {adj} [Am.]erdfarben
earth-coloured {adj} [Br.]erdfarben
archi. earth-floored {adj}mit Erdfußboden [nachgestellt]
earth-like {adj} [also: Earth-like]erdähnlich
astron. earth-like {adj} [also: Earth-like]erdartig
phys. earth-magnetic {adj}erdmagnetisch
earth-moist {adj}erdfeucht [z. B. Beton, Lehm]
astron. earth-orbiting {adj}erdumkreisend
earth-shattering {adj}erderschütternd
earth-shattering {adj}weltbewegend
earth-shattering {adj}welterschütternd [weltbewegend]
astron. Earth-size {adj} [also: earth-size]erdgroß
Earth-sized {adj} [also: earth-sized]erdgroß
astron. near-Earth {adj} [also: near-earth] [attr.]erdnah
electr. off-earth {adj} [Br.]massefrei
on earth {adv}auf der Erde
on earth {adv} [esp. in contrast to heaven]auf Erden [geh.] [bes.: in der irdischen Welt]
on earth {adj} [postpos.]irdisch
2 Words: Verbs
agr. hort. to earth sth. up [esp. a plant]etw. anhäufeln [aufhäufeln]
to scoop earthErde ausheben
2 Words: Nouns
phys. (Earth's) gravityErdenschwere {f}
(earth) orbitErdumlaufbahn {f}
geol. (earth) tremorsErdstöße {pl}
chem. ind. activated earthBleicherde {f}
chem. ind. active earth [crude oil]Aktiverde {f}
zool. badger's earthDachsbau {m}
black earthDammerde {f}
geol. black earthSchwarzerde {f}
material tech. bleaching earthBleicherde {f}
agr. geol. hort. bog earthTorferde {f}
bone earthKnochenasche {f}
brick earthZiegellehm {m}
brown earthBraunerde {f}
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Q 2020-10-18: .. wear down the earth
Q 2019-04-26: https://daily.jstor.org/whats-wrong-with-planet-earth/?utm_term=Planet%20E...
A 2018-04-05: the Western regions of the Earth's globe
A 2018-02-20: What on earth did it mean?
A 2017-12-27: Typo: in this context +Earth+
A 2017-12-27: ... +data ... some of which point to the very likely fact that Mars once h...
Q 2017-02-12: What on earth is this?
A 2016-10-25: 02:27 - what guff. Who on earth is fed a language with +with his/her mothe...
A 2015-12-01: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22how+much+more+can+the+earth+take%3F%22
A 2015-12-01: https://www.google.fr/search?q=%22how+much+more+can+earth+take%22&ie=utf-8...
A 2015-09-16: She holds all the creatures stirring on earth in a faithful embrace
A 2015-09-15: freely: She holds in loving embrace all creatures who stir upon the earth.
A 2015-08-09: Nowhere on earth is home but in the loving hearts of those close to you
A 2015-06-13: Why on earth doesn't anybody let on to me about these secrets?
A 2015-06-08: maybe something more down to earth?
A 2014-12-18: Mother Earth
A 2014-06-28: How on earth does +Geruch der Luft nach frisch gefallenem Regen+ suggest a...
A 2014-04-22: Happy earth day.
A 2014-02-22: (a) What is more, she presently opened her eyes ... (b) But how on earth ...
A 2013-11-26: What about hyphenating +rare-earth+ in +rare-earth magnet?+ Cf. the Wiki entry.

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