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Dictionary English German: Education

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NOUN   an education | educations
SYNO   Department of Education | Education ... 
educ. education [includes subject mastery, cultural, and personal maturation aspects]
Bildung {f}
educ. jobs education [for trades, professions etc.]
Ausbildung {f}
education [esp. by parents]
Erziehung {f}
acad. educ. education [pedagogics]
Pädagogik {f}
educ. education [lessons, classes etc.]
Unterricht {m}
education [training, instruction]
Schulung {f}
Training {n}
acad. educ. education [as an academic discipline]
Erziehungswissenschaft {f}
educ. spec. education
Edukation {f} [Erziehung]
acad. educ. education {sg}
Bildungswissenschaften {pl} [Studiengangsbezeichnung]
educ. education [knowledge, skills etc.]
Bildungsrucksack {m} [schweiz.]
2 Words: Others
education-dependent {adj}bildungsabhängig
education-related {adj}bildungsbezogen
2 Words: Nouns
acad. educ. academic educationakademische Ausbildung {f}
educ. academic educationwissenschaftliche Ausbildung {f}
adequate educationangemessene Vorbildung {f}
educ. adult educationAndragogik {f}
educ. adult educationErwachsenenbildung {f}
educ. adult educationVolksbildung {f} [veraltend]
advanced educationFortbildung {f}
agr. educ. agricultural educationlandwirtschaftliche Ausbildung {f}
art educ. art educationKunsterziehung {f}
art educ. art educationKunstpädagogik {f}
educ. art educationKunstunterricht {m}
arts educationmusische Erziehung {f}
audio auditory educationHörerziehung {f}
educ. basic educationBasisbildung {f}
educ. basic educationGrundausbildung {f}
basic educationGrundbildung {f}
educ. basic educationGrundschule {f}
educ. character educationCharaktererziehung {f}
child educationKindererziehung {f}
educ. relig. Christian educationGemeindepädagogik {f}
educ. civic educationbürgerschaftliche Erziehung {f}
acad. educ. pol. civic educationpolitische Bildung {f}
classical educationklassische Erziehung {f}
educ. co-educationGemeinschaftserziehung {f} [Jungen und Mädchen]
educ. co-educationgemeinsamer Unterricht {m} beider Geschlechter
educ. college educationCollegeausbildung {f}
educ. college educationHochschulausbildung {f}
college educationHochschulbildung {f}
college educationakademische Bildung {f}
educ. college educationCollege-Ausbildung {f}
educ. college educationhöhere Schulbildung {f}
comm. educ. commercial educationkaufmännische Schulbildung {f}
commercial educationwirtschaftliche Ausbildung {f}
acad. educ. comparative educationVergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft {f} [Studienfach]
acad. educ. comparative education {sg}Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaften {pl} [Studienfach]
educ. compulsory educationPflichtunterricht {m}
educ. compulsory educationSchulpflicht {f}
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A 2019-10-21: social worker (higher education) ?
Q 2019-06-05: community education
A 2019-04-02: Another suggestion: They should / are to receive the same education.
A 2019-04-01: https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&ei=_HmiXLKfK4v4qwGbzYzgDg&q=%22get+...
A 2019-01-26: +Education+ ist halt weit mehr als nur +Lernen+ mit seinen +Lernhilfen+
A 2019-01-21: +initial education+ in English
A 2018-03-09: Decades ago, some English masters automatically struck out +till+ and repl...
Q 2018-02-10: Survey PE 10-12 as high school subject of Department of Defense Education...
A 2017-09-07: UK +youth education officer+
A 2017-09-07: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22Youth+education+consultant%22&ei=InKx...
A 2017-08-02: To what extent does education make the difference between good and bad Eng...
A 2017-07-31: Typo: education
A 2017-07-05: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22further+the+education+of+*%22
A 2017-01-02: Education
A 2016-11-16: timfefe, dearest: What are your credentials? Given your lack of education ...
A 2016-05-27: Maybe: education without maturation leads to science without conscience
A 2016-03-15: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/like-versus-such-as
A 2015-10-28: Bildungskatastrophe > educational disaster, disaster in education
Q 2015-06-30: Outreach education to community agencies
A 2015-06-16: It's "advanced secondary vocational education center" on the site at the link.

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