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English-German translation for: Elder
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Dictionary English German: Elder

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ADJ   old | older/elder | oldest/eldest
NOUN   an elder | elders
SYNO   elder | senior | elderberry bush ... 
elder {adj}
elder {adj}
elder {adj}
bot. T
ethn. relig. elder
Ältester {m}
gastr. elder [dial.] [udder]
Euter {n} [Kuheuter]
bot. gastr. T
bot. gastr. T
the Elderder Ältere {m} <d. Ä.>
2 Words: Nouns
relig. (church) elderKirchenältester {m}
community elderGemeindeältester {m}
law sociol. elder abuse[Missbrauch und Gewalt an älteren Personen]
bot. elder branchHolunderzweig {m}
elder brotherälterer Bruder {m}
bot. elder bushHolunderbusch {m}
bot. elder bushHolunderstrauch {m}
elder careAltenpflege {f}
elder careSeniorenbetreuung {f}
geogr. Elder GlacierElder-Gletscher {m}
bot. elder leafHolunderblatt {n}
bot. elder leavesHolunderblätter {pl}
psych. sociol. elder mediationAltersmediation {f}
pol. elder statesmanElder Statesman {m} [geh.]
pol. elder statesmanverdienter Staatsmann {m}
town elderStadtvater {m}
ethn. tribal elderStammesältester {m}
ethn. tribe elderStammesältester {m}
village elderDorfältester {m}
village elder [female]Dorfälteste {f}
3 Words: Nouns
hist. Cato the Elder [Marcus Porcius Cato]Cato {m}, der Ältere
art hist. Cephisodotus the Elder [Greek sculptor]Kephisodotos {m} der Ältere [griechischer Bildhauer]
gastr. elder blossom teaHolunderblütentee {m}
relig. James the Elder [apostle]Jakobus der Ältere {m} [Apostel]
hist. lit. Pliny the ElderPlinius {m} der Ältere
4 Words: Nouns
art (Hans) Holbein the Elder(Hans) Holbein {m} der Ältere
art Lucas Cranach the ElderLucas Cranach der Ältere {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
Friedrich von Bodelschwingh the Elder [Friedrich Christian Carl von Bodelschwingh]Friedrich (Christian Carl) von Bodelschwingh {m} [Friedrich von Bodelschwingh der Ältere]
geogr. hist. pol. Principality of Reuss Elder LineFürstentum {n} Reuß ältere / älterer Linie
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Sons of Katie Elder [Henry Hathaway]Die vier Söhne der Katie Elder
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
Attich {m}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2012-12-03: Mormon Elder
A 2012-12-03: elder
A 2012-12-03: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/elder?q=elder
Q 2012-12-03: elder
A 2011-07-24: Emotional decision-making from the days of the elder George Bush.
A 2010-12-28: Pieter Bruegel the Elder - 2010?
A 2010-11-11: Older - elder is just used for people.
Q 2010-11-11: there are hardly any older/elder books... ??
A 2010-11-07: Alternative - M, R's elder sister, was the only exception.
A 2010-07-13: Elder
A 2010-07-12: 'elder' is used in reference to people (not things)
Q 2009-08-26: elder statesman
A 2008-12-30: Headline ought to read: DEGENERATE ARTISTS - ELDER (RIGHT) ...
A 2008-12-06: Well... the guilt was hammered into me when I was at school - and I am onl...
A 2008-10-27: thats beside the point, bella...we dont say precious wood...btw elder>alder
A 2007-12-14: Coffee, lemon juice, elder-flower water, in case of doubt - tap water, yerac.
A 2007-10-26: ... My elder sister right now lives and works in London. In the summer bre...
A 2007-05-14: sorry, elder.
A 2007-03-24: ddr is right. After WWII, us kids had to "auftragen" the clothes of our el...
A 2007-03-13: elder flower is usually the plant and blossom the petals (young)

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