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English-German translation for: Elektronegativität EN χ
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Dictionary English German: Elektronegativität EN χ

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

chem. phys. electronegativity <χ>Elektronegativität {f} <EN, χ>
Partial Matches
chi <Χ, χ> [Greek letter]Chi {n} <Χ, χ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
EU European StandardEuropanorm {f} <EN>
phys. unit exanewton <EN>Exanewton {n} <EN>
en bloc {adv}en bloc
art en face {adj}en face
art full face {adv}en face
art in full face {adv}en face
en gardeen garde
in bulk {adv}en gros
comm. in great quantities {adv}en gros
comm. wholesale {adv}en gros
en masse {adv}en masse
in miniature {adv}en miniature
gastr. en papillote {adj} {adv}en papillote
en passant {adv}en passant
art photo. in profile {adv}en profil
en route {adv}en route
in vogue {adv}en vogue
art full face {adj}En-face-
chem. ene reactionEn-Reaktion {f}
games en carré {adv} [a bet on the intersection of four numbers in roulette, e.g. 23/24/26/27]en carré [Roulette]
en masse {adv}en gros [fig.]
in passing {adv}en passant [beiläufig]
med. epidermal necrolysis <EN>epidermische Nekrolyse {f} <EN>
med. erythema nodosum <EN>Erythema nodosum {n} <EN>
tech. EN standard <EN>Europäische Norm {f} <EN>
EU European standardEuropäische Norm {f} <EN>
tech. European Standard <EN>Europäische Norm {f} <EN>
tech. EN standards <ENs>Europäische Normen {pl} <EN>
tech. European Standards <ENs>Europäische Normen {pl} <EN>
comm. to buy in bulken gros kaufen
theatre [to show the same play each night for a limited period or as long as it is successful]en-suite spielen
chem. Alder-ene reactionAlder-En-Reaktion {f}
med. en bloc esophagectomy [also: en-bloc esophagectomy] [Am.]En-bloc-Ösophagektomie {f}
dent. en face analysisEn-face-Analyse {f}
med. MedTech. en face nicheEn-face-Nische {f}
med. claw handMain {f} en griffe
lit. F We Can Remember It for You Wholesale [Philip K. Dick]Erinnerungen en gros
in full swing {adv} [idiom]en carrière [geh.] [veraltet]
comm. to sell wholesaleen gros verkaufen [Kaufmannssprache]
comm. to wholesaleen gros verkaufen [Kaufmannssprache]
to fail in one's dutyseine Pflicht(en) vernachlässigen
hist. mil. levée en masse [mass mobilization]Levée {f} en masse [Massenaushebung]
dent. two-dimensional en-face / en face imageszweidimensionale En-face-Aufnahmen {pl}
comm. by retail {adv}en détail [veraltet] [im Einzelverkauf]
to treat sb. like riffraff [Am.]jdn. en canaille behandeln [veraltet]
in detail {adv}en détail [geh.] [in allen Einzelheiten]
to have sth. up the yin-yang [Am.] [coll.]etw.Akk. en masse haben [ugs.]
games to capture a pawn en passant [chess]einen Bauern en passant schlagen [Schach]
EU Replies to requests for interpretation of EN ... [standards]Antworten auf Anfragen zur Interpretation von EN ... [Norm]
chem. amount-of-substance fraction <χ, mol/mol>Stoffmengenanteil {m} <χ, mol/mol, Mol-%>
photo. full-face photographEn-face-Foto {n} [Foto, das jemanden von vorn zeigt]
med. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass <R/Y gastric bypass>Roux-en-Y-Magenbypass {m} <R/Y-Magenbypass>
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