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English-German translation for: Elephant guns
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Dictionary English German: Elephant guns

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NOUN   an elephant gun | elephant guns
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film F Young Guns [Christopher Cain]Young GunsSie fürchten weder Tod noch Teufel
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
film F Elephant Juice [Sam Miller]Elephant Juice
gunsGeschütze {pl}
gunsGewehre {pl}
gunsKanonen {pl}
weapons assault gunsSturmgeschütze {pl}
snow gunsSchneekanonen {pl}
spray gunsSpritzpistolen {pl}
water gunsWasserwerfer {pl}
mil. sound of gunsGeschützdonner {m}
weapons twin barrelled gunsZwillingswaffen {pl}
idiom with (all) guns blazing {adj}angriffslustig
sons of guns [coll.]Teufelskerle {pl} [ugs.]
mil. anti-missile defense guns [Am.]Raketenabwehrgeschütze {pl}
film F Forty Guns [Samuel Fuller]Vierzig Gewehre
bristling with guns {adj} {pres-p} [postpos.]vor Kanonen starrend
long-range gunsGeschütze {pl} mit großer Reichweite
film F Hostile Guns [R.G. Springsteen]Texas-Desperados
film F Singing Guns [R.G. Springsteen]Rauchende Pistolen
idiom to bring the big guns inschwere Geschütze auffahren
idiom to haul out the big gunsschwere Geschütze auffahren
to spike sb.'s guns [Br.] [idiom]jds. Pläne durchkreuzen
When the guns fell silent.Als die Waffen schwiegen.
to bring one's guns into positiondie Kanonen aufstellen
to bring up the big guns [idiom]Kanonen auffahren [Redewendung]
to carry guns at the hipGewehre in Hüfthöhe halten
guns [Am.] [sl.]Arm-Muckis {pl} [ugs.] [Arm-Muskeln, Bizeps, Trizeps]
to bring up one's big gunsdie großen Kanonen heranbringen
to pull out the big guns [idiom]den Hammer auspacken [Redewendung]
mil. fire of tanks and self-propelled gunsPanzer- und Selbstfahrlafettenfeuer {n}
film F Young Guns II [Geoff Murphy]Blaze of GloryFlammender Ruhm
to stick to one's guns [coll.] [idiom]seiner Sache treu bleiben
to bring up the big guns [idiom]grobes Geschütz auffahren [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to bring up the big guns [idiom]schweres Geschütz auffahren [ugs.] [Redewendung]
hist. mil. defense line of AT-guns [Am.] [anti-tank guns]Pak-Riegel {m}
film F Guns of the Magnificent Seven [Paul Wendkos]Die Rache der glorreichen Sieben
to stick to one's guns [coll.] [idiom]dabei bleiben [bei seiner Meinung bleiben]
to stick to one's guns [coll.] [idiom]nicht locker lassen [fig.] [nicht nachgeben]
to spike sb.'s guns [Br.] [idiom]jdm. einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen [Redewendung]
to stick to one's guns [coll.] [idiom]nicht (um) ein Haarbreit (zurück) weichen [Redewendung]
They're going great guns. [coll.] [idiom]Es läuft bei ihnen wie geschmiert. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to stick to one's guns [coll.] [idiom]hart bleiben [ugs.] [fig.] [auf seinem Standpunkt beharren]
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