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English-German translation for: Em
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Dictionary English German: Em

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SYNO   em | em quad | mutton quad | pica ... 
Sic'em! [dog command]
Fass! [Hundekommando]
'em {pron} [coll.] [them] [direct object]
'em {pron} [coll.] [them] [indirect object]
Sick'em! [Br.] [spv.] [dog command]Fass! [Hundekommando]
med. encephalomalacia <EM>Enzephalomalazie {f}
med. encephalomalacia <EM>Hirnerweichung {f}
med. encephalomyelitis <EM>Enzephalomyelitis {f} <EM>
med. erythromelalgia <EM>Erythromelalgie {f} <EM>
unit exameter <Em> [Am.]Exameter {m} {n} <Em>
unit exametre <Em> [Br.]Exameter {m} {n} <Em>
games holdem [Am.] [coll.] [Texas hold'em]Texas Hold'em {n} [auch {m}]
2 Words: Others
Fuck 'em! [vulg.]Scheiß (was) auf sie! [vulg.] [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
2 Words: Nouns
mus. E minor <e, Em>e-Moll {n} <e, Em>
educ. educational management <EM>Bildungsmanagement {n} <BM>
phys. electromagnetic field <EMF, EM (field)>elektromagnetisches Feld {n} <EMF, EM>
spec. electron cryomicroscopy <cryo-EM>Elektronenkryomikroskopie {f}
spec. electron cryomicroscopy <cryo-EM>Elektronen-Kryomikroskopie {f}
phys. electron microscopy <EM>Elektronenmikroskopie {f} <EM>
print em dash <—>Geviertstrich {m} <—>
print em rule [Br.] <—>Geviertstrich {m} <—>
acad. emeritus professoremeritierter Professor {m} <Prof. em., Prof. emer.>
tech. energy management <EM>Energiemanagement {n}
educ. energy management <EM>Energiewirtschaft {f} <EM> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
psych. energy medicine <EM>Energiemedizin {f} <EM>
econ. enterprise modeling <EM> [Am.]Unternehmensmodellierung {f}
econ. enterprise modelling <EM> [Br.]Unternehmensmodellierung {f}
comp. tech. entry menu <EM>Einsprungmenü {n} <EM>
ecol. environmental monitoring <EM>Umweltmonitoring {n} <UM>
error management <EM>Fehlermanagement {n} <FM>
sports European championship <EC>Europameisterschaft {f} <EM>
sports European ChampionshipsEM-Turnier {n}
comm. educ. event management <EM>Veranstaltungsmanagement {n} <VM>
phys. exotic matter <EM>exotische Materie {f}
med. expectant management <EM> [watchful waiting]Beobachten und Abwarten
acad. med. experimental medicine <EM>experimentelle Medizin {f}
biol. extracellular matrix <ECM>Extrazellulärmatrix {f} <EM, EZM>
acad. professor emeritaProfessor emerita {f} <Prof. em., Prof. emer.> [emeritierte Professorin]
acad. professor emeritusemeritierter Professor {m} <Prof. em., Prof. emer.>
med. selective mutism <SM>elektiver Mutismus {m} <EM>
3 Words: Others
Knock 'em dead! [coll.] [idiom]Zeig's ihnen! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
math. stat. estimation-maximization algorithm <EM algorithm>EM-Algorithmus {m}
comp. games shoot-'em-up [coll.] [computer game]Ballerspiel {n} [ugs.]
Internet shoot-'em-up [coll.] [computer game]Killerspiel {n} [ugs.]
film shoot-'em-up [coll.] [film]Ballerfilm {m} [ugs.]
print two-em dash <⸺>Doppelgeviertstrich {m} <⸺>
sports UEFA Women's EURO [short for: UEFA European Women's Championship]Frauen EM {f} [kurz für: UEFA-Fußball-Europameisterschaften der Frauen, Fußball-Europameisterschaft der Frauen]
4 Words: Others
idiom Up and at 'em!Bewegt euch!
You do pick 'em. [ironically]Du gerätst auch immer an den Falschen.
4 Words: Nouns
electr. inter-harness EM couplingelektromagnetische Kopplung {f} zwischen Kabelbäumen
5+ Words: Others
He knows how to pick 'em. [coll.]Er hat den richtigen Riecher. [ugs.]
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! [coll.][Wenn du sie nicht schlagen kannst, dann schließe dich ihnen an!]
Seen one, seen 'em all.Kennst du einen, kennst du alle.
5+ Words: Nouns
sports European Under-21 Football ChampionshipU-21-Fußball-Europameisterschaft {f} <U-21 EM>
law the hang 'em and flog 'em brigade [pej.] [Br.]die Befürworter {pl} der Todesstrafe
sports UEFA European Under-21 Championship <UEFA Euro U-21s>U-21-Fußball-Europameisterschaft {f} <U-21-EM>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Aunt Em [The Wonderful Wizard of Oz]Tante Emmy [Der Zauberer von Oz]
film F Hang 'Em High [Ted Post]Hängt ihn höher
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A 2019-12-24: round em all up and shoot em (except Kahn)
A 2019-05-02: Reg De blooß net uff, sonsch isch dr ganze Dag em Oimer!
A 2018-09-03: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=B2-NW-a-FsudsgHeiZeoAQ&q=em+d...
Q 2017-04-01: Abkürzung Em. auf einer bayr. Geburtsurkunde von 1987
Q 2016-08-12: … sein(em) Tagebuch … [?]
A 2016-04-03: Synonyms: Look 'em up in a thesaurus http://howjsay.com/pronunciation-of...
A 2015-04-30: jemand(em) ist das Herz in die Hose gerutscht
Q 2015-04-29: love ’em and leave ’em
A 2014-02-11: 15:15 - good for once to see the +em / long dash+ here—(Alt+0151 on the nu...
A 2013-05-26: "You either love 'em or hate 'em." - Absolutely;-)
A 2013-02-21: 19:39 typo: ... of handling +an+ MSED ... After all, M is pronounced /em/ ...
A 2012-12-02: cut and paste error "electrical machine EM"
A 2012-11-10: Thanks, Catesse, I'll always mix 'em up, sorry;-)
A 2012-03-21: Ah, "en dash" und "em dash" -
Q 2012-03-20: Currently state of the art in ‘International Englisch‘: em dash or en dash?
Q 2011-05-13: How to build up shareholder value - nuke 'em by means of Atomstroyexport?
A 2011-04-06: @database - EM-Beauftragter (könnte bei Fußballfans zu Missverständnissen ...
Q 2011-01-23: Redewendung? "Can't live with 'em, may get left behind without 'em"
A 2011-01-06: if " 'em" ist das Kinopublikum, vielleicht nur eine Erklärung?
A 2010-12-01: Bush Regrets Saying "Bring 'em on"

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