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English-German translation for: Endstation Mond
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Dictionary English German: Endstation Mond

Translation 1 - 50 of 103  >>

film F Destination Moon [Irving Pichel]Endstation Mond
Partial Matches
final destinationEndstation {f}
rail traffic final stopEndstation {f}
last stop [bus, tram]Endstation {f}
terminalEndstation {f}
rail traffic terminusEndstation {f}
ultimate destinationEndstation {f}
lit. F End of the Line [John le Carré]Endstation
packet terminalPaket-Endstation {f}
film F Skyjacked [John Guillermin]Endstation Hölle
film lit. theatre F A Streetcar Named Desire [Tennessee Williams, film: Elia Kazan]Endstation Sehnsucht
end of the lineEndstation {f} [auch fig.]
rail transp. Last stop. All out. [Am.]Endstation. Alle aussteigen.
End of the line. All change.Endstation. Alle umsteigen.
rail transp. Last stop. All out. [Am.]Endstation. Alles aussteigen.
film F Station Six - Sahara [Seth Holt]Endstation 13 Sahara
RadioTV F Chicago HopeChicago HopeEndstation Hoffnung
lit. F Death in a Strange Country [Donna Leon]Endstation Venedig. Commissario Brunettis zweiter Fall
lunar {adj}Mond-
moon {adj} [attr.]Mond-
astron. moonMond {m}
lit. quote watery star [Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale]Mond {m}
decreasing moonabnehmender Mond {m}
decrescent moonabnehmender Mond {m}
last quarter moonabnehmender Mond {m}
waning moonabnehmender Mond {m}
rising moonaufgehender Mond {m}
astron. waning crescent moonbalsamischer Mond {m}
astron. exomoonextrasolarer Mond {m}
astron. extrasolar moonextrasolarer Mond {m}
astron. Galilean moonGalileischer Mond {m}
bright moonheller Mond {m}
astron. lunar astronomyMond-Astronomie {f}
Lunar New YearMond-Neujahr {n}
chem. Mond process [also: Mond's process]Mond-Verfahren {n}
first quarter moonzunehmender Mond {m}
waxing moonzunehmender Mond {m}
lit. F Butcher's Moon [Richard Stark]Blutiger Mond
lit. F Destination Moon [Hergé]Reiseziel Mond
fish T
bot. T
lit. monthMond {m} [veraltet] [poet.]
games Moon <XVIII> [also: moon] [Tarot card]Mond {m} <XVIII> [Tarotkarte]
moonless {adj}ohne Mond [nachgestellt]
at the wane of the moon {adv}bei abnehmendem Mond
in the wane of the moon {adv}bei abnehmendem Mond
facing the moon {adj} [postpos.]dem Mond zugekehrt
moonlit {adj}vom Mond beleuchtet
to bark at the moonden Mond anbellen
to bay at the moonden Mond anbellen
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endständiges Maul
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• Endstation Mond
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