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English-German translation for: Entrepreneur
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Dictionary English German: Entrepreneur

Translation 1 - 31 of 31


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NOUN   an entrepreneur | entrepreneurs
SYNO   enterpriser | entrepreneur
NOUN   der Entrepreneur | die Entrepreneure
SYNO   Arbeitgeber ... 
econ. entrepreneur
Unternehmer {m}
Existenzgründer {m}
Privatunternehmer {m}
Entrepreneur {m} [ugs.] [Unternehmer]
econ. entrepreneur [female]
Unternehmerin {f}
econ. entrepreneur [female]
Entrepreneurin {f}
econ. entrepreneur [female]
Existenzgründerin {f}
entrepreneur [female]
Privatunternehmerin {f}
2 Words: Nouns
econ. craft entrepreneurHandwerksunternehmer {m}
comm. jobs drugstore entrepreneur [Am.]Drogerieunternehmer {m}
econ. entrepreneur modelUnternehmermodell {n}
econ. independent entrepreneurfreier Unternehmer {m}
comm. econ. jobs independent entrepreneurselbständiger Unternehmer {m}
econ. independent entrepreneur [female]freie Unternehmerin {f}
Internet entrepreneurInternetunternehmer {m}
jobs transp. logistics entrepreneurLogistikunternehmer {m}
media entrepreneurMedienunternehmer {m}
media entrepreneur [female]Medienunternehmerin {f}
non-entrepreneurNichtunternehmer {m}
non-entrepreneur [female]Nichtunternehmerin {f}
jobs removals entrepreneur [Br.]Umzugsunternehmer {m}
econ. small entrepreneurKleinunternehmer {m}
econ. jobs textil. textile entrepreneurTextilunternehmer {m}
econ. jobs textil. textile entrepreneur [female]Textilunternehmerin {f}
econ. young entrepreneurJungunternehmer {m}
econ. young entrepreneur [female]Jungunternehmerin {f}
3 Words: Nouns
entrepreneur par excellenceVorzeigeunternehmer {m} [ugs.]
econ. small-scale entrepreneurKleinunternehmer {m}
econ. small-scale entrepreneur [female]Kleinunternehmerin {f}
would-be entrepreneur [slightly hum.]Möchtegern-Unternehmer {m} [ugs.] [leicht hum.]
4 Words: Nouns
career as an entrepreneurUnternehmerlaufbahn {f}
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A 2017-06-14: http://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/Entrepreneur
A 2012-10-25: In so far as the entrepreneur does not carry out
A 2012-02-17: entrepreneur
A 2010-07-12: US entrepreneur
Q 2010-07-11: home-grown entrepreneur
A 2010-06-13: a scarily enthusiatic, in your face entREpreneur
A 2010-05-29: Enterpreneur = entrepreneur
A 2009-08-27: @ Lisa4dict#456256, der "entrepreneur" wurde mir vorgeschlagen, habe das ü...
A 2009-08-27: An entrepreneur who thinks his job is done is no entrepreneur.
A 2009-08-22: Considering Lisa's intervention: Setting targets comprises an entrepreneur...
A 2009-08-22: Set targets are an entrepreneur's activities undertaken to determine / dec...
Q 2009-08-19: of / by (?) the entrepreneur / Präposition gesucht
Q 2009-05-05: entrepreneur rents
A 2008-12-18: I personally don't fancy the word "entrepreneur" either, still it is widel...
A 2008-12-18: ich finde, "entrepreneur" betont hier zu sehr das Wagnis
A 2008-10-26: entrepreneur...wir versuchen das wie die Franzosen auszusprechen (BE jedenfalls)
A 2008-07-03: Hausgewerbetreibender = home-based entrepreneur
A 2008-04-19: domestic entrepreneur
A 2008-03-27: and "small entrepReneur" 35,800 times
A 2007-05-01: entrepreneur

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