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English-German translation for: Er schäumte vor Wut.
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Dictionary English German: Er schäumte vor Wut

Translation 1 - 50 of 4473  >>

He was frothing at the mouth (with rage). [coll.]Er schäumte vor Wut.
Partial Matches
sb. fumed [fig.]jd. schäumte (vor Wut) [fig.]
He was seething with rage.Er kochte vor Wut. [Gefühlszustand]
He's beside himself with rage.Er ist außer sich vor Wut.
He was mute with rage.Er brachte vor Wut kein Wort heraus.
with rage {adv}vor Wut
for fury {adv}vor lauter Wut
inarticulate with rage {adj} {adv} [postpos.]vor Wut sprachlos
to beller [Am.] [coll.](vor Wut) brüllen
to fume (with rage)kochen (vor Wut)
to be seething [with rage]kochen vor Wut
to pant with rageschnauben vor Wut
to bristle with ragevor Wut beben
to choke with ragevor Wut ersticken
to blaze with angervor Wut glühen
to be foaming with ragevor Wut kochen
to be in a ragevor Wut kochen
to boil with ragevor Wut kochen
to seethe with angervor Wut kochen
to seethe with ragevor Wut kochen
to simmer with ragevor Wut kochen
to burst with angervor Wut platzen
to be foaming with ragevor Wut schäumen
to seethe with angervor Wut schäumen
to champ with ragevor Wut schnauben
to dance (up and down) with ragevor Wut tanzen
to bubble with wrathvor Wut überlaufen
to shake with ragevor Wut zittern
blind with rage {adj} [postpos.]blind vor Wut [nachgestellt]
red with anger {adj} [postpos.]rot vor Wut [nachgestellt]
inarticulate with rage {adj} [postpos.]sprachlos vor Wut [nachgestellt]
to be fit to be tied [coll.] [idiom](vor Wut) kochen [fig.]
to be spitting with ragevor Wut geifern [pej.]
to be in high dudgeon [idiom]vor Wut kochen [fig.]
to froth at the mouth [be very angry]vor Wut schäumen [fig.]
to fret and fume [idiom]vor Wut schäumen [Redewendung]
beside oneself with rage {adj} [postpos.]außer sich vor Wut
mad with anger {adj} [postpos.]außer sich vor Wut
to be apoplectic with rage [coll.]vor Wut fast platzen
beside oneself with anger {adj} [postpos.]außer sich vor Wut [nachgestellt]
to blow a fuse [coll.] [idiom]vor Wut (fast) platzen [ugs.]
to blow a gasket [coll.] [dated] [idiom] [become enraged]vor Wut (fast) platzen [ugs.]
to burn up with anger [idiom]vor Wut (fast) platzen [ugs.]
to burst a vein (with anger) [coll.] [fig.]vor Wut (fast) platzen [ugs.]
to lose one's temperdie Fassung verlieren (vor Wut)
to hop (up and down) with ragevor Wut (auf und ab) hüpfen
Unverified I'm hopping mad! [coll.]Ich könnte mich vor Wut zerreißen! [ugs.]
He bristled with rage. [fig.]Ihm schwoll der Kamm vor Wut. [fig.]
to throw a wobbly [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]vor Wut an die Decke gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
He broke off, terrified.Er verstummte vor Schreck.
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