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English-German translation for: Ester
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Dictionary English German: Ester

Translation 1 - 37 of 37


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NOUN   an ester | esters
NOUN1   der Ester | die Ester
NOUN2   (die) Ester | -
chem. ester
Ester {m}
chem. estersEster {pl}
bibl. Esther [Old Testament figure]Ester {f}
2 Words: Nouns
chem. cellulose esterCelluloseester {m}
biochem. cholesterol esterCholesterolester {m}
biochem. cholesteryl esterCholesterolester {m}
biochem. cre-ester [creatine ethyl ester]Kreatinester {m}
biochem. creatine esterKreatinester {m}
chem. crude esterRohester {m}
chem. ester bondEsterbindung {f}
chem. ester pyrolysisEsterpyrolyse {f}
chem. ester resinEsterharz {n}
ester resinHarzester {m}
chem. ethyl esterEthylester {m}
chem. phosphoric esterPhosphorsäureester {m}
chem. phthalate esterPhthalsäureester {m}
resin esterHarzester {m}
chem. sterol ester <SE>Sterolester {m} <SE>
chem. wax ester <WE>Wachsester {m} <WE>
3 Words: Nouns
chem. acetoacetic acid esterAcetatessigester {m}
chem. boric-acid esterBorsäureester {m}
chem. ind. canola methyl ester <CME>Rapsmethylester {m} <RME>
chem. citric acid esterZitronensäureester {m}
biochem. creatine ethyl ester <CEE>Kreatinester {m}
chem. phosphoric acid esterPhosphorsäureester {m}
chem. ind. vegetable methyl ester <VME>Pflanzenmethylester {m} <PME> [Biokraftstoff]
chem. vinyl ester (resin)Phenacrylatharz {n} [Vinylesterharz]
chem. vinyl ester (resin)Vinylesterharz {n} <VE-Harz>
4 Words: Nouns
chem. acetic acid ethenyl esterEssigsäurevinylester {m}
chem. fatty acid methyl ester [FAME]Fettsäuremethylester {m} [FAME]
chem. methyl ester of rapeseed <RME> [biodiesel]Rapsmethylester {m}
chem. mucopolysaccharide polysulfuric acid ester [Am.]Mucopolysaccharidpolyschwefelsäureester {m}
chem. mucopolysaccharide sulfuric acid ester [Am.]Mucopolysaccharidschwefelsäureester {m}
med. nitric acid ester poisoningSalpetersäureestervergiftung {f}
med. phosphoric acid ester poisoningPhosphorsäureestervergiftung {f}
bibl. the Book of Estherdas Buch {n} Ester
5+ Words: Nouns
chem. acetic acid 2-ethyl-butyl / ethylbutyl ester [C8H16O2]2-Ethylbutylacetat {n}
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A 2009-03-25: Thixotropic ? http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1T4RNWE_enAT310AT310&...
A 2008-01-28: sorry, I forgot a "poly": mucopolysaccharid poly(sulfuric acid ester)
A 2008-01-28: mucopolysaccharid sulfuric acid ester
Q 2004-05-12: aliphatic acid ester = aliphatischer Säureester?
A 2004-01-11: Methyl Ester

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