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English-German translation for: European
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Dictionary English German: European

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ADJ   European | more European | most European
NOUN   a European | Europeans
European {adj}
ethn. pol. European
Europäer {m}
ethn. European [female]
Europäerin {f}
2 Words: Others
pol. anti-European {adj}europafeindlich
geogr. Central European {adj}mitteleuropäisch
geogr. Central European {adj}zentraleuropäisch
continental European {adj}kontinentaleuropäisch
East European {adj}osteuropäisch
Eastern European {adj}osteuropäisch
European-born {adj}in Europa geboren
extra-European {adj}außereuropäisch
half-European {adj}halbeuropäisch
ling. Indo-European {adj}indoeuropäisch
ling. Indo-European {adj}indogermanisch <idg.>
inner-European {adj}innereuropäisch
intra-European {adj}innereuropäisch
medio-European {adj}mitteleuropäisch
mid-European {adj}mitteleuropäisch
non-European {adj}außereuropäisch
pol. non-European {adj}nichteuropäisch
North European {adj}nordeuropäisch
overall European {adj}gesamteuropäisch
pan-European {adj}europaweit
geogr. pan-European {adj}gemeineuropäisch
pan-European {adj}gesamteuropäisch
pan-European {adj}paneuropäisch
pre-European {adj}voreuropäisch
pro-European {adj}europafreundlich
pol. pro-European {adj}proeuropäisch [auch: pro-europäisch]
South European {adj}südeuropäisch
Southeast European {adj}südosteuropäisch
Southern European {adj}welsch [veraltet] [pej.] [südländisch]
trans-European {adj}europaweit
trans-European {adj}transeuropäisch
West European {adj}westeuropäisch
western European {adj}westeuropäisch
2 Words: Nouns
hunting zool. (European) polecat [Mustela putorius]Ratz {m} [jägerspr.] [(Europäischer) Iltis]
ethn. Central EuropeanMitteleuropäer {m}
East EuropeanOsteuropäer {m}
East European [female]Osteuropäerin {f}
ecol. EU EU allowance <EUA> [official title of the carbon credits or pollution permits]European Union Allowance {f} <EUA, EU-Allowance>
European Americaneuropäischstämmiger Amerikaner {m}
aviat. European aviationeuropäischer Luftverkehr {m}
econ. geogr. European backbone [Blue Banana]Blaue Banane {f} [Megalopolis]
mus. European bagpipeeuropäischer Dudelsack {m}
sports European championEuropameister {m}
sports European champion [female]Europameisterin {f}
sports European championship <EC>Europameisterschaft {f} <EM>
sports European ChampionshipsEM-Turnier {n}
admin. EU European Commission <EC>EU-Kommission {f} <EK, KOM>
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A 2020-04-28: ... was not to be judged by European standards
A 2019-10-01: it means: to play the European / diplomacy card
A 2018-04-13: Another source: http://www.european-roots.com/german_prof.htm
A 2017-09-18: regulations governing civil service deployment abroad \ The European Commi...
A 2016-12-09: Correction: +obsolescent+ Literary critics love ambiguous language. The t...
A 2016-05-12: All the links to ice saints show that it is an explanation of weather lore...
A 2016-01-22: 22:54 ... from >>a<< European point of view ... +European+ /jʊərəˈpiːən/ s...
A 2015-10-10: No armed posses here, i-e. Germany, the EU, other European states. The cri...
A 2015-07-19: Seems to mean +European Patent+
A 2015-03-04: YX-207 does seem to be a common designation on Asian sites for a standard ...
A 2015-02-27: skinnydipping European exchange students
A 2014-12-10: +Never+ driven an automatic? The US mind boggles, the European mind feels ...
A 2014-09-10: territorial coverage (European Commission, case COMP/38.628))
A 2014-06-25: The importance of X, Y and Z +to/for+ European tourism.
A 2014-06-06: ? within the CEN (=European Committee for Standardisation) --> see wikiped...
A 2014-05-22: European Parliament .....
A 2014-01-05: European Patent Office + GoogleTranslate = Patent Translate.
A 2013-12-03: In spite of glibly invoking human rights, European policy makers cannot do...
A 2013-02-28: European breeder say 'in heat' or 'in season'
A 2012-12-16: As a European, and especially as a German, I cannot even begin to comprehe...

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