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| mining explosion-proof apparatus | Ex-Gerät {n} [Bergbautechnik] | |
Partial Matches |
| dent. functional orthopaedic appliance [Br.] | funktionskieferorthopädisches Gerät {n} <FKO-Gerät> | |
| dent. functional orthopedic appliance [Am.] | funktionskieferorthopädisches Gerät {n} <FKO-Gerät> | |
| bibl. the Book of Exodus <Ex., Exod.> | das Buch {n} Exodus <Ex, Ex.> [2 Mos., 2. (Buch) Mose] | |
| bibl. Exodus <Ex., Exod.> | Exodus {m} <Ex, Ex.> [2 Mos., 2. (Buch) Mose] | |
| law ex relatione {prep} <ex rel.> | in Vertretung von [+Dat.] | |
| ex-wife-to-be [coll.] | zukünftige Ex-Frau {f} | |
| ex- {prefix} [e.g. to export, exclamatory] | ex- [z. B. exportieren, exklamatorisch] | |
| ind. Ex protection zone [explosion protection zone] | Ex-Schutzzone {f} [Explosions-Schutzzone] | |
| ex- {prefix} [former] [e.g. husband, mayor] | Ex- [z. B. Mann, Bürgermeister] | |
| law ex relatione {prep} <ex rel.> | in Vertretung [+Gen.] | |
| ex-colleague [female] | Ex-Kollegin {f} [auch: Exkollegin] | |
| educ. ex-teacher [female] | Ex-Lehrerin {f} [auch: Exlehrerin] | |
| pol. ex-party leader | Ex-Parteichef {m} [auch: Exparteichef] | |
| pol. former prime minister | Ex-Premierminister {m} <Ex-Premier> | |
| ex-colleague | Ex-Kollege {m} [auch: Exkollege] | |
| ex-con [coll.] | Ex-Knacki {m} [ugs.] | |
| ex-fiancé | Ex-Verlobter {m} [auch: Exverlobter] | |
| educ. ex-teacher | Ex-Lehrer {m} [auch: Exlehrer] | |
| ex-mother-in-law | Ex-Schwiegermutter {f} | |
| ex [coll.] [female] | Ex {f} [ugs.] | |
| ex-con [coll.] | Ex-Häftling {m} | |
| ex-offender | Ex-Täter {m} [ugs.] | |
| educ. ex-pupil [female] | Ex-Schülerin {f} | |
| geogr. hist. ex-Soviet Union | Ex-Sowjetunion {f} | |
| art relig. ex voto [painting or object left in fulfillment of a vow] | ex voto | |
| Ex gap [also: EX gap] [in explosion protection] | Ex-Spalt {m} [auch: EX-Spalt] [im Explosionsschutz] | |
| ex [coll.] | Ex {m} [ugs.] | |
| ex issue | ex Emission | |
| law ex silentio {adv} | ex tacendo | |
| fin. ex-banker | Ex-Bankier {m} | |
| ex-director | Ex-Direktor {m} | |
| econ. jobs ex-employee | Ex-Mitarbeiter {m} | |
| ex-friend | Ex-Freund {m} | |
| ex-girlfriend | Ex-Freundin {f} | |
| pol. ex-governor | Ex-Gouverneur {m} | |
| educ. jobs ex-headmaster | Ex-Schulleiter {m} | |
| educ. ex-headmistress | Ex-Schulleiterin {f} | |
| ex-mayor | Ex-Bürgermeister {m} | |
| ex-member | Ex-Mitglied {n} | |
| pol. ex-president | Ex-Präsident {m} | |
| ex-pupil | Ex-Schüler {m} | |
| ex-wife | Ex-Frau {f} | |
| film F My Super Ex-Girlfriend [Ivan Reitman] | Die Super Ex | |
| comm. ex stock {adv} <ex stk, X stk> | ab Lager | |
| biol. ecol. ex-situ conservation of species | Ex-situ-Artenschutz {m} | |
| tools calcium carbide measuring instrument <CM instrument, CCM instrument> | Calciumcarbid-Messgerät {n} <CM-Gerät, CCM-Gerät> | |
| relig. ex opere operato {adv} [in virtue of the action] | ex opere operato [durch die vollzogene Handlung] | |
| biol. ecol. ex-situ species protection | Ex-situ-Artenschutz {m} | |
| comm. ex works <EXW> | ex Werk <EXW> | |
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