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English-German translation for: Exports
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Dictionary English German: Exports

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NOUN   an export | exports
VERB  to export | exported | exported ... 
Ausfuhren {pl}
comm. exports
Exporte {pl}
comm. exports
Ausfuhrwaren {pl}
comm. exports [products]
Exportgüter {pl}
comm. econ. exports {pl} [collectively]
Ausfuhr {f}
comm. econ. exportsExportgeschäfte {pl}
exportsExportumsätze {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
comm. econ. to encourage exportsExporte fördern
2 Words: Nouns
agri exportsAgrarexporte {pl}
agri-exportsAgrarexporte {pl}
agr. comm. agricultural exportsAgrarexporte {pl}
comm. econ. mil. arms exportsRüstungsexporte {pl}
comm. weapons arms exportsWaffenexporte {pl}
agr. comm. corn exports [Am.]Maisexporte {pl}
weapons defence exports [Br.]Rüstungsexporte {pl}
comm. gas exportsGasexporte {pl}
agr. comm. grain exports {pl}Getreideausfuhr {f} [Sammelbegriff]
agr. comm. grain exports {pl}Getreideausfuhren {pl}
invisible exportsunsichtbare Ausfuhren {pl}
econ. invisible exportsunsichtbare Exporte {pl}
comm. merchandise exportsWarenexporte {pl}
principal exportsHauptausfuhren {pl}
principal exportsHauptausfuhrwaren {pl}
econ. ind. steel exportsStahlausfuhren {pl}
comm. ind. steel exportsStahlexporte {pl}
comm. econ. timber exportsHolzexporte {pl}
total exportsgesamte Ausfuhr {f}
comm. visible exportsWarenexporte {pl}
visible exportssichtbare Exporte {pl}
econ. visible exports {pl}Warenausfuhr {f}
3 Words: Nouns
aids for exportsExporthilfen {pl}
amount of exportUmfang {m} des Exports
comm. pol. weapons arms exports policyWaffenexportpolitik {f} [auch: Waffenexport-Politik]
comm. law ban on exportsAusfuhrverbot {n}
comm. ban on exportsExportstopp {m}
comm. law ban on exportsExportverbot {n}
bounty on exportsAusfuhrvergütung {f}
decrease in exportsExportabnahme {f}
decrease in exportsExportminderung {f}
econ. decrease in exportsExportrückgang {m}
econ. embargo on exportsAusfuhrsperre {f}
encouragement of exportsExportförderung {f}
excess of exportsAusfuhrüberschuss {m}
comm. excess of exportsExportüberschuss {m}
econ. growth in exportsExportplus {n}
increase in exportsExportsteigerung {f}
increase in exportsExportzunahme {f}
increase of exportsAusweitung {f} der Exporte
jump in exportsExportaufschwung {m}
comm. large-scale exportsExporte {pl} in großem Umfang
econ. net / nett exportsAußenbeitrag {m}
net capital exportsNettokapitalexport {m}
comm. econ. primary commodity exportsRohstoffexporte {pl}
prohibition of exportsAusfuhrverbot {n}
promotion of exportsExportförderung {f}
quantity of exportsMenge {f} der Exporte
admin. comm. regulations on exportsAusfuhrbestimmungen {pl}
restrictions on exportsExportbeschränkungen {pl}
rise in exportsZunahme {f} der Ausfuhren
structure of exportsExportstruktur {f}
tax on exportsAusfuhrabgabe {f}
econ. value of exportsExportwert {m}
4 Words: Nouns
tax imposed on exportsSteuer {f} auf Exporte
total value of exportsGesamtwert {m} der Exporte
total volume of exportsGesamtumfang {m} der Exporte
5+ Words: Others
Exports account for ... percent of sales.Der Exportanteil am Umsatz beträgt ... Prozent.
5+ Words: Nouns
comm. excess of exports over importsExportüberschuss {m}
econ. excess of imports over exportsImportüberschuss {m}
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A 2011-07-13: ~ export industries / not exportS
A 2010-05-27: TV exports
A 2009-09-24: processing / handling of exports ?
A 2009-09-24: Part of his/her day-to-day duties was the settlement of foreign exports.
Q 2008-03-15: non-oil exports
A 2007-11-15: fast-growing exports
A 2007-11-15: rapidly increasing exports
A 2007-10-09: The aim is to increase exports
A 2007-10-09: The aim is an expansion of exports
A 2007-10-04: A slump in growth may weigh on the prospects of German exports that are st...
A 2007-03-21: probably a fish trader, handing imports, exports and general trade
Q 2006-03-13: exports tower?
A 2004-01-26: This decrease is caused by the decline of exports by 12 percent in the se...
Q 2003-09-24: displaced exports

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