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English-German translation for: F-Schlüssel
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Dictionary English German: F Schlüssel

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mus. F clefF-Schlüssel {m}
Partial Matches
mus. F major <F>F-Dur {n} <F>
chem. phys. flame atomic absorption spectrometry <FAAS, F-AAS, F AAS>Flammen-Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie {f} <F-AAS>
math. f-prime of x <f'(x)>f-Strich von x <f'(x)>
To be continued. <To be contd., tbc, TBC>Fortsetzung folgt. <Forts. f., F.f.>
mus. F minor <f, Fm>f-Moll {n} <f, Fm>
mus. F flat <F♭>Fes {n} <F♭>
mus. F sharp <F♯>Fis {n} <F♯>
mus. F sharp minor <F♯ minor>fis-Moll {n} <fis, Fism, F♯m>
F-word [euphemism for fuck or feminism]F-Wort {n}
F as in Fox [Am.]F wie / für Friedrich
idiom F for Fredrick [Br.]F wie / für Friedrich
mineral. pertsevite-(F) [Mg2 [(F,OH)0.5-1|(BO3,SiO4)]]Pertsevit-(F) {m}
ling. mus. print f [letter, musical note]f {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
ling. mus. print F [letter, musical note]F {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
math. f-angle [corresponding angle]F-Winkel {m} [Stufenwinkel]
F-bomb [coll.] [esp. Am.]F-Wort {n}
automot. sports F-ductF-Schacht {m} [auch RW80 genannt]
mil. weapons scissors telescope [also: scissor-scope]Scherenfernrohr {n} [auch: Relieffernrohr] <S.F., Sch.F., Scherf.>
to drop an F-bomb [esp. Am.] [coll.] [hum.] [idiom]das F-Wort sagen
to drop the F-bomb [esp. Am.] [coll.] [hum.] [idiom]das F-Wort sagen
following {adj} <foll., f.>folgend <folg., f.>
mus. F natural keyF-Klappe {f} [Blasinstrument]
lit. F F. A NovelF [Daniel Kehlmann]
mus. f-hole [esp. with violin-family instruments]F-Loch {n} [bes. bei Instrumenten der Violinfamilie]
electr. phys. telecom. noise factor <F>Rauschfaktor {m} <F>
electr. phys. telecom. noise factor <F>Rauschzahl {f} <F>
math. f of x <f(x)>f von x <f(x)>
MedTech. radiography and fluoroscopy <R&F, R/F>Röntgen und Durchleuchtung [Radiographie und Fluoroskopie]
chem. phys. flame atomic absorption spectrometry <FAAS, F-AAS, F AAS>Flammentechnik {f} [Flammen-Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie]
chem. fluorine <F>Fluor {n} <F>
tech. F adapterF-Verbindungsstück {n}
meteo. F-layerF-Schicht {f}
med. F-waveF-Welle {f}
mil. donkey's ears {sg} [sl.] [a pair of scissor binoculars]Scherenfernrohr {n} <S.F., Sch.F., Scherf.>
mus. F sharp major <F♯ major>Fis-Dur {n} <Fis, F♯>
MedTech. photo. base fog <B+F, b&f> [base plus fog]Grundschleier {m}
biol. fertility factor <FF, F factor>Fertilitätsfaktor {m} <F-Faktor>
biol. fluorescent body <F-body>F-Körper {m} [selten] [F-Body]
hydro. unit French degree <°f, °fH>französischer Grad {m} <°f, °fH>
photo. base plus fog <B+F, b&f>Grundschleier {m}
California F-scaleCalifornia-F-Skala {f} [Faschismus-Skala]
questions and answers <Q&A>Fragen {pl} und Antworten <F & A, F&A>
curr. Congolese franc <CDF, F> [Democratic Republic of the Congo]Kongo-Franc {m} <CDF, F> [Demokratische Republik Kongo]
fin. mergers and acquisitions <M&A>Fusionen und Übernahmen {pl} <F&Ü, F&Ue, M&A>
Our prices are quoted f.o.b.Unsere Preise verstehen sich f.o.b.
biochem. phenylalanine <Phe, F> [C9H11NO2]Phenylalanin {n} <Phe, F>
med. flutter wave <F-wave>Flatterwelle {f} <F-Welle>
phys. flame atomic emission spectrophotometry <F-AES, FAES>Flammen-Atomemissionsspektrometrie {f} <F-AES, FAES>
unit degree Fahrenheit <degree F, °F>Grad {m} {n} Fahrenheit <°F>
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