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| anat. biol. fast-twitch (muscle) fibers [Am.] <FT fibers, FT muscle fibers> | FT-Fasern {pl} [Typ-II-Fasern] | |
| anat. biol. fast-twitch (muscle) fibres [Br.] <FT fibres, FT muscle fibres> | FT-Fasern {pl} [Typ-II-Fasern] | |
Partial Matches |
| unit cubic foot <ft³, cft, cu ft, cu. ft.> | Kubikfuß {m} | |
| unit feet per second <ft/s, ft/sec, fps> | Fuß {pl} pro Sekunde | |
| unit foot per second <ft/s, ft/sec, fps> | Fuß {m} pro Sekunde | |
| unit feet <f., ft, ft.> | Schuh {pl} [veraltet] [Längenmaß] | |
| QM functional testing <FT> | Funktionstest {m} <FT> | |
| anat. biol. fast-twitch (muscle) fibers [Am.] <FT fibers, FT muscle fibers> | schnelle Muskelfasern {pl} | |
| anat. biol. fast-twitch (muscle) fibres [Br.] <FT fibres, FT muscle fibres> | schnelle Muskelfasern {pl} | |
| math. Fourier transform <FT> | Fourier-Transformation {f} <FT> | |
| entom. femorotibial joint <FT joint> | Femur-Tibia-Gelenk {n} <FT-Gelenk> | |
| curr. forint <HUF, Ft> [Hungary] | Forint {m} <HUF, Ft> [Ungarn] | |
| anat. biol. A delta fibers <Aδ fibers> [Am.] | A-Delta-Fasern {pl} <Aδ-Fasern> [auch: A-Delta-Nervenfasern] | |
| to feaze | fasern | |
| fibers [Am.] | Fasern {pl} | |
| fibres [Br.] | Fasern {pl} | |
| unit feet {pl} <ft, '> | Fuß {pl} [Längenmaß] | |
| material film thickness <FT> | Filmdicke {f} | |
| material film thickness <FT> | Filmstärke {f} | |
| MedTech. fluorescence tomography <FT> | Fluoreszenztomografie {f} | |
| MedTech. fluorescence tomography <FT> | Fluoreszenztomographie {f} | |
| phys. frequency tripling <FT> | Frequenzverdreifachung {f} | |
| meteo. humid temperature <HT> | Feuchttemperatur {f} <FT> | |
| entom. femur-tibia joint <FT joint> | Femur-Tibia-Gelenk {n} <FT-Gelenk> | |
| to defiber [Am.] | in Fasern zerlegen | |
| to defibre [Br.] | in Fasern zerlegen | |
| spec. artificial fibers [Am.] | künstliche Fasern {pl} | |
| spec. artificial fibres [Br.] | künstliche Fasern {pl} | |
| anat. biol. intrafusal fibres [Br.] | intrafusale Fasern {pl} | |
| anat. VetMed. subendocardial branches [Purkinje fibers] | Purkinje-Fasern {pl} | |
| textil. semi-synthetic fibers [Am.] | halbsynthetische Fasern {pl} | |
| textil. semi-synthetic fibres [Br.] | halbsynthetische Fasern {pl} | |
| med. faecal (microbiota) transplantation [Br.] <FMT, FT> | Stuhlverpflanzung {f} | |
| med. fecal (microbiota) transplantation [Am.] <FMT, FT> | Stuhlverpflanzung {f} | |
| anat. VetMed. subendocardial branches [Purkinje fibers] | subendokardiale Fasern {pl} [selten] | |
| med. faecal transplantation <FT> [Br.] | Stuhltransplantation {f} [Übertragung der Darmflora] | |
| med. fecal transplantation <FT> [Am.] | Stuhltransplantation {f} [Übertragung der Darmflora] | |
| anat. zool. Unverified femorotibial joint <FT joint, FTJ> [Articulatio femorotibialis] | Kniekehlengelenk {n} | |
| dent. perforating fibers [Am.] [Sharpey's fibers] | Sharpey-Fasern {pl} | |
| dent. perforating fibres [Br.] [Sharpey's fibers] | Sharpey-Fasern {pl} | |
| anat. biol. intermediate fast-twitch fibers [Am.] | Typ-IIa-Fasern {pl} | |
| anat. biol. intermediate fast-twitch fibres [Br.] | Typ-IIa-Fasern {pl} | |
| unit foot <ft, '> [12 inches] | Fuß {m} [Längenmaß; 30,48 cm] | |
| unit square foot <ft², sq ft> | Quadratfuß {m} [0.09290304 m²] | |
| anat. biol. red fibers [Am.] [type I fibers] | Typ-I-Fasern {pl} | |
| anat. biol. fast oxidative fibers [Am.] [type IIa fibers] | Typ-IIa-Fasern {pl} | |
| anat. biol. fast oxidative fibres [Br.] [type IIa fibres] | Typ-IIa-Fasern {pl} | |
| anat. biol. slow oxidative fibers [Am.] [type I fibers] | Typ-I-Fasern {pl} | |
| anat. biol. slow oxidative fibres [Br.] [type I fibres] | Typ-I-Fasern {pl} | |
| med. faecal (microbiota) transplantation <FMT, FT> [Br.] | Ekeltherapie {f} [ugs.] [auch: Ekel-Therapie] [Übertragung der Darmflora, Stuhlbakterientransplantation] | |
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