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English-German translation for: Faser-Banane
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Dictionary English German: Faser Banane

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

SEE ALSO  faserbanane
Keywords contained
bot. T
Partial Matches
fibrous {adj}Faser-
fiber [Am.]Faser {f}
fibre [Br.]Faser {f}
filamentFaser {f}
anat. collagenous fiber <CF> [Fibra collagenosa]kollagene Faser {f}
dent. Korff fiber [Am.]Korff-Faser {f}
dent. Korff fibre [Br.]Korff-Faser {f}
spec. artificial fiber [Am.]künstliche Faser {f}
spec. artificial fibre [Br.]künstliche Faser {f}
modal fibre [Br.] / fiber [Am.]Modal-Faser {f}
regenerated fibre [Br.]regenerierte Faser {f}
biol. reticular fiber <RF> [Am.]retikuläre Faser {f}
biol. reticular fibre <RF> [Br.]retikuläre Faser {f}
dent. Sharpey's fiber [Am.]Sharpey-Faser {f}
dent. Sharpey's fibre [Br.]Sharpey-Faser {f}
animal fiber [Am.]tierische Faser {f}
animal fibre [Br.]tierische Faser {f}
bot. gastr. bananaBanane {f}
bot. T
Banane {f}
gastr. nanner [sl.]Banane {f}
zool. Reissner's fiber [Am.]Reissner'sche Faser {f}
zool. Reissner's fibre [Br.]Reissner'sche Faser {f}
across the grain {adv}quer zur Faser
med. ragged red fiber <RRF>zottige rote Faser {f}
mycol. T
biol. argyrophil fiber [Am.]argyrophile Faser {f} [retikuläre Faser]
biol. argyrophil fibre [Br.]argyrophile Faser {f} [retikuläre Faser]
electr. phys. fiber Bragg grating <FBG>Faser-Bragg-Gitter {n} <FBG>
electr. single-mode (optical) fiber <SMF> [Am.]Single-Mode-Faser {f} <SMF>
to work against the grain [wood]gegen die Faser arbeiten
banana chignonBanane {f} [Hochsteckfrisur]
French roll [hairstyle]Banane {f} [Hochsteckfrisur]
French twist [hairstyle]Banane {f} [Hochsteckfrisur]
gastr. baby bananaBaby-Banane {f}
gastr. chocolate bananaSchoko-Banane {f}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. gastr. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
banana boat [water sled]Banane {f} [ugs.] [Bananenboot]
econ. geogr. Blue / Hot Banana [discontinuous corridor of urbanisation in Western Europe]Blaue Banane {f} [Megalopolis]
econ. geogr. European backbone [Blue Banana]Blaue Banane {f} [Megalopolis]
econ. geogr. European megalopolis [Blue Banana]Blaue Banane {f} [Megalopolis]
bot. skin of a bananaSchale {f} einer Banane
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
electr. single-mode (optical) fibre <SMF> [Br.]Single-Mode-Faser {f} <SMF> [auch: Singlemodefaser]
idiom to be (totally) bananas [coll.](total) Banane sein [ugs.]
bot. gastr. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
automot. wheel house panelBanane {f} [ugs.] [Schutzblech im Radkasten]
automot. fender liner [Am.]Banane {f} [ugs.] [Schutzblech im Radkasten]
automot. fender shield [Am.]Banane {f} [ugs.] [Schutzblech im Radkasten]
Are you going bananas? [Br.] [idiom]Bist du Banane? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom How long is a piece of string?Warum ist die Banane krumm?
With every fiber of my being, I believe in peace. [Am.]Ich glaube mit jeder Faser meines Seins an Frieden.
bot. T
aviat. flying banana [coll.]fliegende Banane {f} [hum.] [Hubschrauber mit hintereinander angeordneten Tandemrotoren]
econ. geogr. Golden Banana [conurbation lying between Valencia in the west and Genoa in the east along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea]Goldene Banane {f} [verdichteter Großraum entlang der Mittelmeerküste bis Valencia, Spanien]
audio speech bananafantsche Banane {f} [auch: Fant'sche Banane] [selten] [Sprachbanane nach Fant]
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