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English-German translation for: Fett auflösen
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Dictionary English German: Fett auflösen

Translation 1 - 50 of 168  >>

to cut grease [dissolve]Fett auflösen
Partial Matches
fat in dry matter <FDM>Fett {n} in der Trockenmasse <Fett i. Tr.> <F.i.T.>
med. adipose {adj}fett
porkily {adv}fett
med. adipose {adj}Fett-
fatty {adj}Fett-
med. lip- {prefix}Fett-
fatFett {n}
greaseFett {n}
agr. rich {adj} [soil]fett [Boden]
fatty {adj}fett [fetthaltig]
rich {adj}fett [Gemisch]
bituminous {adj} [coal]fett [Kohle]
blimpy {adj} [sl.] [pej.]fett [übergewichtig]
print (printed) in bold {adj} [postpos.]fett gedruckt
print (printed) in bold type {adj} [postpos.]fett gedruckt
print (printed) in boldface {adj} [postpos.]fett gedruckt
print in bold print {adj} [postpos.]fett gedruckt
unlubricated {adj}ohne Fett
to run to fatFett ansetzen
to fattenfett machen
to battenfett werden
med. liposuctioned fatabgesaugtes Fett {n}
FoodInd. hardened fatgehärtetes Fett {n}
hydrogenated fatgehärtetes Fett {n}
gastr. vegetable fatpflanzliches Fett {n}
med. subcutaneous fatsubkutanes Fett {n}
animal fattierisches Fett {n}
excess fatübermäßiges Fett {n}
FoodInd. hidden fatverstecktes Fett {n}
rich {adj}fett [Beute, Erträge]
luxuriant {adj}fett [Boden, Weide]
phat {adj} [sl.]fett [super, toll]
sloshed {adj} [esp. Br.] [coll.]fett [ugs.] [betrunken]
wicked {adj} [coll.]fett [ugs.] [toll]
lipophobic {adj}Fett abweisend [Rsv.]
bold-framed {adj} [box]fett umrandet [Feld]
ungreased {adj}ohne Fett [nachgestellt]
to put on weightFett ansetzen [Mensch]
to get fatterFett ansetzen [Tier]
gastr. in its own greaseim eigenen Fett
besmeared with grease {adj} {past-p}mit Fett eingeschmiert
cooking fatFett {n} zum Kochen
comp. print words in boldfett gedruckte Wörter {pl}
print word in bold typefett gedrucktes Wort {n}
print bold {adj}fett [Überschrift, Schlagzeilen etc.]
plump {adj} [fat] [person]fett [ugs.] [pej.] [Person]
print to boldface sth. [typography]etw.Akk. fett schreiben
print to embolden sth. [typography] [rare]etw.Akk. fett schreiben
med. to burn fat [also fig.]Fett verbrennen [auch fig.]
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