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English-German translation for: Fettabsaugung am Hals
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Dictionary English German: Fettabsaugung am Hals

Translation 1 - 50 of 2227  >>

med. neck liposuctionFettabsaugung {f} am Hals
Partial Matches
idiom to have a full plateviel am Hals haben
idiom to have sb. around one's neckjdn. am Hals haben [ugs.]
to have sth. on one's hands [idiom]etw. am Hals haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have enough on one's plate [coll.] [idiom]genug am Hals haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have a lot on one's plate [coll.] [idiom]viel am Hals haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to keep / have several balls in the air [coll.] [idiom]viel am Hals haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to be stuck with sb./sth. [idiom]jdn./etw. am Hals haben [fig.] [Redewendung]
It is a millstone around her neck. [idiom]Es hängt ihr wie ein Mühlstein am Hals. [Redewendung]
med. lipectomyFettabsaugung {f}
cosmet. med. lipo [coll.] [liposuction, lipoplasty]Fettabsaugung {f}
med. liposuctionFettabsaugung {f}
med. suction-assisted fat removal [esp. plastic surgery]Fettabsaugung {f}
cervical {adj} [relating to the neck]Hals-
anat. halse [obs.]Hals {m}
gastr. scragHals {m}
anat. neckHals {m} [außen]
anat. anatomical / anatomic neck of (the) humerus [Collum anatomicum (humeri)]anatomischer Hals {m}
engin. tech. flared neckaufgeweiteter Hals {m}
anat. surgical neck of (the) humerus [Collum chirurgicum (humeri)]chirurgischer Hals {m}
audio mus. neck pickupHals-Tonabnehmer {m}
med. wry neckschiefer Hals {m}
med. stiff necksteifer Hals {m}
dry throattrockener Hals {m}
mus. stem [of a note]Hals {m} [einer Note]
anat. throatHals {m} [Kehle, Rachen]
med. sore throatrauer Hals {m} [Halsschmerzen]
med. turkey waddle [coll.] [fig.]Truthahn-Hals {m} [ugs.]
med. sprained neckverrenkter Hals {m} [ugs.]
med. strained neckverrenkter Hals {m} [ugs.]
at the top of one's voice {adv}aus vollem Hals
neck-deep {adv}bis zum Hals
up to one's throat {adv}bis zum Hals
med. cervical {adj}den Hals betreffend
headlong {adv} [without careful thought]Hals über Kopf
to crane one's neckden Hals recken
mus. fretted neckHals {m} mit Bünden
med. neck and head cancerHals- und Kopfkrebs {m}
pharm. throat preparationsHals- und Rachentherapeutika {pl}
zool. high-set neckhoch angesetzter Hals {m}
med. head and neck carcinoma <HNC>Kopf-Hals-Karzinom {n}
med. head-neck cancer {sg} <HNC>Kopf-Hals-Karzinome {pl}
med. head and neck cancer <HNC>Kopf-Hals-Krebs {m}
med. head-neck cancer <HNC>Kopf-Hals-Krebs {m}
zool. low-set necktief angesetzter Hals {m}
med. otorhinolaryngologyHals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde {f}
lit. F Break no Bones [Kathy Reichs]Hals über Kopf
to clasp sb.'s neckjds. HalsAkk. umschließen
to save sb.'s bacon [idiom]jds. Hals retten [Redewendung]
to save sb.'s neck [idiom]jds. Hals retten [Redewendung]
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