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English-German translation for: Fields
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Dictionary English German: Fields

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NOUN   a field | fields
VERB  to field | fielded | fielded ... 
SYNO   Fields | W. C. Fields ... 
Felder {pl}
Bereiche {pl}
agr. fields
Äcker {pl}
electr. MedTech. fieldsHalbbilder {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
agr. to cultivate fieldsFelder bebauen
2 Words: Nouns
battle fieldsSchlachtfelder {pl}
hist. Catalaunian FieldsKatalaunische Felder {pl}
coca fieldsKokafelder {pl}
color fields [Am.]Farbfelder {pl}
colour fields [Br.]Farbfelder {pl}
agr. cotton fieldsBaumwollfelder {pl}
agr. crop fieldsGetreideäcker {pl}
agr. crop fieldsGetreidefelder {pl}
ethn. geogr. hist. Decumatian Fields {pl} [Agri Decumates]Dekumatland {n} [auch: Dekumatenland] [Agri decumates]
electr. electric fieldselektrische Felder {pl}
myth. Elysian fieldselysische Gefilde {pl}
math. Fields MedalFields-Medaille {f}
fields researchPrimärerhebung {f}
agr. grain fieldsGetreidefelder {pl}
phys. magnetic fieldsMagnetfelder {pl}
comp. mandatory fieldsPflichtfelder {pl}
electr. natural fieldsnatürliche Felder {pl}
numeric fieldsnumerische Felder {pl}
econ. oil fieldsErdölvorkommen {pl} [Ölfelder]
open fields {pl}Flur {f} [geh.]
geogr. Phlegraean FieldsPhlegräische Felder {pl}
sports playing fieldsSportplätze {pl}
ling. semantic fieldsWortfelder {pl}
sports sports fieldsSportplätze {pl}
acad. educ. STEM fieldsMINT-Fächer {pl}
strawberry fieldsErdbeerfelder {pl}
agr. stubble fieldsStoppelfelder {pl}
3 Words: Others
in some fields {adv}auf einigen Gebieten
in the fields {adv}auf dem Feld
3 Words: Verbs
to beat the fieldsdie Felder durchstreifen
agr. to dress the fields [for sowing, planting]die Felder vorbereiten [zur Aussaat usw.]
to range the fieldsdurch die Felder wandern
3 Words: Nouns
educ. combination of fields [Am.] [major and minor]Fächerkombination {f}
educ. combination of fields [Am.] [major and minor]Fächerverbindung {f}
math. computation of fieldsFeldberechnung {f}
econ. sociol. fields of actionHandlungsräume {pl}
fields of activityArbeitsgebiete {pl}
fields of activityAufgabenkreise {pl}
tech. fields of applicationAnwendungsgebiete {pl}
fields of applicationEinsatzfelder {pl}
fields of expertiseFachgebiete {pl}
fields of forceKraftfelder {pl}
fields of interestInteressengebiete {pl}
fields of knowledgeWissensfelder {pl}
fields of knowledgeWissensgebiete {pl}
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A 2024-04-12: (laufende) Forschungsvorhaben von Fachkollegen - (current) research projec...
Q 2024-01-19: (school)fields
A 2022-09-22: My fields of (special) competence are A, B, ...
A 2019-09-10: May I add W.C. Fields to that list:
A 2019-06-08: At this occasion, renown experts will speak on their fields of expertise
A 2014-12-04: Strawberry fields forever.
A 2014-05-05: For the purposes of early warning, containment has to be tackled in the ov...
A 2013-05-20: They're all available next to the input fields for just a click each.
A 2012-10-07: Subject fields NUR zur Disambiguierung???
A 2012-10-04: Ambivalent use of the Subject Fields
A 2012-07-16: "verhärtete Felder" (dry, caked fields) aren't either
A 2012-03-25: +cotton fields+ are in the US South, known for serious +protest marches+ r...
A 2012-03-24: potato fields
A 2012-01-15: Dark underlay marks out obligatory fields - - - on a dark underlay
A 2011-12-02: call to the profession of elecrical specialist in particular fields of activity
A 2011-07-04: "I was told to take a streetcar named Desire and then one named Elysian Fi...
A 2011-04-22: Agree with Fields
A 2011-02-02: He knew a bit about the law and was of middling intellegence even in other...
A 2010-09-20: recommended for all three fields
A 2010-09-16: "Fields of knowledge and interest" it is.

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