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English-German translation for: Films
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Dictionary English German: Films

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NOUN   a film | films
VERB  to film | filmed | filmed ... 
Filme {pl}
phys. filmsdünne Schichten {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
(film) sensitivityEmpfindlichkeit {f} (eines Films)
agr. material agricultural filmsAgrarfolien {pl}
ancient filmsalte Filme {pl}
film hist. pol. atrocity films {pl} [documentaries about concentration camps]Greuelfilme {pl} [Genre] [fachsprachlich für: Dokumentarfilme aus KZs]
film chase filmsFilme {pl} mit Verfolgungsjagden
film chopsocky films [coll.] [pej.] [esp. Am.]Martial-Arts-Filme {pl} [Genre] [bes. aus dem Fernen Osten]
feature filmsHauptfilme {pl}
film mainstream filmsMainstreamfilme {pl}
film peplum filmsSandalenfilme {pl} [Genre]
film preceding filmsVorgängerfilme {pl}
substandard filmsSchmalfilme {pl}
film RadioTV television filmsFernsehfilme {pl}
violent filmsGewaltfilme {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
film to act in filmsin Filmen spielen
3 Words: Nouns
film car chase filmsFilme {pl} mit Autoverfolgungsjagden
film catalog of films [Am.]Filmkatalog {m}
film catalogue of filmsFilmkatalog {m}
film choice of filmsFilmauswahl {f}
film ideas for filmsFilmideen {pl} [Ideen für Filme]
electr. piezoelectric thin filmspiezoelektrische Dünnschichten {pl}
film re-education films {pl}Umerziehungsfilme {pl} [auch Genre]
film hist. pol. re-orientation films {pl}Umerziehungsfilme {pl} [auch Genre]
4 Words: Nouns
film ending of the filmAusgang {m} des Films
MedTech. medical X-ray filmsmedizinische Röntgenfilme {pl}
educ. film nuts-and-bolts filmsLehrfilme {pl} [Genre der "Wie wird's gemacht?" - / "How-To ..." - Filme]
film market. preview of a filmVorschau {f} eines neuen Films
film sequel of a filmFortsetzung {f} eines Films
showing of film clipsausschnittsweise Wiedergabe {f} eines Films
film site of the filmDrehort {m} des Films
photo. speed of a filmEmpfindlichkeit {f} eines Films
film sword and sandal filmsSandalenfilme {pl} [Genre]
5+ Words: Others
at the time of silent films {adv}zur Zeit des Stummfilms
5+ Words: Nouns
film films based on video gamesVideospielverfilmungen {pl}
MedTech. processing of silver-coated X-ray filmsBildverarbeitung {f} von silberbeschichteten Röntgenfilmen
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A 2025-02-03: Nein, RedRufus. Der Filmtitel bezieht sich eindeutig auf die drei Protagon...
A 2023-12-04: the most reflective films
A 2020-07-05: Or is it how much it costs to watch the films? A pay-per-view system?
A 2017-06-17: A collection of films, gramophone records, music, etc. ....
A 2017-01-24: american films shouldn't appear in bulk on minor sites
A 2015-12-22: Das hat "Die Zeit" 1985 geschrieben? Über 20 Jahre nach Veröffentlichung d...
Q 2015-10-06: About films
A 2015-07-29: I'd say: Der Inhalt des Films wurde redaktionell überarbeitet
A 2015-03-23: director of films
A 2015-03-23: director of films
Q 2015-03-23: director of films
A 2015-02-11: It's quite a common 'device' in AE, also known in Britain from films and t...
A 2014-01-16: a series on Ernst Lubitsch films, an Ernst Lubitsch series
A 2013-05-17: it's roughly a bastard (and the prototypical Nazi invective in films and p...
A 2013-03-31: I would use simple past, as the films were finished a while ago - Parts of...
A 2012-09-02: Dubbed films
A 2012-04-04: The apostrophe after "films" is crucial to the meaning.
Q 2012-04-04: ... the films' takes on a double-coded significance...
A 2011-07-04: and not so good films
A 2011-06-08: All I know is that "docs examine blood films." In combination with "appear...

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