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English-German translation for: Fleet
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Dictionary English German: Fleet

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ADJ   fleet | fleeter/more fleet | fleetest/most fleet
NOUN   a fleet | fleets
VERB  to fleet | fleeted | fleeted ... 
SYNO   fleet | swift | to dart | to fleet ... 
NOUN   das Fleet | die Fleete
fleet {adj}
fleet {adj}
to fleet [literary] [vanish, e.g. clouds](schnell) vergehen [sich in nichts auflösen, z. B. Wolken]
fleet [Navy, company car, airline]
Flotte {f}
mil. naut. fleet
Geschwader {n}
hydro. dike [channel]
Fleet {n} [nordd.]
2 Words: Others
fleet-footed {adj}leichtfüßig
fleet-footed {adj}schnellfüßig
2 Words: Nouns
mil. naut. (fleet) oilerFlottentanker {m}
aviat. mil. air fleetLuftflotte {f}
aviat. aircraft fleetFlugzeugflotte {f}
aviat. aircraft fleetFlugzeugpark {m}
mil. naut. armed fleetKriegsflotte {f}
mil. naut. Atlantic fleetAtlantikflotte {f}
automobile fleetFahrzeugpark {m}
mil. naut. Baltic fleetOstseeflotte {f}
mil. battle fleetKriegsflotte {f}
mil. battle fleetSchlachtflotte {f}
naut. becalmed fleetliegende Flotte {f}
blockage fleetBlockadeflotte {f}
transp. travel bus fleetBusflotte {f}
mil. naut. Channel FleetKanalflotte {f}
naut. commercial fleetHandelsflotte {f}
automot. transp. corporate fleetFirmenflotte {f}
cruising fleetVergnügungsflotte {f}
fish naut. fishing fleetFangflotte {f}
naut. fishing fleetFischereiflotte {f}
fish naut. fishing fleetFischfangflotte {f}
naut. Fleet Admiral [Am.]Flottenadmiral {m}
naut. Fleet Admiral [Am.]Großadmiral {m}
mil. fleet carrierFlottenflugzeugträger {m}
fleet commandFlottenkommando {n}
transp. fleet controlFlottensteuerung {f}
comm. fleet customerFlottenkunde {m}
mil. naut. fleet deploymentFlottenaufmarsch {m}
mil. naut. fleet deploymentFlotteneinsatz {m}
hist. mil. naut. fleet diplomaFlottendiplom {n}
jobs med. mil. fleet doctor [navy]Flottillenarzt {m}
mil. fleet headquarters {sg}Flottenhauptquartier {n}
aviat. fleet inductionEinflottung {f}
transp. fleet managementFlottenmanagement {n}
transp. fleet managementFlottensteuerung {f}
transp. fleet managementFuhrparkmanagement {n}
transp. fleet managementFuhrparksteuerung {f}
jobs transp. fleet managerFuhrparkleiter {m}
jobs transp. fleet managersFuhrparkleiter {pl}
fleet modernisation [Br.]Flottenmodernisierung {f}
fleet modernizationFlottenmodernisierung {f}
rail transp. fleet numberBetriebsnummer {f}
mil. naut. fleet review [naval]Flottenparade {f}
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A 2018-12-07: I fleetly fleet...
A 2018-12-07: The song you quoted has fleetly as an adverb, not fleet as a verb, so that...
A 2018-12-06: flit / fleet
Q 2018-12-06: flit vs. fleet
A 2015-07-18: Fleet deployment
Q 2015-07-18: fleet deployment => Flottenaufmarsch
A 2011-12-06: Fleet test
A 2011-12-06: fleet test
A 2011-08-28: Developing a reorganization concept for departments in medium-sized busine...
A 2010-07-26: to adjust air pressure abnormality according the standards of the vehicle fleet
A 2010-02-22: We rely on a fleet of 17 lorries / trucks that regularly travel for you th...
A 2009-07-11: and kept growing, until it would claim the controversial fame of owning th...
Q 2009-07-11: ,... growing to claim the dubious distinction of owning the world's larges...
A 2008-10-21: typo: fleet ?
A 2008-10-06: yes, my answer was just fleeting...(or should that just be 'fleet'? :-)
A 2008-06-20: to rejuvenate the fleet under our flag
A 2008-01-29: französisch ? fleet = Flotte, Wagenpark, Fuhrpark
Q 2008-01-29: ..fleet items... (französisches Englisch, haha)
A 2007-07-04: fleet of power stations
Q 2006-05-19: civil aviation fleet

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• Fleet
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fleet carrier
fleet command
fleet control
fleet customer
fleet deployment
fleet diploma
fleet doctor

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