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English-German translation for: Fleischer-Ring
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Dictionary English German: Fleischer Ring

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med. Fleischer ring [also: Fleischer's ring] [caused by iron deposits]Fleischer-Ring {m}
med. Kayser-Fleischer (corneal) ring <KF ring> [caused by copper deposits]Kayser-Fleischer-Kornealring {m}
med. Kayser-Fleischer ring <KF ring>Kayser-Fleischer-Ring {m}
Partial Matches
jobs butcherFleischer {m}
jobs meat cutter [Am.] [butcher]Fleischer {m}
astron. crêpe ring <C ring> [spv.]Crêpe-Ring {m} [Rsv.]
tech. O-ringNullring / Null-Ring {m} [DDR-Begriff] [O-Ring]
sports to carry out of the ringaus dem Ring tragen
to put on a ringsichDat. einen Ring aufstecken
gastr. (gas) ring [esp. Br.] [burner]Ring {m} [Kochstelle, Kochbrennstelle]
math. unique factorization domain <UFD>faktorieller Ring {m} <ZPE-Ring>
pol. Ring of Political YouthRing {m} politischer Jugend <RPJ>
math. ring of operatorsRing {m} von Operatoren [veraltet] [von-Neumann-Algebra]
mus. F The Ring of the NibelungDer Ring des Nibelungen [Richard Wagner]
to slip on a ringeinen Ring überstreifen
lit. F The Ring of Five Dragons [Eric Van Lustbader]Der Ring der Drachen
to put / place a ring on sb.'s fingerjdm. einen Ring aufstecken [zeremoniell]
tech. Turn ring as far as it will go.Ring drehen, bis er anschlägt.
med. pharm. vaginal ring <V-ring>Monatsring {m} [Vaginalring]
games ring-a-ring-o' rosesRingelreigen {m}
games ring-a-ring-o' rosesRingelreihen {m}
games ring-a-ring-of-rosesRingelreihen {m}
hist. shen ring [Egyptology]Schen-Ring {m} [Ägyptologie]
sports Clear the ring!Ring frei!
comp. MedTech. ring topologyRing-Verkabelung {f} [Ringtopologie]
meteo. Ulloa's ringUlloas Ring {m}
electr. ring circuit [Br.]Ring-Circuit {m} [ringförmige Stromverteilung; eine im Vereinigten Königreich verbreitete Elektroinstallation]
to stick a ring on a fingereinen Ring auf einen Finger stecken
chem. aromatic ringaromatischer Ring {m}
math. Artinian ringartinscher Ring {m}
zool. ectotympanic ringectotympanischer Ring {m}
math. Euclidean ringeuklidischer Ring {m}
tech. knurled ringgerändelter Ring {m}
electr. Gramme ringGrammescher Ring {m}
math. semisimple ringhalbeinfacher Ring {m}
math. commutative ringkommutativer Ring {m}
precious ringkostbarer Ring {m}
math. local ringlokaler Ring {m}
math. Noetherian ringnoetherscher Ring {m}
comp. MedTech. ring topologyRing-Topologie {f}
math. topological ringtopologischer Ring {m}
math. trivial ringtrivialer Ring {m}
math. unital ringunitaler Ring {m}
math. unitary ringunitärer Ring {m}
to throw one's hat in / into the ring [idiom]seinen Hut in den Ring werfen [Redewendung]
electr. O-ring circuitO-Ring-Schaltkreis {m} [auch: O-Ring-Schaltung]
games F Ring: The Legend of the NibelungenDer Ring des Nibelungen
lit. theatre F Gyges and His RingGyges und sein Ring [Friedrich Hebbel]
film lit. F the One Ring [J. R. R. Tolkien]der Eine Ring {m}
electr. MedTech. ring-down artifact [Am.]Ring-down-Artefakt {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
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