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English-German translation for: Flight
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Dictionary English German: Flight

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NOUN   a flight | flights
VERB  to flight | flighted | flighted ... 
SYNO   flight | flight of stairs ... 
aviat. flight {adj} [attr.] [e.g. data, cancellation, attendant, controller]
Flug- [z. B. Daten, Ausfall, Begleiter, Lotse]
-flight {adj} [staircase]
-läufig [Treppenhaus]
orn. to flight [of birds]in Schwärmen ziehen [Vögel]
Flug {m}
flight [escape]
Flucht {f}
constr. flight [of stairs]
Treppenlauf {m} [Bauteil]
aviat. travel flight
Flugreise {f}
aviat. flight
Formation {f}
orn. flight [birds]
Schar {f}
orn. flight
Schwarm {m}
aviat. mil. flight
Schwarm {m} [Flugformation]
mil. flight
Staffel {f} [Luftwaffe: Einheit]
flight [of pigeons]
Schar {f} [Tauben]
market. flightWerbephase {f} [Zeitraum, in dem Werbung getrieben wird]
flight [dart, arrow]Steuerfeder {f}
2 Words: Others
in flight {adj} {pres-p}fliegend
aviat. in-flight {adj} [attr.]während des Fluges / Flugs [nachgestellt]
aviat. post-flight {adj} [attr.]nach dem Flug [nachgestellt]
aviat. pre-flight {adj} [attr.]vor dem Flug [nachgestellt]
sports top-flight {adj}Erstliga-
top-flight {adj}erstrangig
top-flight {adj}Spitzen-
2 Words: Verbs
to take flightfliehen
to take flightflüchten
to take flight [flee]die Flucht ergreifen
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. (flight) attitudeFluglage {f}
aviat. TrVocab. (flight) baggageFluggepäck {n}
aviat. (flight) captainFlugkapitän {m}
aviat. (flight) levelFlughöhe {f}
(intellectual) flight(intellektueller) Höhenflug {m}
tech. (screw) flightSchneckengang {m} [Extruder]
aviat. acrobatic flightKunstflug {m}
aviat. afternoon flightNachmittagsflug {m}
aid flightHilfsflug {m}
air flightFlug {m}
aviat. altitude flightHöhenflug {m}
aviat. ambulance flightAmbulanzflug {m}
ambulance flightRettungsflug {m}
aviat. artificial flight [manflight; opposed to natural flight of e.g. birds]Kunstflug {m} [veraltet] [Flugversuche von Menschen; Gegensatz zum natürlichen Flug z. B. von Vögeln]
aviat. backward flightRückwärtsflug {m}
aviat. balloon flightBallonfahrt {f}
aviat. balloon flightBallonflug {m}
aviat. bargain flightSchnäppchenflug {m} [ugs.]
brew beer flight[gleichzeitige Auswahl an verschiedenen Biersorten zum Verkosten]
blind flightBlindflug {m}
aviat. bumpy flightschlechter Flug {m}
aviat. bumpy flightunruhiger Flug {m}
butterfly's flightSchmetterlingsflug {m}
econ. capital flightKapitalabfluss {m}
econ. fin. capital flightKapitalflucht {f}
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A 2021-09-07: a flock / flight of doves and a murder of crows were passing through each other
A 2018-12-17: nein, siehe: "... and is not typically used to refer to a stand-alone Nons...
Q 2018-12-17: flight leg
Q 2018-06-13: flight mechanic
Q 2018-06-13: flight bay
Q 2018-01-10: in-flight project
Q 2017-04-02: flight reference
A 2016-09-14: Powered flight
A 2016-03-30: to set off a formation flight, to set them off in a co-ordinated flight
Q 2015-12-29: fliehen/flüchten > to flee/to escape/to take flight/to fly
Q 2015-07-26: Flight requested by
A 2015-07-23: Correction: After successful completion of the Y flight +training programm...
A 2015-07-23: after successful completion of the Y flight +training programme,+ X side +...
A 2015-04-05: flight ~ succession of objects (f l i g h t of stairs) / Flucht ~ Folge ...
A 2015-04-05: +flight+ hier oft > +Kollektion+
Q 2015-04-04: flight [sampler]
A 2015-03-25: What makes the new system special is that it just takes a few modification...
A 2015-02-20: My flight leaves at 8 a.m.
A 2015-02-10: open-jaw flight
Q 2014-09-07: Seen this? Baby elephant's flight in four-seater plane

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