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English-German translation for: Food
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Dictionary English German: Food

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NOUN1   food | -
NOUN2   a food | foods
SYNO   food | food for thought ... 
Essen {n}
Lebensmittel {n}
food [nourishment]
Nahrung {f}
Verpflegung {f}
Ernährung {f} [Nahrungsmittel, Nahrung]
gastr. food
Speise {f}
agr. zool. food [for animals]
Futter {n} [für Tiere]
Nahrungsmittel {n}
food [fare, diet]
Kost {f}
Fressen {n} [Futter]
gastr. food {sg}
Speisen {pl} [kollektiv]
food {sg}Esswaren {pl} [insgesamt]
FoodInd. nutraceuticalFunctional Food {n}
2 Words: Others
food regulatory {adj}lebensmittelrechtlich
med. food-dependent {adj}nahrungsabhängig
FoodInd. gastr. food-grade {adj}lebensmittelecht
food-safe {adj}lebensmittelecht
food-safe {adj}lebensmittelunbedenklich
2 Words: Verbs
to adulterate foodNahrung verfälschen
to allow foodNahrung geben
to assimilate foodNahrung aufnehmen
to dispatch food [to devour] [hum.]Essen verputzen [ugs.]
to donate foodLebensmittel spenden
to prepare foodEssen zubereiten
to refuse foodNahrung verweigern
to serve fooddas Essen auftragen
2 Words: Nouns
mil. (food) supplies {pl}Proviant {m}
abominable foodmiese Verpflegung {f} [ugs.]
FoodInd. adulterated food {sg}verfälschte Lebensmittel {pl}
gastr. travel airplane food [coll.] [usu. pej.]Flugzeugessen {n}
animal foodTierfutter {n}
agr. zool. animal foodTiernahrung {f}
animal foodfleischliche Nahrung {f}
animal foodtierische Nahrung {f}
appetizing foodappetitliche Nahrung {f}
FoodInd. baby foodBabynahrung {f}
baby foodKindernahrung {f}
FoodInd. baby foodKleinkindnahrung {f}
med. baby foodSäuglingsnahrung {f}
baby food [puree]Babybrei {m}
baby-foodKindernahrung {f}
bad food {sg}verdorbene Lebensmittel {pl}
gastr. bar foodBarfood {n} [Snack, Mini-Mahlzeit]
gastr. barbecued foodBratgut {n}
basic foodGrundnahrung {f}
FoodInd. bio food [coll.]Biofood {n} [ugs.]
FoodInd. bio-food {sg} [coll.]Bioprodukte {pl} [ugs.]
bird foodVogelfutter {n}
gastr. bland foodfades Essen {n}
gastr. bowl foodBowl-Food {n}
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A 2024-05-13: Soll der verifizierte Eintrag food store within walking distance korrigie...
Q 2024-05-10: Nahversorger = [food shop / store within walking distance]
Q 2023-06-29: food noise
A 2021-12-13: In the U.S. Navy, the current equivalent would be the "Food Service Officer."
A 2021-02-05: May you devour such rich food more than once a week?
Q 2020-10-20: onsite food and drinks
A 2020-06-05: Amerikanisch ist eher +porno+ — z.B. +food porno+
A 2019-08-25: Wir könnten Subject Food vergeben
Q 2019-02-20: whole food plant-based diet
A 2019-02-10: Hallo Proteus, Du lieferst uns ja eine Unmenge +food for thought+, aber
A 2019-01-28: Kazakh Food
A 2018-10-25: Food and beverage
A 2018-09-28: (official) food control = Lebensmittelpolizei {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
Q 2018-03-28: slice food
A 2018-03-22: The ingestion of salt-containing food changes the blood salt concentration.
A 2017-10-22: The food smells good.
Q 2017-10-01: Food for thought, particularly in Germany?
A 2017-09-04: +Töttchen+ is a kind of ragout, +Altbierbowle+ a kind of punch. So the foo...
A 2017-08-01: Lots of excellent food for thought, as always
A 2017-06-27: to be off your food

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