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English-German translation for: Fort Maguire aulonocara
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Dictionary English German: Fort Maguire aulonocara

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

NOUN   a Fort Maguire aulonocara | Fort Maguire aulonocaras
fish T
Partial Matches
film F Jerry Maguire [Cameron Crowe]Jerry MaguireSpiel des Lebens
fish T
mil. fortFestung {f}
fortFort {n}
hist. fortKastell {n}
games blanket fortDeckenburg {f}
archi. hist. cavalry fortReiterkastell {n}
archi. mil. detached fortAußenfort {n}
geogr. hist. Fort PilarFort {n} Pilar
geogr. Fort SantiagoFestung {f} Santiago
geogr. Fort WorthFort Worth {n}
hist. mil. mile fortMeilenfestung {f}
mil. RealEst. military fortMilitärfort {n}
archaeo. archi. hist. Roman fortRömerkastell {n}
archaeo. hist. mil. Roman fortrömisches Kastell {n}
geol. Fort Union FormationFort-Union-Formation {f}
med. Fort-Bragg feverFort-Bragg-Fieber {n}
dent. Le Fort fractureLe-Fort-Fraktur {f}
comics F Fort Duckburg [Disney]Fort Entenhausen
to hold the fort [idiom]die Stellung halten [fig.]
film F Fort Algiers [Lesley Selander]Brennpunkt Algier
film F Fort Apache [John Ford]Bis zum letzten Mann
film F Fort Dobbs [Gordon Douglas]Im Höllentempo nach Fort Dobbs
film F Fort Utah [Lesley Selander]Die gesetzlosen Drei
film F Fort Vengeance [Lesley Selander]Fort der Rache
lit. F The Fort [Bernard Cornwell]Das Fort
geogr. Fort Yuma [also: Yuma Crossing]Fort Yuma {n}
hist. Capture of Fort Ticonderoga [1775]Einnahme {f} von Fort Ticonderoga
archaeo. archi. hist. refuge fort [for the local populace]Bauernburg {f} [auch Fluchtburg, Fliehburg]
archaeo. archi. hist. refuge fort [for the local populace]Fliehburg {f} [auch: Fluchtburg oder Volksburg]
hist. wagon fort [defensive formation of wagons]Wagenburg {f}
They've turned their house into Fort Knox.Sie haben aus ihrem Haus eine Festung gemacht.
hist. mil. wagon fort [mobile fortification made of wagons, earth work and palisades]Tabor {m} [Wagenburg]
med. VetMed. Fort Bragg fever [Am.] [coll.] [caused by Leptospira interrogans serogroup autumnalis]Leptospirose {f}
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