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Dictionary English German: Fortress

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

English German
NOUN   a fortress | fortresses
SYNO   fort | fortress
archi. mil. fortress
Festung {f}
archi. hist. mil. fortress
Burg {f}
Bollwerk {n}
archi. hist. mil. fortress
Feste {f} [veraltet] [Festung]
2 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. Alpine fortressAlpenfestung {f}
archaeo. hist. Babylon FortressFestung {f} Babylon
mil. border fortressGrenzfestung {f}
hist. Brest FortressFestung {f} Brest
hist. Crusader fortressKreuzfahrerfestung {f}
Ehrenbreitstein FortressFestung {f} Ehrenbreitstein [auch: Feste Ehrenbreitstein]
aviat. mil. flying fortress [Boeing B-17]Fliegende Festung {f} [Boeing B-17]
archi. fortress architectFestungsarchitekt {m}
archi. hist. mil. fortress architectFestungsbaumeister {m}
archi. fortress architectureFestungsbaukunst {f}
hist. mil. fortress artillery [also: garrison artillery]Festungsartillerie {f}
hist. Fortress BreslauFestung {f} Breslau
jobs mil. fortress builderFestungsbauer {m}
archi. relig. fortress churchFestungskirche {f} [Wehrkirche wie auch Kirche in einer Festung]
archi. hist. relig. fortress churchKirchenburg {f}
archi. fortress churchWehrkirche {f}
archi. hist. mil. fortress cityFestungsstadt {f}
jobs mil. fortress commandantFestungskommandant {m}
jobs mil. fortress commanderFestungskommandant {m}
fortress constructionFestungsbau {m}
law fortress detentionFestungshaft {f}
pol. Fortress EuropeFestung Europa {f}
hist. mil. fortress garrisonFestungsbesatzung {f}
archaeo. archi. relig. fortress templeFestungstempel {m}
hist. mil. fortress warFestungskrieg {m}
hist. mil. fortress warfare [also: fortress-warfare]Festungskrieg {m}
mil. relig. fortress-monasteryFestungskloster {n}
harbor fortress [Am.]Hafenfestung {f}
harbour fortress [Br.]Hafenfestung {f}
hist. mil. imperial fortressReichsfestung {f}
mil. island fortressInselfestung {f}
hist. legionary fortressLegionslager {n}
archi. hist. mil. Marienberg Fortress [Würzburg]Festung {f} Marienberg [Würzburg]
hist. Modlin FortressFestung {f} Modlin
mountain fortressBergfestung {f}
mountainside fortressBergfeste {f} [geh.]
mountainside fortressBergfestung {f}
rock fortressFelsenfestung {f}
sea fortressSeefestung {f}
archi. mil. stone fortressSteinfestung {f}
strong fortressstarke Festung {f}
archi. hist. town fortressStadtfestung {f}
3 Words: Verbs
hist. mil. to assault a fortresseine Festung bestürmen
mil. to attack a fortresseine Festung angreifen
hist. mil. to besiege a fortresseine Festung belagern
to carry a fortresseine Festung erobern
mil. to win a fortresseine Festung einnehmen
3 Words: Nouns
archi. mountain stronghold / fortressBergfeste {f} [veraltet] [Bergfestung]
archi. hist. Špilberk Castle / FortressFestung {f} Spielberg
4 Words: Nouns
archi. Peter and Paul FortressPeter- und Paulsfestung {f}
ruins {pl} of the fortressFestungsruine {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. Yeomen Warders (of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London)Yeomen Warders {pl} [Wärter im Tower von London]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. relig. F A Mighty Fortress Is Our GodEin feste Burg ist unser Gott [Martin Luther]
mus. F A mighty fortress is our GodEin' feste Burg ist unser Gott [J. S. Bach, BWV 80]
lit. F Digital Fortress [Dan Brown]Diabolus
mus. F In a Fortress [also: On a Fortress]Auf einer Burg [R. Schumann, Liederkreis, Op. 39]
lit. F Sharpe's Fortress [Bernard Cornwell]Sharpes Festung
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Q 2014-09-18: surprise attack, fortress Belgrade.
A 2009-03-05: Above the Centre looms the fortress, silhouetted against a backdrop of sol...
A 2009-02-22: Zitadelle > citadel (fortress as a place of refuge but also a seat of oppr...
A 2008-06-23: A "Burg" is a castle used primarily as a fortress, built in the Middle Ages,
Q 2006-11-25: fortress
A 2005-12-08: Proteus, can you hold the fortress? I NEED to go to bed now! Back by noon.

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