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English-German translation for: Fossil
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Dictionary English German: Fossil

Translation 1 - 50 of 97  >>


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ADJ   fossil | - | -
NOUN   a fossil | fossils
SYNO   dodo | fogey | fogy | fossil
ADJ  fossil | - | - ... 
NOUN   das Fossil | die Fossilien
SYNO   Fossil... | fossilienhaltig | Fossil ... 
fossil {adj}
geol. fossil {adj}
fossiliferous {adj}Fossil-
Versteinerung {f}
Fossil {n}
fossilPetrefakt {n} [veraltet]
fossilverknöcherter Mensch {m}
2 Words: Others
geol. hist. fossil-bearing {adj}fossilführend
geol. hist. fossil-bearing {adj}fossilienhaltig
ecol. mineral. fossil-free {adj}fossilfrei
2 Words: Nouns
geol. zool. animal fossilTierfossil {n}
geol. zool. bat fossilFledermausfossil {n} [auch: Fledermaus-Fossil]
geol. compression fossilKompressionsfossil {n}
geol. facies fossilFaziesfossil {n}
fish geol. fish fossilFischfossil {n}
geol. fossil archiveFossilarchiv {n} [auch: Fossil-Archiv]
geol. fossil assemblageFossilanhäufung {f}
fossil CO2fossiles CO2 {n}
geol. fossil collectionFossiliensammlung {f}
geol. fossil collectorFossiliensammler {m}
biol. geol. fossil communityFossilgemeinschaft {f}
biol. geol. fossil communityFossiliengemeinschaft {f}
geol. fossil contentFossilinhalt {m}
geol. fossil determinationFossilienbestimmung {f}
geol. fossil diagenesisFossildiagenese {f}
archaeo. geol. fossil discoveriesFossilfunde {pl}
geol. zool. fossil faunaFossilfauna {f}
archaeo. geol. fossil findFossilfund {m}
archaeo. geol. fossil findFossilienfund {m}
archaeo. geol. fossil findsFossilfunde {pl}
bot. geol. fossil floraFossilflora {f}
geol. fossil forgeryFossilfälschung {f}
fossil fuelfossiler Brennstoff {m}
ecol. fossil fuelfossiler Energieträger {m}
ecol. fossil fuelsfossile Brennstoffe {pl}
ecol. fossil fuelsfossile Energieträger {pl}
ecol. fossil fuels [for autos, trucks, etc.]fossile Treibstoffe {pl}
geol. fossil gas [natural gas]fossiles Gas {n} [Erdgas]
biol. geol. fossil historyFossilgeschichte {f}
geol. fossil identificationFossilienbestimmung {f}
geol. fossil imprintFossilabdruck {m}
fossil materialFossilmaterial {n}
geol. fossil mealInfusorienerde {f}
biol. geol. fossil occurrenceFossilvorkommen {n}
geol. fossil oilErdöl {n}
geol. fossil oilSteinöl {n}
geol. fossil preservationFossilerhaltung {f}
geol. fossil quarryFossiliensteinbruch {m}
biol. geol. fossil recordFossilbericht {m}
biol. geol. fossil recordFossilüberlieferung {f}
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A 2012-08-24: http://visual.merriam-webster.com/energy/geothermal-fossil-energy/oil/dril...
A 2008-01-15: You wouldn't say that, you'd use sth. like 'howzit goin, ol fossil', sth. ...
A 2006-10-14: @Riddle - no way, das Fossil bin ich, klick mal auf mich...:)

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