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English-German translation for: Founded
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Dictionary English German: Founded

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
ADJ   founded | more founded | most founded
VERB  to found | founded | founded ... 
founded {adj} {past-p}
begründet <begr.> [gegründet]
sb. founded
jd. gründete
founded {past-p} {adj}
gegründet <gegr.>
founded {past-p}
sb. founded
jd. errichtete
2 Words
best founded {adj} [often with hyphen] [attr.]bestbegründet [attr.]
newly founded {adj}neugegründet
newly founded {adj} {past-p}neu gegründet
well-founded {adj}fundiert
well-founded {adj}stichhaltig
well-founded {adj}(gut) begründet
well-founded {adj}wohl begründet [Rsv.]
well-founded {adj} [fear, suspicion]wohlbegründet
3 Words
founded in 1753 {adj} [postpos.]1753 gegründet
founded in 19051905 gegründet
founded on documentsurkundlich belegt
relig. founded on grace {adj}gnadenhaft
to be founded on sth.auf etw.Dat. errichtet sein
to declare sth. well-foundedetw. als begründet erklären
to prove well-foundedsich bewahrheiten
better founded knowledgefundierteres Wissen {n}
ill-founded assertionder Grundlage entbehrende Behauptung {f}
well-founded argumentbegründetes Argument {n}
well-founded knowledgefundiertes Wissen {n}
law well-founded suspicion [of having committed a crime]begründeter Tatverdacht {m}
well-founded theorygesicherte Theorie {f}
4 Words
founded by leading banks {adj} [postpos.]von führenden Banken gegründet
5+ Words
The firm was founded by ...Die Firma wurde von ... begründet.
This report is well founded.Dieser Bericht ist fundiert.
acad. Leibniz Society of Sciences to Berlin e.V. - Founded 1700 as Brandenburg Society of SciencesLeibniz-Sozietät {f} der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e. V. - begründet 1700 als Brandenburgische Sozietät der Wissenschaften
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Q 2020-06-01: ..was said to have founded..
A 2014-09-13: Established / founded
A 2014-09-01: I think +since X was founded in 1980+ presents a 'cognitive load',
A 2014-05-28: I understand it to mean that it was organised (founded?) in 1998, not that...
A 2013-04-11: Well-founded doubts. To "heal sth. into sth. else" is awkward.
A 2012-03-11: "A business" = General Electric. Edison founded GE.
A 2011-07-25: The family-owned business, founded in 1872. is now run in its fourth generation
A 2011-07-25: The company, founded in 1872, is now run by the fourth family generation.
A 2011-07-16: Founded is ok, too - http://www.google.at/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=de&...
A 2011-07-16: :-) Ok, "founded" can't be used in this case?
A 2011-05-01: Often a fig-leaf union founded by the bosses themselves.
A 2011-03-02: +Successful since 2002+ - is correct, and it would be understood to mean t...
A 2009-09-14: kann ich sagen "who founded a joint venture"? wie verwende ich "joint venture"?
A 2009-09-08: Catesse's is the best imo. You might subsitute with "built, founded".
A 2009-07-02: Company X was founded in 1995 and has been specialising in meeting Y's req...
A 2009-05-26: in the so founded Task Force Enterprise..?
A 2009-03-20: ... is evidently founded on false facts
A 2008-11-28: if criterion then surely based/ founded on ...
A 2008-05-29: good point from Proteus... even "Founded in 1981 and headquartered in, XYZ..."
A 2008-05-29: founded in 1981 with headquarters in

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founded in 1753
founded in 1905
founded on documents
founded on grace
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